I was a bit surprised at the number of seats that's being contested in this election. So I copied some numbers from Wikipedia and did the arithmatic. Ignoring senates, upper houses and such fluff:
|ISO| population | MPs | proportion
| UK | 64,100,0001 | 6502 | 98,615
| NL | 16,912,6403 | 1504 | 112,751
For comparison:
| DE | 80,716,0005 | 6316 | 127,918
| IS | 325,6717 | 638 | 5169
| IN |1,210,193,4229 | 55210 | 2,192,379
It turns out the proportion of MPs to total population is pretty close to the one in the Netherlands.
12013 estimate
2House of Commons
32015 estimate
4Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal
52014 estimate
6Bundestag since the German federal election of 2013. The number of seats in the Bundestag is not fixed
72014 estimate
92011 census
10Lok Sabha