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Paul Bearer

Donald J Trump

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Has his toupee come off in the melee


(if so there must be a limerick someone witty can pull together)



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if anything, this event is actually a great argument for gun control.

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They should've been a better shot. :P lol

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2 minutes ago, Lewd_Squirrel said:

They should've been a better shot. :P lol

youre sounding like a real jimbean right now

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Just now, jimbean1121 said:

youre sounding like a real jimbean right now

Hey, I'm not gonna turn my nose up, at another hit, for me. lol :P lol ;)

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1 minute ago, Lewd_Squirrel said:

Hey, I'm not gonna turn my nose up, at another hit, for me. lol :P lol ;)


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Biden’s pleased to hear that Kamala Harris is okay after the shooting

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1 minute ago, Grim Up North said:

Biden’s pleased to hear that Kamala Harris is okay after the shooting

i was real worried about her

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23 minutes ago, Windsor said:

Nope. I called you retarded because you fail to grasp simple terms. 

I couldn’t give a month of Sunday shits if you support Trump or not.


What does bother me is that you have tried three times to suggest I said or suggested something I clearly didn’t. Thus, you are retarded.

Fine, I’m retarded… You forgot to say "deplorable"…

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1 hour ago, MrSpud42 said:

It's going to get very nasty very quickly. Some of the recent comments regarding presidential immunity/political rivals may/will jump to the forefront again. 

Yeah, I don't know how this affects the "horserace" of the election, I just know that it's going to get nasty.

But to be honest, we all knew this election was going to be nasty, and assasination attempts were kind of expected. They usually don't get that close to succeeding though.

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He has said after that one of the bullet pierced his right ear. Even if I don't carry Trump in my heart, we were very close to the tragedy ! An American president assassinated  whatever he is bad or good, it's a tragedy for the US.

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1 minute ago, La Tombe said:

He has said after that one of the bullet pierced his right ear. Even if I don't carry Trump in my heart, we were very close to a tragedy !

teleprompter glass cut his ear, not a bullet.

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Honestly...how many lives does this guy have? Fast food, stress, Covid, jail, assassination attempts. Nothing stops him. This will energise his base like no tomorrow. Bolsonaro won after being stabbed. He'll come out, play the victim card and sweep the election. What an unholy mess the USA is in. How long before a Trumpist takes a shot at Biden in revenge?

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3 hours ago, Windsor said:

I know he’s a cunt. And I know he is the person most responsible for the current political climate in the US. 

Like I said, he has brought this on himself. 


I’d say that’s the booze talking. 

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Appalling  shocking thing to happen  and to be condemned  by all in a democracy. 

However  I do recall  Trump effectively openly egging people on to shoot Hillary Clinton in 2016. Some of the people on social media blaming the media and the Democrats for raising the temperature in politics and causing this shooting to happen were not so outraged  in 2016 when he put Hillary Clintons life in danger. The double standard is striking.

So whilst I do think attempting to shoot dead politicians is awful and to be condemned  I'm not feeling any personal  sympathy  towards him for his ordeal. If that makes me bad then so be it .

The innocent bystander  and their loved ones are the ones I really feel for .

I'm very pleased  that no matter how angry many British people were with politicians during the 2024 general election campaign  that ultimately  we dealt with the situation through the ballot box not guns or violence. 

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Invoking or cheering the assassination of a political opponent qualifies you as a cunt.

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2 hours ago, bennib1 said:


I’d say that’s the booze talking. 

Teetotal dear. 

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In all honesty it's a sad situation to see how political extremism on both parties has divided the U.S. I visit the U.S often and these days even so much as having a friend who supports the other political party is enough to get you shunned by even your family or spouse, at least that's what not too long ago happened to a friend of mine who's family berated her for having a friend who supports Republican.


If only more people could put aside their political differences, and see and get to know people for who they are and not their political affliation, the country (actually, the world) would be a better place.

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Seems like to shooter was a republican, but of the gun nut/libertarian brand. That might be an unlikely blessing in that it's harder now to further rile the partisans up. If it had been a black or outspoken LGBT person...

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Shooter a 20 year old with an AR15 assault rifle or similar. Won't see 21, along with at least one other who won't see another birthday and two more critical possibly life changing injuries. There's nothing good in this

The US has a lot to recommend it, but its gun laws aren't it. However there seems little point to even persuing the argument now since it's been made so many times to zero effect :(

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CNN is reporting that the 20-year-old man, a registered Republican, had also donated money to a Democratic-aligned organization.  That's an interesting plot twist, potentially.  I suspect we'll learn more about that in the coming hours.  You have to wonder what the motivation was.  

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