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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/03/18 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Ahem, so no update will be coming this week, as I think my own mental health is slowly declining and starting to get worse. I will definitely get a much needed increase in counseling to try to improve my health, but I am not sure when the next update is coming. I sincerely apologize for the lack of an update in recent weeks.
  2. 2 points
    I see they have a helpful educational panel captioned "What is quinsy?" They should have another one captioned "Who is Bianca Gascoigne?"
  3. 1 point
    As my companies ‘realinement’ gathers pace and all overtime is cut from April , do any of you other deathlisters have ways of saving money on everyday items from supermarkets And what wouldn’t you change at all or avoid like the plague? For example- I’ve stopped using Ariel £5 for 24 washes and gone onto Lidl washing powder. 100 washes for £7. It’s good stuff even got a curry stain out of a white shirt. Impressed by Wilko washing up liquid as well- half the price of Fairy. Personally coffee is totally not going to be cut to a value brand. Someone bought me one from the pound shop- tasted like burnt sausages. Vile. Any more tips?
  4. 1 point
    Saw it today. Yes, in its own way, it really is worse than Valerian. Old timers will be relieved to know Hamill is fine and Luke maintains his integrity but everything else was putrid. What I think has happened is that Johnson wanted to make a film that deconstructed SW cliches by subverting them and even making fun of them. This would work better in a standalone not in Episode 8 of an ongoing story though. There is still absolutely no context to what is happening and we are two films into the trilogy, so there is no real reason to care about the characters. Snoke is the most pointless character ever. It would have made much more sense to make Hux a less Vaudevillian villain and make him the new leader of the remnants of the empire and have him psychologically abuse Kylo. By introducing Snoke as a super powerful force user, they just created a huge mess for themselves that they apparently have no idea how to resolve. Along with this attempted subversion, there is a lot of cheesey Disney humour and preachiness about social issues which really grated on my nerves (even when a few of the social issues are ones I support!) Definitely a lot of corporate meddling here, I'd say, in an attempt to tick demographic boxes. Daisy Ridley makes Hayden Christensen look like Laurence Olivier with her "acting". Load of tedious bollocks. Will be interesting to see how much the box office drops off for Episode 9 after this one, to say nothing of their toy sales.
  5. 1 point
    A Scotishman, Englishman, Irishman, Latvian, Turk, Aussie, Yank, Egyptian, Mexican, Spaniard, Greek, Russian, Estonian, German, Italian, Pole, Lithuanian, Swede, Finn, Israeli, Romanian, Bulgarian, Serb, Czech, and a Swiss man walk into a bar. The landlord says, "I can't let you in without a Thai."
  6. 1 point
    Someone's losing more than an hour tonight... Can't hate my nan, she dead. So are most of my men. Hmm, who to hate......?
  7. 1 point
    I could move to Portugal and leave them in a hotel room while I got tapas’ed to fuck with my chums, and then sell my soul to Max Clifford when my kids are peado’d to death by Sanchez McTaco. Bingo! Quids in!
  8. 1 point
    Lucky that Nigerian General was able to track you down eh Lardy?
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    In Norway we can ocean fish all the time, except maybe in the Oslo Fjord area. A delicious and semi-cheap sourse of food. Crab nets can be set as well. The King Crab from Russland have invaded the coast here, but man do they taste good. I think the lobsters are more regulated. In the summer there are all sorts of wild strawberries, blue berries, multe-berries (cloud berries) ,etc. That are there for the taking up in the mountains and hills. Fun to make ones own jellies and concentrate to make drinks/ punch out of. Norwegian honey is very good by the way - most is now organic as well. We are experiencing a bee decline though. Scarey situation.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    I concur, and only wish I was married so I could divorce the cunt.
  13. 1 point
    Did that in 2013. Lost 19 stones as well- 3 of which were my own.
  14. 1 point
    Do a shopping list for your supermarket trips and stick to it. Aisle cruising results in very expensive shops.
  15. 1 point
    There are ways to save money. First stop buying unhealthy products like: fizzy drinks/sodas, all processed snacks like Potato chips, pretzels, pre-baked cakes and cookies, candy, alcohol, frozen dinners, junk food, instant noodles, packaged gravies, etc. Basically buy only real food - the so-called food with only one ingredient: like eggs, flour, fresh vegetables, meats, fruits, etc. Drink only water, CUT down on tea and coffee. Buy bulk foods, and then put them in small freezer bags and freeze until needed. Consider the portions of food you really need. Like in Norway, mince meat/hamburger meat is usually sold in 400 gram packages. I buy 5 kilos of hamburger meat and pack it into small freezer bags of only 300 grams. This is the portion for 2 older adults. Buy bulk real oatmeal for breakfast and use honey instead of sugar. N.B. you might lose some weight doing this, but saving money and getting healthy are good things. It will mean cooking a bit, However for example homemade brown gravey made with flour and margarine, some onion bits added afterwards is very good! Stop going out to eat and to the pubs. Buy the store brands. Pay off all credit cards as soon as possible. To be continued....
  16. 1 point
    Pah. Stiff Little Fingers, Edinburgh Playhouse, January 1982. The 22nd from memory. Lfn probably beats the pair of us, Duran Duran/Spandau Ballet whilst wearing eyeliner at a guess, in 81.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    I've not paid so much as a penny in bank charges for at least 20 years by simply not going into the red. I'm not a rich man by any means; I just live within my budget. My nephew on the other hand pays about £50 a month in charges because he can't resist spending money he doesn't have.
  19. 1 point
    This is quite popular, and pretty cheap, I understand.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Might be a better idea to join another forum and ask that question. No member of this fine upstanding community touches the demon drink.
  22. 1 point
    What with Jim Bowen croaking it's time for the old darts joke: A monk and a nun are playing darts in a monastery. The monk throws his first dart and gets double top. Throwing the second dart he gets double top again. He throws the third dart, it hits the wire, bounces off and hits the nun right between the eyes. A voice from above booms "ONE NUN DEAD AND EIGHTY".
  23. 1 point
    ^^^ can't let it go.... And aye , better threads, but his father. Sat in the House of Lords. For 72 fucking years. Never uttered one word. They didn't really need the cash, but fucking hell, that's brilliant.
  24. 1 point
    He was a nobody. In the grand scale of things. Anyone who gets famous for a cancer diary, is not properly famous...just sympathy famous. Not the same thing.
  25. 1 point
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