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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/08/20 in Posts
3 pointsWell how about that. 27 days, that's like 1.2 days per entry, and they're STILL Fd up lol. I see I skipped a couple names, so don't fret, I have your PMs and will put the names in. THEN we will get down to the business of marking some scores.
2 pointsI'm trying to work out if you knew something we didn't, but as far as I can see no big publicity health issues, just an old astronaut? In which case, that's bloody bad luck - a unique on day 1 would have been quite a start! I am still intending to enter a team by Monday - I'm just hoping some inspiration strikes me to pick the right random names from the lists I can't pick decent bets for. Experience in this deadpool has taught me that just picking 5 old guys (or gals) is a mug's game.
2 points
2 points
2 pointsmarkb4 (16) Etushispushingupdaisies (19) Great Uncle Bulgaria (12) Yvonne (29) A- Alagiah, George Alagiah, George Anne Buydens Ackland, Joss B- Bob Barker Banali, Frankie (2+1940) Barry Briggs Burke Jr., Jack C- Carter, Jimmy Causion Bailey Clem Cattini Champion, Marge (2+Solo) D- Dole, Bob Dale Hawerchuk (1+1940) Dion DiMucci Duff, Hector (2+Solo) E- Ed Asner Evgeniya, Simonova Eddy, Duane Eden, Clarissa F- Fleming, Rhonda (2+Solo) Fowler, Norman Fuks, Marian Fenton, Leonard G- Ginsburg, Ruth B. (2) Gulpilil, David Gary Glitter Grant, Lee H- Hunt, Marsha Hogh, Lars Hawkin, Amy Hal Holbrook (1+2) I- Irene Papas Ion Iliescu Iglesias, Julio Ivory, James J- Jackson, Katherine Jim Hagerdorn Jack Jones Johns, Glynis K- Kissinger, Henry Kerslake, Lee (2+1940) Kiri te Kanawa Kissinger, Henry L- Lloyd, Norman Limbuagh, Rush Lehrer, Tom Lloyd, Norman M- McCain, Roberta (2+Duo) Margarita Terekhova Moore, Tom (2) Moore, Tom (2) N- Norton Juster Necro Butcher Newton-John, Olivia Newhart, Bob O- Olivia Newton-John Okamura, Takaka O'Connor, Des (3+Solo) Ono, Yoko P- Prince Philip Pleitgen, Fritz Phillips, Leslie Prince Philip Q- Queen Elizabeth II (UK) Quincy Jones Quincy Jones Queen Elizabeth II R- Randolph, Joyce Ruth B. Ginsberg (1) Rosalyn Carter Routledge, Patricia S- Storch, Larry Smith, Tom Stiles, Nobby (2+1940) Shultz, George (1+Solo) T- Thompson, Ruthie Trebek, Alex (2+1940) Tom Smith Tyson, Cicely (2+Solo) U- Urquhart, Brian (3) Urquhart, Brian (3) Umit Ulgen Unser, Bobby V- Van Dyke, Dick Varsha, Bob Valerie Masterson Van Dyke, Dick W- Walters, Barbara Weir, Doddie Walker Murray Walker, Murray X- Xi Jinping Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Y- Yeager, Chuck (3) Yoo, Sang-chul Yoko Ono Yeager, Chuck (3) Z- Zikmund, Miroslav Zavorotnyuk, Anastasia Zavorutnyuk, Anastasia Zucker, David Sir Creep (31) WEP (26) The Old Lady (27) DeathByArsenic (12) A- Aaron, Hank (3+Solo) Ashkin, Arthur (2+3) Aldrin, Buzz ATM Shamsuzzaman B- Bob Barker Bartlett, Bonnie Bayh, Susan (2+1940) Brigitte Bardot C- Constantino Chiwenga Candido Camero (1+2+Solo) Carter, Jimmy Claude Leloach D- Doherty, Shannen Dinkins, David (1+2+Solo) Derek Draper Delors, Jacques E- Eden, Clarissa Erwitt, Elliott Echeverria, Luis Edie McClurg F- Ferrell, Conchata (2+1940+Duo) Faranthold, Frances Ferlinghetti, Lawrence Fontaine, Brigitte G- Ginsburg, Ruth B. (2) Gutierrez, Gustavo Gulpilil, David Greco, Juliette (2+Solo) H- Hal Halverson Hal Holbrook (1+2) Hal Holbrook (1+2) Harvey, Neil I- Ion Iliescu Ion Iliescu Ion Iliescu Ion Iliescu J- Joan Jara Jennifer Johnston James Earl Jones Joliot, Pierre K- Kerslake, Lee (2+1940) Kirsi Kunnas King, Larry (2+Solo) Kelete, Agnes L- Lasorda, Tommy (2+Solo) Lisa Lu Limbuagh, Rush Lonsdale, Michael (2+Duo) M- Mercury Morris Max Morath Moore, Tom (2) Michael Cullen N- Noreen Nash Nancy Norman Noble, Lee Nadine Trintignant O- Ogilvie, David (Airlie) Olaf Olsen Olivia Newton-John Olivia Newton-John P- Prince Philip Philip Pearlstein Philips, Leslie Palmer, Toni Q- Quinn, Carmel Qian Qihu Quaid, Randy Quie, Albert R- Robertson, Gavin Roy Romer Redstone, Sumner (2+Solo) Robertson, Gavin S- Spinks, Leon (2+1940) Stephen Smale Spinks, Leon (2+1940) Smith, Tom T- Trebek, Alex (2+1940) Tommy Thompson Trebek, Alex (2+1940) Trebek, Alex (2+1940) U- Ure, Gudrun Ulrich Urban Ure, Gudrun Ursula Andress V- Varsha, Bob Volker Volkens Violeta Chamarro Vernon, Anne W- Weir, Doddie William Winter (1+2+Duo) Woodward, Joanne Wolfensohn, James X- Xie Qimei Xue Xinran Xi Xi Xavier de Ligonnes Y- Yoo, Sang-chul Yoji Yamamoto Young, Neil Youyou, Tu Z- Zec, Donald Zdenek Zeman Zemin, Jiang Zeani, Virginia Joey Russ (27) msc (15) Yorkshire Banker (2) HDS (38) A- Armstrong, Bullet Bob (3) Alagiah, George April Ashley Alex Trebek (2+1940) B- Banali, Frankie (2+1940) Bullet Bob Armstrong (1) Banks, Lynne R. Banali, Frankie (2+1940) C- Cullen, Michael Cullen, Michael Charlton, Bobby Charley Trippi D- Derek Draper Derek Draper Du Plessis, Carel David Gulpilil E- Eden, Clarissa Eden, Clarissa Eugenia, Cooney Ethel Kennedy F- Foskett, Jeffery Frankie Banali (1+1940) Fugard, Athol Forrest Fenn (1+2+Solo) G- Gulpilil, David Gulpilil, David Ginsburg, Ruth B. (2) Gaston Glock H- Henderson, Brian Hideki Hosaka Hammond, Mona Hawerchuk, Dale (2+1940) I- Ion Iliescu Ion Iliescu Ion Iliescu Ion Iliescu J- Jana Bennett Jimmy Carter Jack Higgins Julia Reichert K- Kerslake, Lee (2+1940) Kerslake, Lee (2+1940) Kundera, Milan Karen Lewis (1+1940) L- Limbuagh, Rush Lewis, Karen (2+1940) Lee Teng-hui Loretta Lynn M- Martino, Pat Mikhail Gorbachev Medwin, Terry Matthew, Jr., Jesse N- Nordland, Rod Nord, John Norman, Maurice Nichelle Nichols O- Ono, Yoko Ozzy Osbourne O'Connor, Sinead Ozzy Osbourne P- Pat Smullen (1+1940) Pat Smullen (1+1940) Pete Davidson Pat Patterson (1+2+1940+Solo) Q- Quentin Blake Quitak, Oscar Quixall, Albert Quie, Albert R- Robertson, Gavin Rod Nordland Riley, Bridget Roberta McCain (1+Duo) S- Sylvain Sylvain (1+2+Duo+1940) Smith, Tom Scotto, Renata Susan Bayh (1+1940) T- Trebek, Alex (2+1940) Trebek, Alex (2+1940) Trump, Donald Tom Smith U- Urquhart, Brian (3) Uwe Seeler Ure, Gudrun Uri Gellar V- Varsha, Bob Vic Seixas Verhoeven, Paul Van Chancellor W- Woodward, Joanne Weir, Doddie Ward, Mary William Winter (1+2+Duo) X- Lil Xan Xi Xi Xuxa Meneghel Xan, Lil' Y- Yoo, Sang-chul Yoo, Sang-chul Yarrow, Arnold Yoo, Sang-chul Z- Zanardi, Alex Zanardi, Alex Zagallo, Mario Zanardi, Alex gcreptile (34) CaptainChorizo (27) Wormfarmer (11) GuyFromFuture (3) A- Ady Barkan Alagiah, George Averbakh, Yuri Armstrong, Bullet Bob (3) B- Banali, Frankie (2+1940) Bayh, Susan (2+1940) Barbara Babcock Black, Jet C- Crouch, Stanley (2+1940+Solo) Cullen, Michael Coleman, Norm Clarissa Eden D- Delors, Jacques Derek Draper Doll, Caren Marsh Danny DeVito E- Echeverria, Luis Epstein, Michale Echeverria, Luis Eddie Izzard F- Ferrell, Conchata (2+1940+Duo) Frankie Banali (1+1940) Freehan, Bill Flo Milli G- Gulpilil, David Gulpilil, David Ginsburg, Ruth B. (2) Ghislaine Maxwell H- Hitchon, Nick Harris, Estelle Hunt, Marsha Huhges, Nerys I- Ishihara, Shintaro Ingham, Bernard Ion Iliescu Ian McKellen J- Jose Padilla (1+1940+Duo) Jana Bennett Jaffee, Al Julie Newmar K- Kerslake, Lee (2+1940) Kerslake, Lee (2+1940) Kenneth Kaunda Kumar, Dilip L- Limbuagh, Rush Leon Spinks (1+1940) Lloyd, Norman La Tigresa del Oriente M- McKevitt, M. (1+2+Duo+1940) Mangeshkar, Lata Marchand, Robert Menem, Carlos N- Nick Hitchon Nobby Stiles (1+1940) Noreen Nash Nichelle Nichols O- OJ Brigance Ono, Yoko Oreck, David O'Brien, Edna P- Peter Tobin Pat Smullen (1+1940) Prescilla Pointer Peter Tobin Q- Quie, Albert Quintana, Rosita Quie, Albert Quentin Tarantino R- Ruth B. Ginsberg (1) Robertson, Gavin Randi, James Richard Rohmer S- Smith, Tom Smith, Tom Sylvain Sylvain (1+2+Duo+1940) Sharif, Nawaz T- Trintignant, JL Trebek, Alex (2+1940) Trippi, Charley Tim Bilton U- Urquhart, Brian (3) Urquhart, Brian (3) Urquhart, Brian (3) Ursula Oppens V- Varsha, Bob Van Peebles, Melvin Varelli, Alfredo Vitti, Monica W- Wolfgang Rihm Williams, Richard Woodward, Joanne Walters, Barbara X- Xilai, Bo Xan, Lil' Xishun, Bao Xavier Cedeno Y- Young, La Monte Yoo, Sang-chul Yarwood, Mike Ysanne Churchman Z- Zanardi, Alex Zanardi, Alex Zec, Donald Zamotaylova, Tamara JoeMoneypenny (4) The Old Crem (18) Death Impends (24) Book (18) A- Armani, Giorgio Alagiah, George Armstrong, Bullet Bob (3) Ashkin, Arthur (2+3) B- Bayh, Susan (2+1940) Bob Barker Banali, Frankie (2+1940) Bob Barker C- Chang, Grace Carter, Jimmy Cullen, Michael Carole Cook D- Doddie Weir Derek Draper Devito, Tommy (2+Solo) Derek Draper E- Eckel, Horst Eden, Clarissa Echeverria, Luis Einar Enevoldson F- Flack, Roberta Frankie Banali (1+1940) Ferlinghetti, Lawrence Frankie Banali (1+1940) G- Grace Slick Greaves, Jimmy Gulpilil, David George Alagiah H- Hanna, Gabbie Hume, John (2+Solo) Hunt, Marsha Hal Holbrook (1+2) I- Issey Miyake Irene Papas Irene Papas Ion Iliescu J- James Hong James Caan Jaffee, Al Johns, Glynis K- Kuok, Robert Kenneth Kaunda Kumar, Dilip Kenneth Kaunda L- Lisa Lu Limbuagh, Rush Limbuagh, Rush Loretta Lynn M- Miiko Taka Moore, Tom (2) Mahathir Mohamad Madoff, Bernie N- Nam, Kim Yong Nobby Stiles (1+1940) Norman, Monty Nobby Stiles (1+1940) O- Ono, Jiro Ono, Yoko Oreck, David O'Sullivan, Richard P- Pan, Rebecca Prince Philip Persoff, Nehemiah Prince Philip Q- Qi, Huang Quentin Blake Quentin Blake Quinn, Carmel R- Rao, CR Ruth B. Ginsberg (1) Ruth B. Ginsberg (1) Rush Limbaugh S- Setouchi, Jakucho Spinks, Leon (2+1940) Spinks, Leo (2+1940) Smith, Tom T- Teruyo Nogami Tom Smith Trebek, Alex (2+1940) Trebek, Alex (2+1940) U- Uecker, Bob Uwe Seeler Urquhart, Brian (3) Ure, Gudrun V- Valentino Garavani Vitti, Monica Van Dyke, Leroy Vitti, Monica W- Wada, Emi Woodward, Joanne Ward, Mary White, Betty X- Xishun, Bao Xi Xi Xi Xi Xan, Lil' Y- Yang Hyong-sop Yoo, Sang-chul Yarrow, Arnold Yarrow, Arnold Z- Zemin, Jiang Zanardi, Alex Zoll, Rachel Zvi Zamir Toast (27) Bibliogryphon (12) Banana (40) A- Alagiah, George Atkins, Ronald (3+Solo) Arthur Ashkin (2+3) B- Black, Jet Butler, David Bayh, Susan (2+1940) C- Clarke, Roy Clark Carlisle Cullen, Michael D- Dickie Davies Dudley-Smith, Timothy Dale Hawerchuk (1+1940) E- Eden, Mark (3+Solo) Echeverria, Luis Echeverria, Luis F- Fowler, Norman Ferlinghetti, Lawrence Frankie Banali (1+1940) G- Godard, Jean-Luc Graeme Garden Gulpilil, David H- Hal Holbrook (1+2) Holt, Georgia Hitchon, Nick I- Ingham, Bernard Ivory, James Ion Iliescu J- Jackson, Katherine Jasper Johns Joyce Miller K- Kenneth Kaunda Kenneth Kaunda Karen Lewis (1+1940) L- Lonsdale, Michael (2+Duo) Loretta Lynn Limbuagh, Rush M- Morris, Jan (2+Solo) Manolic, Josip McKevitt, M. (1+2+Duo+1940) N- Nelson, Willie Nichelle Nichols Nordland, Rod O- Ono, Yoko O'Farrell, Frank Oscar Schmidt P- Phillips, Leslie Price, Leontyne Padilla, Jose (2+1940+Duo) Q- Quant, Mary Quant, Mary Quinn, Carmel R- Ray Reardon Robert Rankin Richard Hadlee S- Smith, Tom Stephen Sondheim Smith, Tom T- Trintignant, JL Tidy, Bill Trebek, Alex (2+1940) U- Ure, Gudrun Una Stubbs Ufton, Derek V- Vitti, Monica Vernor Vinge Van Halen, Eddie (2+1940+Solo) W- Windsor, Frank (2+Solo) Waterman, Fanny (2+Solo) William Webster X- Xi Xi Xi Jinping Xishun, Bao Y- Yeager, Chuck (3) Yarrow, Arnold Yoo, Sang-chul Z- Zagallo, Mario Zimbalist, Stephanie Zanardi, Alex
1 pointA contender for possibly the most pleasant sounding death of anyone ever reported on this forum. Still had his marbles at 92, had his breakfast and then dozed off in a comfy chair watching one of his favourite comedy shows and never woke up.
1 pointArmstrong Qobit: https://metro.co.uk/2020/08/28/wwe-bullet-bob-armstrong-dies-aged-80-cancer-13189735/
1 pointHorrible year for college coaches! RIP to a true legend!
1 pointAw The James Boys - had totally forgotten them until I saw them mentioned Beloved of those radio shows that throw in the odd bit of total cheese - and this is totally unbiased because if you really love that stuff check out Darryl Bullock's Worlds Worst Records radio show The boys in action:
1 point
1 pointTurkish lawyer Ebru Timtik dies on day 238 of a hunger strike. http://m.bianet.org/english/human-rights/229812-lawyer-ebru-timtik-dies-on-238th-day-of-death-fast
1 pointKeiko Utsumi, a Japanese actress and one-half of a long-time duo with partner Yoshie Utsumi, has died. She was 97. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/08/28/national/comedian-keiko-utsumi-dies/#.X0rRm357mUk
1 pointSidney Noel Rideau, who created the mad scientist character Morgus the Magnificent, a role he originated in New Orleans and would go on to play for more than 60 years, has died. He was 90. https://www.wwltv.com/article/entertainment/morgus-the-magnificent-creator-and-star-sidney-noel-rideau-dies-at-90/289-c081b565-d643-40c8-9327-2acf156d983f
1 pointThe James Bond research is easily the most boring of the categories. Just run through every film's list of cast and try and pick random names.
1 point
1 pointYeah, but it ain't like she does a lot, or has done a lot since becoming a widow. Unlike Dame Vera who was summat of a public figure until the last few years.
1 pointOver The Moon, now there's another good name for a cow.
1 pointIf he co created Scooby Doo he ranks alongside the likes of Shakespeare and Dickens as a creative genius IMO !
1 point
1 pointCathy Smith, drug dealer who played a major role in the death of comedic legend John Belushi is dead at 73
1 pointDavid Bryant, multiple World Bowls champion has died aged 88. Famous for his pipe smoking too - he was 1986 pipe smoker of the year.
1 pointLessons to be learned. They obviously did not want to go for a walk. So leave them alone. Or just stay in the car like your more intelligent wife. "West Mathewson: South African conservationist killed by white lions". https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-53930125
1 pointAs I picked mine by random I had to go check. Nope, mine are all still alive, which, tbf, is the default status for my Scavenger teams...
1 point
1 pointI'm back from hols (access to the site in Turkey is restricted - related to violence!). So today is 60 years since the good folks of MIssissippi lynched 15 year old Emmett Till. The lynchings may have stopped...
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