No one apparently cared. Strange, he's indeed a big name.It's not that no one cares about his death, rather no one even cares about Nobel prize winners during their life. Name five, quick! See.SC
Living Paul Berg, Desmond Tutu, Dario Fo (not deserved at all), Henry Kissinger, James Watson, Alice Munro, Bloembergen, Peter Higgs exc, exc. Dead: Crick, Sanger, Transtromer, Kertesz, Shapley, Nash, Kohn, Coase, Levi Montalcini, Pirandello, Einstein, Deledda, Selma Lagerlof, exc. Want me to continue?No. I'd like you to stick to this century.
Are you suggesting those 'living' names are household names anywhere, cuz if so I'm suggesting you're a pinhead. Take away the 'Peace' prize (you forgot Obama) and no one knows any science related names at all. We don't care about them. Thank you for proving my point.