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On 24/05/2022 at 12:00, TQR said:

Cunt Shapps has been doing the rounds this morning trying to defend the PM and those photos everyone has now seen.


In his stellar defence, he says Johnson was “clearly not partying…and let’s not forget he lost his mum in that period”.


So that settles it then, Johnson was mourning his mum at that party…who died ten months after it.


Even if you lay COVID aside, why was there so much partying in Downing Street? 


Maybe I'm just anti-social but come half-five I'm happy to be out of the company of work arseholes. It is possible to drink at home....alone... 

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Not that it will make the blindest bit of difference, but gotta laugh all the same


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Macron is looking for ways to "save Putin's face."  I can suggest one -
 to save Putin's face in the war with Ukraine, you need:
 1. Glass jar, plain.
 2. Three liters of formalin.
 3. Seaming cover, ordinary.
 4. Putin's head, bald.
 5. Self-adhesive label with conservation date.

© Maxim Mirovich



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I don’t think Nads should start a hip hop group,

She’s much more adept at tonguing Johnson’s hoop.

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Oh, here's another cracker.  Wonder which Tory crony trousered this little bonus.


Did the Government squander £500,000 on cones at Newbury Showground Covid test centre?



A GOVERNMENT agency has potentially squandered half a million pounds unnecessarily hiring traffic cones at Newbury Showground in Chieveley.

The site was used as a coronavirus testing centre between June 2020 and March this year.

Traffic cones were used to help control the flow of traffic – and a whistleblower told the Newbury Weekly News that, instead of simply being bought, they were hired instead... at an astronomical cost to the taxpayer.


But when the NWN investigated, we were stonewalled by the UK Health Security Agency (formerly Public Health England).

A Freedom of Information Act (FoIA) request to discover how many cones were used and how much they cost was also turned down.

So we did our own calculations based on figures provided by local firms.


Our figures are postulated on two scenarios: one involving 500 cones and the other, 1,000 cones.

Had the agency bought the cones outright, it would have cost around £3,245 for 500 or £6,490 for 1,000.

However, the agency did confirm: "The site is managed by a private partner and the bollards were hired by these to satisfy health and safety considerations."

Using the cost offered by a local firm, the NWN has calculated that it could have cost £294,000 if just 500 cones were hired or a staggering £588,000 if the number was 1,000.

There were 550 testing sites operated by the agency across the country, meaning the potential cost to the taxpayer could have topped £3 billion.

Using the FoIA we asked the UK Health Security Agency how many bollards had been hired at the Newbury site.


The agency confirmed that it held the information requested but refused to disclose it on the grounds that it would take "an excessive amount of time and resources to retrieve the numbers."

The response added: "Section 12(1) of the Act means public authorities are not obliged to comply with a request for information if it estimates the cost of complying would exceed the appropriate limit.

"The appropriate limit for UKHSA is set at £450, which represents the cost of one person spending 18 hours determining whether we hold the information, and then locating, retrieving and extracting the information."

We then asked how much money had been spent on renting the bollards at Newbury Showground.

The agency again confirmed that it possessed that information, but declined to release it – because it was supposedly not in the public interest to do so.

Furnishing the information, stated the response, "would, or would be likely to, prejudice the commercial interests of any entity, including the public authority holding the information.

"We also take into account the fact that this information is commercially sensitive, and we consider that releasing this information would not be in the public interest, as it would prejudice future commercial relations with suppliers if this information were to be disclosed into the public domain.

"Therefore, we consider that the balance of interest favours withholding this information."



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33 minutes ago, Toast said:

Oh, here's another cracker.  Wonder which Tory crony trousered this little bonus.


Did the Government squander £500,000 on cones at Newbury Showground Covid test centre?


Well, I reacted to this with a ‘shock’ but that was merely at the cost of cones, not at the Tories being robbing cunts.

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2 minutes ago, TQR said:

Well, I reacted to this with a ‘shock’ but that was merely at the cost of cones, not at the Tories being robbing cunts.


I make it £6.49.  Would have thought there'd be a discount for 1,000 though.

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The Kremlin has serious compromising evidence on Olaf Scholz


 This story has been going on since the bankruptcy of the financial company Wirecard, which forged its financial statements and drew non-existent 1.9 billion euros on its balance sheet. It was one of the top 30 companies in Germany, and was one of the companies that form the DAX stock index.


 The auditors did not notice any problems for several years. But most importantly, they were not noticed by the German financial regulator BaFin. The BaFin regulator is directly under the Ministry of Finance, which at the time was led by (wow!) Scholz!


 After opening the fraud and bankruptcy, it turned out that one of the top managers of Wirecard, a certain Jan Marsalek, turned out to be a Russian spy (GRU) and, at the height of the scandal, fled through Belarus, taking with him almost the entire Wirecard archive. In which there is all the confidential information on all kinds of "sensitive" payments, that is, bribes so that the right people do not notice the problems.


 And now the German press is putting forward the version that Scholz's "strange" behavior is due to the fact that Marsalek (read - the Kremlin) keeps this archive to himself. And that his inaction in the Wirecard case, when he was finance minister, was not self-serving. And that now Putin is holding him by the balls.


 This is just a version for now. But the scandal is picking up again. The press in Germany is in full swing. And some parliamentarians are already demanding that hearings in the Bundestag begin again and Scholz be summoned to them.


 Scholz has no choice in this situation: either he will start massive deliveries of weapons to Ukraine, or he will only aggravate suspicions against him.


 And, finally (exhaled?!)


 Scholz was the ruling burgomaster of Hamburg, and Hamburg was twinned with St. Petersburg. And he went there many times. He was also General Secretary of the SPD when Schröder (SPD) was Chancellor of Germany.




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A characteristically nauseating front page from the Fail on Sunday.



No idea why they’ve put Paddington there when usually they’d be screaming that the little cunt should be sent to Rwanda.

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I’m not sure if this is Thérèśè Ćòffêŷ announcing a leadership bid in Latin but whatever it is it just made me violently sick finding this on my Twitter timeline this morning. 



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5 hours ago, TQR said:

I’m not sure if this is Thérèśè Ćòffêŷ announcing a leadership bid in Latin but whatever it is it just made me violently sick finding this on my Twitter timeline this morning.


We really could do with a vomit reaction.

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Nice to see the forum turning into a slightly lesser shit version of HIGNFY by constantly battering the lying and inept cunts currently in office and letting the equally wank opposition off the hook.

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1 hour ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

Nice to see the forum turning into a slightly lesser shit version of HIGNFY by constantly battering the lying and inept cunts currently in office and letting the equally wank opposition off the hook.


Just bolding the key part of your statement! 


Although "slightly less shit than Ian Hislop", christ, what compliments you planning next - "slightly more competent than Diane Abbot"? "slightly younger than David Attenborough?" "Less of a war monger, next to Vlad Putin?"  Damned with the faintest of faint praise! :D

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I think that Kier Starmer is weak and barely has any socialist principles in his meagre armory but harking back to the old Spitting Image sketch.


Hey Nancy how do you stay so young looking.....


Even as a Labour PM Kier will not just be able to surround himself with fawning reflections of himself for example Angela Rayner's position as deputy leader is an elected post and he cannot get rid of her without stepping down himself opening up the whole process of leadership


At the moment I would be happy with a GNU led by Wee Jimmie Krankie than what we have got at the moment

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1 hour ago, msc said:


Just bolding the key part of your statement! 


Although "slightly less shit than Ian Hislop", christ, what compliments you planning next - "slightly more competent than Diane Abbot"? "slightly younger than David Attenborough?" "Less of a war monger, next to Vlad Putin?"  Damned with the faintest of faint praise! :D

I get your point.

The real issue is that, if we vote them out of office, who the fuck do we replace them with? 

That is my point, we can rip another hole in the arse of this government forever and a day but we seem to be focused on them without pulling apart the utterly woeful shite that sits across from them. 

Are we saying that there is no point battering them equally?

They all deserve a good kick in but we don't seem to be overly interested in doing so on here.

...and just to clarify, there are a few on here, not you, who seem to spend way to much time telling us all how fucked we all are and how much of a cunt Boris and his bestest friends are.

We fucking KNOW that, change the bastard record!


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I think the next general election will result in another torturous  hung parliament.  Not sure who will be the biggest party but the combination of the tories  losing a certain amount of support and popularity but Labour not quite being popular  enough to win a majority  will result in a very unusual election result. 

If I am right a third hung parliament in less than 15 years might point towards our politics becoming more like the US were things are finely balanced or closely split as a nation between two main parties and every political battle or election is high stakes and quite bitter and angry?

We shall see!!

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3 hours ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

Nice to see the forum turning into a slightly lesser shit version of HIGNFY by constantly battering the lying and inept cunts currently in office and letting the equally wank opposition off the hook.

Satire = punching up, not down.

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