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Guest Goldeneye-69

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Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, former Israeli defence minister dies at 80 and gets his DDP qualifying Obit: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-3762434/Former-Israeli-defence-minister-Binyamin-Ben-Eliezer-dies-80.html


Think gcreptile had him in the Generation Game too.


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"Uzbek President Islam Karimov has been taken to hospital, the government says, amid rumours that he is seriously ill. Unconfirmed reports quoted by the Fergananews website said that Mr Karimov had suffered a stroke."


Source: BBC

Several unofficial reports now stating he is dead. His daughter confirmed earlier today that he did have a brain haemorrhage.

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"Uzbek President Islam Karimov has been taken to hospital, the government says, amid rumours that he is seriously ill. Unconfirmed reports quoted by the Fergananews website said that Mr Karimov had suffered a stroke."


Source: BBC

Several unoffficial reports now stating he is dead. His daughter confirmed earlier today that he did have a brain haemorrhage.



Fergananews, which initially reported on his hospitalization, is also reporting the same. If true, good news is that a tyrant is gone, bad news is that this will leave a huge power vacuum and maybe a bad outcome.

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Time to add every single Uzbek military leader to your 2017 shortlists.

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"Uzbek President Islam Karimov has been taken to hospital, the government says, amid rumours that he is seriously ill. Unconfirmed reports quoted by the Fergananews website said that Mr Karimov had suffered a stroke."


Source: BBC

Several unoffficial reports now stating he is dead. His daughter confirmed earlier today that he did have a brain haemorrhage.



Fergananews, which initially reported on his hospitalization, is also reporting the same. If true, good news is that a tyrant is gone, bad news is that this will leave a huge power vacuum and maybe a bad outcome.



Vladimir Putin will probably just annexe Uzbekistan into the Russian federation. It'll be a seamless transition to a new dictatorship

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Russian media now reporting he has died. Seems it's taking them forever to either confirm or deny.

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They don't want to upset the country apparently. I hope we won't have to wait ten years for the official announcement.

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Karimov's death still unconfirmed. Editor-in-chief of the opposition media source Fergana (which was among those reporting Karimov's death) posted this picture in Facebook, apparently sent to him by the president's press office.



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Karimov's death still unconfirmed. Editor-in-chief of the opposition media source Fergana (which was among those reporting Karimov's death) posted this picture in Facebook, apparently sent to him by the president's press office.



he's still alive but his condition deteriorated sharply yesterday http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/08/30/uzbek-president-in-intensive-care-after-brain-haemorrhage/

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Karimov's death still unconfirmed. Editor-in-chief of the opposition media source Fergana (which was among those reporting Karimov's death) posted this picture in Facebook, apparently sent to him by the president's press office.



he's still alive but his condition deteriorated sharply yesterday http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/08/30/uzbek-president-in-intensive-care-after-brain-haemorrhage/



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Karimov's death still unconfirmed. Editor-in-chief of the opposition media source Fergana (which was among those reporting Karimov's death) posted this picture in Facebook, apparently sent to him by the president's press office.



he's still alive but his condition deteriorated sharply yesterday http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/08/30/uzbek-president-in-intensive-care-after-brain-haemorrhage/




Apparently, preparations for his funeral started yesterday already. It could be that the announcement was delayed until the Independence Day celebrations finish.

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This is fun. Still no official announcement by Uzbekistan, but now the Turkish PM has confirmed it, the Kazakh President will cut his trip to G20 summit to visit Uzbekistan tomorrow, and the Uzbek TV has changed its schedule: no more commercials and entertainment.

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Russian army will be in Uzbekistan to "restore peace" by Boxing Day.

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It is the fault of the Only Man to Rule: once he goes there's nothing after him. Mugabe is not dead maybe but he is not immortal and there will be riots and chaos in Zimbabwe after his demise. Some countries just need their dictators, they are not ready for "democracy", they need someone who keeps order. Mr. Obama, Mr. Sarkozy and other motherf... influent politicians deposed (and killed) Gheddafi, Ben Ali, Mubarak and now there's chaos and ISIS in Lybia and Morsi took the power in Egypt before he was sent to jail. Pray for Assad to resist... Syria needs a dictator, like the countries I've named before.


Anyway that's not bad news at all. There will be no civil war in Uzbekistan, only Putin will take power directly or indirectly, but probably without blood.

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Putin will have the tanks ready at dawn.


Who succeeds Karimov?

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It is the fault of the Only Man to Rule: once he goes there's nothing after him. Mugabe is not dead maybe but he is not immortal and there will be riots and chaos in Zimbabwe after his demise. Some countries just need their dictators, they are not ready for "democracy", they need someone who keeps order. Mr. Obama, Mr. Sarkozy and other motherf... influent politicians deposed (and killed) Gheddafi, Ben Ali, Mubarak and now there's chaos and ISIS in Lybia and Morsi took the power in Egypt before he was sent to jail. Pray for Assad to resist... Syria needs a dictator, like the countries I've named before.


Anyway that's not bad news at all. There will be no civil war in Uzbekistan, only Putin will take power directly or indirectly, but probably without blood.

Who decides which country deserves a dictator and which one doesn't? Bet it's those pesky Jews.

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It is the fault of the Only Man to Rule: once he goes there's nothing after him. Mugabe is not dead maybe but he is not immortal and there will be riots and chaos in Zimbabwe after his demise. Some countries just need their dictators, they are not ready for "democracy", they need someone who keeps order. Mr. Obama, Mr. Sarkozy and other motherf... influent politicians deposed (and killed) Gheddafi, Ben Ali, Mubarak and now there's chaos and ISIS in Lybia and Morsi took the power in Egypt before he was sent to jail. Pray for Assad to resist... Syria needs a dictator, like the countries I've named before.


Anyway that's not bad news at all. There will be no civil war in Uzbekistan, only Putin will take power directly or indirectly, but probably without blood.

Who decides which country deserves a dictator and which one doesn't? Bet it's those pesky Jews.

Yes, expecially Mel Brooks, Jerry Lewis and the late Gene Wilder. His Willy Wonka was ruthless toward poor oompa loompas.

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