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Is Deathlist Too Permissive Of Banter/abuse Of Posters?

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Born out of a discussion in chat in response to some banter/abuse in the past few days. Does the forum need a more chill atmosphere or is the passive aggressiveness a welcome attraction that fits the sites general tone?







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I say if you can't stand the heat, then stay out of the crematorium.

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A little is okay but given the main effort, I think if the site became particularly savage it would seem distasteful.


I think by far the most savage site I've been on is Barryboys.co.uk. Its ostensibly a car site, but cancer jokes, family members suicides and child rape are pretty common sources of humour on there.

I think DI gets the balance just right as it is. Fools aren't tolerated, but neither are people made to eel uncomfortable.

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Born out of a discussion in chat in response to some banter/abuse in the past few days. Does the forum need a more chill atmosphere or is the passive aggressiveness a welcome attraction that fits the sites general tone?








Shut your stinking gob you @#$%^*^%$!!!

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Born out of a discussion in chat in response to some banter/abuse in the past few days. Does the forum need a more chill atmosphere or is the passive aggressiveness a welcome attraction that fits the sites general tone?








Shut your stinking gob you @#$%^*^%$!!!



He'll want room 12a.

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I for one, think I have been underperforming if he thinks there is any 'passive' in my posts :(


Must try harder...

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Honestly I think it's fine for users but some users attitudes towards guests need to change.

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Great thread


Assuming this is sarcastic, the discussion in chat on this topic last night was extensive and resulted in a lot of different points of viewing being put forward about whether the current abuse is a deterrent to new members, whether certain posters should be banned and whether or not DL's liberal approach has been over-stretched from it's original goals. It also involved the mods plotting a knight of long knives but I doubt that was totally serious. The fact that this thread has defended into a slag fest within a few posts is only going to strengthen the overlords argument.

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Great thread


Assuming this is sarcastic, the discussion in chat on this topic last night was extensive and resulted in a lot of different points of viewing being put forward about whether the current abuse is a deterrent to new members, whether certain posters should be banned and whether or not DL's liberal approach has been over-stretched from it's original goals. It also involved the mods plotting a knight of long knives but I doubt that was totally serious. The fact that this thread has defended into a slag fest within a few posts is only going to strengthen the overlords argument.

honestly if they are going to ban users they should do so after these new rules are introduced it would be very unfair other wise if a user was suddenly BANNED

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"Knight of the long knives"





Ah, fuck the mods.


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This is the broadest church out there.

If you remove the abuse you will remove a lot of good posters along with the shit ones.

Its not broken so leave it alone.

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Who gives a shit you massive cunt Deathray! It's words on a screen, you fucking w***er!!!

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Who gives a shit you massive cunt Deathray! It's words on a screen, you fucking w***er!!!


dude I was also there and they were quite serious. Also it may interest you to know that you were one of the users they talked about banning

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Who gives a shit you massive cunt Deathray! It's words on a screen, you fucking w***er!!!

dude I was also there and they were quite serious. Also it may interest you to know that you were one of the users they talked about banning

Morbid kid, there is no way I would ban lardy. Methinks you have your wires crossed.

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Mk - i talked about banning lardy. I'm pretty sure at this she could post videos of saville's crimes in that mortuary and only get warned.

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Who gives a shit you massive cunt Deathray! It's words on a screen, you fucking w***er!!!

dude I was also there and they were quite serious. Also it may interest you to know that you were one of the users they talked about banning



Didn't there used to be a rule that what was said in chat, stayed in chat?

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I'm starting to worry for Teddy now. :(

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Who gives a shit you massive cunt Deathray! It's words on a screen, you fucking w***er!!!

dude I was also there and they were quite serious. Also it may interest you to know that you were one of the users they talked about banning

Didn't there used to be a rule that what was said in chat, stayed in chat?

I thought that only applied to PMs or private chats. Literally nybody can walk into chat and see whats just been said about them.

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Who gives a shit you massive cunt Deathray! It's words on a screen, you fucking w***er!!!

dude I was also there and they were quite serious. Also it may interest you to know that you were one of the users they talked about banning

Didn't there used to be a rule that what was said in chat, stayed in chat?

I thought that only applied to PMs or private chats. Literally nybody can walk into chat and see whats just been said about them.

That more than implies people talk behind others' backs. Boy, if I got sumptin to say I say it directly to who needs to hear it. I welcome that practice should I ever become the topic de jure of a coffee clatch.


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Who gives a shit you massive cunt Deathray! It's words on a screen, you fucking w***er!!!

dude I was also there and they were quite serious. Also it may interest you to know that you were one of the users they talked about banning

Didn't there used to be a rule that what was said in chat, stayed in chat?

I thought that only applied to PMs or private chats. Literally nybody can walk into chat and see whats just been said about them.


To be honest, it would bother me not one jot if I were to be banned.

This is not a real place and, here, Im not a real person or summat.

When we used to do chat years back ( even using MSNchat) nobody whinged like a girl about banning people because they were rude/nasty or otherwise.

It pretty much sums up the state of the forum nowdays,there are too many people bringing their proverbial handbags up to their chins in mock horror.

If you dont like certain posters dont interact with them,if posters are crossing 'the line' the Mods will deal with it, not the pseudo ones.

Ive never asked for anybody to be banned,even when they went way over the line and bought my personal grief to this place.

Basically, grow the fuck up or piss off, the place will survive without you or me or anybody else.

Seriously, its all gone a bit pathetic.

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Who gives a shit you massive cunt Deathray! It's words on a screen, you fucking w***er!!!

dude I was also there and they were quite serious. Also it may interest you to know that you were one of the users they talked about banning

Didn't there used to be a rule that what was said in chat, stayed in chat?

I thought that only applied to PMs or private chats. Literally nybody can walk into chat and see whats just been said about them.


To be honest, it would bother me not one jot if I were to be banned.

This is not a real place and, here, Im not a real person or summat.

When we used to do chat years back ( even using MSNchat) nobody whinged like a girl about banning people because they were rude/nasty or otherwise.

It pretty much sums up the state of the forum nowdays,there are too many people bringing their proverbial handbags up to their chins in mock horror.

If you dont like certain posters dont interact with them,if posters are crossing 'the line' the Mods will deal with it, not the pseudo ones.

Ive never asked for anybody to be banned,even when they went way over the line and bought my personal grief to this place.

Basically, grow the fuck up or piss off, the place will survive without you or me or anybody else.

Seriously, its all gone a bit pathetic.



I agree with everything you've said, the admins saw it differently from what I heard. But at the end of the day it's down to whoever owns the forum to decide content.

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