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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/17 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    Round 2 Masterlist (again, any spelling/clarification issues can be fixed at a more reasonable hour) 1. Akhand, Lucky – DI 2. Al-Baghdadi – MPFC, deadsox, DDT 3. Ali, SHAWKAT - Spade 4. Bracknell – Biblio, Heef, Garn,deadsox, Pedro, Rover, Switch 5. Browning, Pastor Dave - Gcreptile 6. Booth, TONY – MPFC, Pedro, GUN 7. Bruce, Paul - Spade 8. Bush Sr - RG, Heef 9. Camm, Bess – MPFC, deadsox 10. Cameron-Blackie, S - DDT 11. Campbell GLEN – RG, Heef, Rover 12. Carberry, M – Bilbio 13. Cervinski - Switch 14. Christie Errol – RG, TDC, Garn, MPFC, Chorizo, DI, GUN 15. Clark, Ralph – MPFC 16. Clemens, Priest - Pedro 17. Dalton, TANIA – TDC, Heef, Gcreptile, Spade, DI, DDT 18. Doerr, Bobby - Biblio 19. Downie – RG, Biblio, Heef, Garn, MPFC, GUN, Pedro, Rover, Switch, DDT 20. Doyle, B rian- Gcreptile 21. Dyson, FREEMAN – Biblio 22. Elias, RAYYA – Garn, Chorizo, GUN, Pedro, DDT, RG 23. Etim, T - Pedro 24. Gascoine, JILL - Biblio 25. Gilbert – RG, Pedro 26. Graham, REV – Deadsox, Rover 27. Gray, Henry - Spade 28. Greaves - Rover 29. Hamilton-Bryne – MPFC, Chorizo, Gcreptile 30. Hardegen, - MPFC 31. Hart, SMITH – Chorizo 32. Hefner, Hugh - Switch 33. Hollings E – Pedro 34. Homlund, Anna - Switch 35. Irwin, SGT A - Pedro 36. James, CLIVE – Heef, Switch 37. Johnson, MAY L – TDC, Gcreptile, DI 38. Jones, QUINCY – Chorizo 39. Karunanidhi - Chorizo 40. Kaye, T – Heef 41. Kit, Barys – Switch, DI 42. Klasnic, IVAN – Heef 43. Lambert, Vincent - DDT 44. Lakovic – RG, Heef, Chorizo, GUN, Deadsox, Pedro, TDC, Switch 45. Magill – RG, Garn, Chorizo, GUN, Spade 46. Manson – Bilbio, Rover, DDT 47. Marbina, Nesmo – Gcreptile 48. Matthew, BRIAN - Switch 49. McCain, ROBERTA - Rover 50. McGuinness, MARTIN – Garn, Rover 51. Meads, COLIN – Garn, deadsox, DDT 52. Meredith, Roderick C - DI 53. Merrill D - Heef 54. Michael, Former King – RG, Biblio, Garn, Chorizo, GUN, deadsox, Rover, Switch, DDT 55. Midgley, MARY – TDC 56. Mira, GEORGE - Spade 57. Moon, WALLY - Spade 58. Morano, EMMA – Biblio, Garn, MPFC, deadsox, Pedro, Rover 59. Murray, Kevin - Gcreptile 60. Nevin, Catherine – RG, TDC, Garn, Chorizo, GUN, deadsox, Rover, Gcreptile, Spade, Switch, DI 61. Nome, Oliver – TDC, Gcreptile 62. Osmond Kath – GUN, Gcreptile 63. Perez, JULIA – Chorizo, DI 64. Persoff, Nehemiah - DI 65. Ricketts, SIMON – Garn, deadsox 67. Savident - MPFC 68. Seddon, K – Heef 69. Simmons, Chase - Gcreptile 70. Singh, JAGRAJ – TDC, DDT 71. Spada, James – Spade 72. Sparks, Ken - DI 73. Stefansson, STEFAN KARL – Deadsox 74. Tapscott, John - Spade 75. Tynan, Shauntelle - Spade 76. Vajpayee - MPFC 77. Van der Laan, E – TDC, DDT 78. Van Zandvliet - GUN 79. Vennari, JOHN - TDC 80. Vervoort – RG, GUN 81. Vlk, CARDINAL – TDC, DI 82. Watson, J – Biblio 83. Wilson, LADY - Biblio
  2. 3 points
    Unbelievable. I've been in the competition less than an hour and I'm already behind! So much for keeping it tight first half...
  3. 2 points
    225 years since Leopold II wasn't feeling so great, aged 44.
  4. 2 points
    It looks like Nina Riggs from Spade's team died two days ago - https://www.youcaring.com/nina-riggs-500580 Also, I know Dead Cow was feeling worried about facing me, but I think your team is quite strong as well and it won't be an easy win for either of us.
  5. 2 points
    Hm, how would I predict it. Round 1: RadGuy Round 2: Too close to call Round 3: Heef Round 4: Spade Round 5: Chorizo (for revenge ) Round 6: DDT Round 7: tbh, Pedro Round 8: gcreptile
  6. 2 points
    Rad’s Die-monds in the Sky (Rad Guy) vs Bibliogryphon The Dead Cow vs Tommy J’s Eleven to Heaven – Or Elsewhere for Nevin (Death Impends) Heef vs Death Comes to Wembley (Garn2) Maryportfuncity vs 101 Great Practical Jokes with Luciano Re Cecconi (Spade Cooley) Captain Chorizo vs The GUN’11 (Grim Up North) The Cooler Name (Switch) vs DDT Deadsox vs Pedro67 Rover’s Rovers (Roverandout) vs “O” (gcreptile) Rad Guy (Bush Sr, Campbell G, Christie, Downie, Gilbert, Lakovic, Magill, Michael, Nevin, Vervoort, Elias) vs bibliogryphon (Michael, Carberry, Downie, Manson, Bracknell, Doerr B, Gascoine, Watson J, Wilson M, Dyson F, Morano E) The Dead Cow (Midgley, Vlk Cardinal, Dalton T, Vennari J, Nome O, Nevin, Christie, Johnson ML, Van der Laan E, Singh J, Lakovic) Vs death Impends (Nevin, Christie, Perez, Sparks K, Johnson ML, Meredith RC, Vlk Cardinal, Akhand L, Dalton T, Kit B, Persoff N) Heef (Kaye T, Bracknell, Downie, Seddon K, Campbell G, Lakovic, Dalton T, James C, Bush Sr, Merrill D, Klasnic I) vs Garn 2 (Michael, Magill, Christie, Ricketts, Downie, Morano E, Nevin, Elias, Meads, McGuinnes, Bracknell) MaryportfunCity (Morano E, Booth, Savident, Hamilton-Byrne, Downie, Camm B, Clark R, Hardegen, Vajpayee, al-Baghdadi, Christie) vs Spade Cooley (Dalton T, Moon W, Mira G, Magill, Nevin, Tynan S, Bruce P, Tapscott, Spada J, Gray H, Ali S) Captain Chorizo (Magill, Perez J, Hamilton-Byrne, Michael, Christie, Lakovic, Jones Q*, Elias, Karunanidhi, Nevin, Hart S) vs Grim Up North (Downie, Nevin, Magill, Elias, Lakovic, Osmond K, Van Zandvliet, Michael, Vervoort, Booth, Christie), *the ailing comic, not Michael Jackson’s producer Switch (Bracknell, Cervinski D, Matthew B, Nevin, Downie, James C, Kit B, Michael, Hefner, Holmlund, Lakovic) vs DDT (Al-baghdadi, Meads, Cameron-Blackie, Dalton T, Elias, Downie, Van der Laan E, Singh J, Michael, Lambert V, Manson C) Deadsox (al-baghdadi, Bracknell, Camm B, Lakovic, Meads, Michael, Morano E, Nevin, Ricketts, Karl, Rev Graham) vs Pedro67 (Morano, Lakovic, Elias, Gilbert, Booth, Etim T, Downie, Clemens Fr, Irwin Sgt A, Hollings E, Bracknell) Roverandout (Morano, Michael, Campbell G, Graham Rev, Downie, McGuinness, Bracknell, Manson, McCain R, Nevin, Greaves) – vs Gcreptile (Doyle B, Nome O, Marbina N, Hamilton-Byrne A, Osmond K, Simmons C, Browning D, Johnson ML, Nevin Murray K, Dalton T) – Good luck everyone!
  7. 2 points
    Done patches at one of my attempts. Fuckin dreams were crazy. I'd wake up in a cold sweat thinking I had been running down the street shooting and killing people. It felt soooooo real. Decided in 2003 to stop cold turkey, haven't had one since.
  8. 2 points
    Well, at this moment in time, I want to put razors into the room. Last week I had to have an ECG which, surprise surprise, didnt come out properly because the young nurse avoided shaving my chest when I pointed out to her that, if she did, Id look like I had mange. So, one week on, Ive just got back from seeing the nurse ( another one) where we both agreed that shaving my body hair was an unavoidable option should I be deemed too hairy. Nursie took one look at my chest and said 'Ther is hairy and there is HAIRY and you are HAIRY. I now have a fucking chest that looks like she has taken a fucking Lawn Mower across it. Im not happy.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    No offside rule... Glad I'm out!
  11. 1 point
    As usual, we're taking local times after Kick Off, which means Tania counts as 1st March death**. And, under the strictest definition of the rules, is very lucky for some*, but so it goes. *by which I mean the person who got her in a team 10 mins before a death announcement. Had the news broke first, obviously they'd need a sub in play. **It's an imperfect ruling, but I'm an imperfect guy... Rad’s Die-monds in the Sky (Rad Guy) vs Bibliogryphon 0-0 The Dead Cow vs Tommy J’s Eleven to Heaven – Or Elsewhere for Nevin (Death Impends) 2-2 Heef vs Death Comes to Wembley (Garn2) 2-0 Maryportfuncity vs 101 Great Practical Jokes with Luciano Re Cecconi (Spade Cooley) 0-2 Captain Chorizo vs The GUN’11 (Grim Up North) 0-0 The Cooler Name (Switch) vs DDT 0-2 Deadsox vs Pedro67 0-0 Rover’s Rovers (Roverandout) vs “O” (gcreptile) 0-2
  12. 1 point
    And wham, the draw for the Quarterfinals has been made. Nothing to worry folk till later in March, but here's how the route to the Semis looks for everyone in the final 16... Quarterfinals 1. Switch or DDT vs Rad Guy or Bibliogryhon 2. Roverandout or Gcreptile vs The Dead Cow or Death Impends 3. Maryportfuncity or Spade Cooley vs Deadsox or Pedro67 4. Captain Chorizo or Grim Up North vs Heef or Garn2
  13. 1 point
    Over the years I've been trying to piece together a list of Doctor Who living guest actors/producers. It'll never complete as there's always new episodes, and a lot of the bit parts from back in the day disappear without Dates of Birth or Death. However, for starters, here's the verifiable oldest and living Who guest stars, main cast, producers, directors, etc etc Earl Cameron (b. 1917) - appeared in The Tenth Planet. Arnold Yarrow (b. 1920) - appeared in Death to the Daleks. Peter Sallis (b. 1921) - you know who he is. Appeared in The Ice Warriors. Dudley Simpson (b. 1922) - composer Gordon Sterne (b. 1923) - Also in An American Werewolf in London Nicholas Parsons (b. 1923) William Russel (b. 1924) - Ian Chesterton Donald Pelmear (b. 1924) - Appeared in The Time Warrior. Geoffrey Bayldon (b. 1924) David Graham (b. 1925) - Voice of Parker and Brains from Thunderbirds. Also had memorable turns in The Gunfighters and City of Death. Bill Sellars (b. 1925) - Co-created All Creatures Great and Small. Directed The Celestial Toymaker. George A Cooper (b. 1925) Morris Perry (b. 1925) Ysanne Churchman (b. 1925) James Garbutt (b. 1925) - Genesis of the Daleks Laurie Webb (b. 1925) - Three Doctors Andre Maranne (b. 1926) - better known from The Pink Panther series of films. Also, not dead yet, despite internet rumours. Glyn Houston (b. 1926) Geoffrey Palmer (b. 1927) June Brown (b. 1927) Frank Windsor (b. 1927) Ken Dodd (b. 1927) Mark Eden (b. 1928) Terry Bale (b. 1928) Donald Tosh (b. 1928) - Hartnell era script editor Ian Frost (b. 1928) - The Ark Paddy Russell (c. 1928) - directed The Massacre, Pyramids of Mars, Invasion of the Dinosaurs and Horror of Fang Rock Moray Watson (b. 1928) - Black Orchid Peter Cellier (b. 1928) Peter Wyngarde (b. 1928) Michael Craig (b. 1928) - you can watch this underrated classic era British actor struggle through Pip and Jane Baker dialogue in Terror of the Vervoids. Georgine Anderson (b. 1928) - Gridlock Colin Jeavons (b. 1929) Steve Machin (b. 1929) - Dalek Master Plan Frank Mills (b. 1929) - Terror of the Autons Damaris Hayman (b. 1929) David Fisher (c. 1929) - wrote Stones of Blood, Androids of Tara, City of Death (first draft) and Creature from the Pit. Now in very poor health in nursing home. John Woodvine (b. 1929) Clifford Rose (b. 1929) Philip Latham (b. 1929) John Nettleton (b. 1929) Thelma Barlow (b. 1929) Anyhow, time presses so that's the confirm-ably living ones which would qualify for those 20/20 games folk like to play. When I have more time I'll look at the living 1930s folk, there's a lot more of them. Also, I'm pretty sure there's at least 20 walk on parts still living aged 87 or older, but disappeared from view. Never mind, if they turn up, they turn up, and that list is all QO certs.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Imagine the media frenzy if Lizzie ever does end up as low as Leah Bracknell one day.
  16. 1 point
    People are putting a lot more thought into their team names than I did...
  17. 1 point
    It'll be patches, at least that's my intent. That was my method last time and it worked pretty well, though I did it cold turkey once too, but I was younger and had more willpower!
  18. 1 point
    Rad's Die-monds in the Sky. With the death of Leone di Lernia, I will most likely have no uniques. But you never know, Steve Hewlett was well-known amongst deadpoolers yet somehow a unique.
  19. 1 point
    Ok, admit it Toastie, you have several acres and can compete with DDT for shouting 'GERROF MOI LAND!!!!!!!
  20. 1 point
    Then the word 'as' between 'me' and 'to'.
  21. 1 point
    Lovely pictures of their rocket blowing up on the launch pad last year. Anyone hope this might just be the next series of The Real Marigold Hotel?
  22. 1 point
    I'm guessing the word 'where' between 'knew' and 'he'.
  23. 1 point
    The last publication for Henry Luce on this day 50 years ago, aged 68.
  24. 1 point
    He deserves it, I think.
  25. 1 point
    Those bloody clueless people who answer questions on Amazon when they DON'T KNOW THE ANSWER. Again. Except this time it was me that posted a question, something I haven't done before. Subject - toilet seats. I am fed up with toilet seats that work themselves loose and are forever slipping sideways. I have identified what looks like a foolproof bog seat in this context, but I have another requirement. Question: Can these seats be easily removed for cleaning? And within the hour I have an answer from one of these cretins. Answer: We didn't buy one, but once fitted it would be easy to clean it without removing it. FFS.
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