Ah, one day I'll write a bit more in-depth about them on here (funeral director's commentary, if you will). But let me see....
2013 was an amazing one, especially as I'd given up the ghost early on thanks to my scepticism over Chavez. But the slow clawing back, Millwall and Andreotti being two quintessentially DQSP picks and dying within 24 hours, the Bruno Metsu punt paying off and then the endless wait for Ray Price which was made all the more intense thanks to the two fake announcements of his death. And then the alley-oop with Klashnikov to round things up.
2014 was a workmanlike win, but it turned into a proper streetfight with Drunkasaskunk towards the end as we effectively traded some big blows with uniques and low-pick hits around October/November. Only three years ago but it's impossible to imagine a Marlise Munoz or a Yosra El-Essawy being a unique hit these days. Was proud of spotting Chen Ziming based off one solitary tweet about his cancer being pretty bad though.
2015 was a robbery, there's no doubt about it. But those are the rules so....
2016 was absolute carnage but perhaps the one I was most confident about as the year ticked on, and was also the earliest a decisive hit wrapped things up for me. Abdul Sattar Edhi and Mother Angelica both playing in to my maxim that the elderly are underrated as DDP picks if you're guaranteed them going and obitting.
So yeah, I'd take 2013 just for 1) it being my first 2) how unexpected it was considering the opening month 3) beating an old-school icon like OoO for it and 4) how crazy that final fortnight of Ray Price's life was.