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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24/05/21 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I'd always planned to retire at 60, but I'd also assumed that up until that time I'd be in a £50k p.a. job and have built up a huge amount of savings and a nice pension fund. Things didn't quite work out like that, but now I find myself aged 60 and retired. Whether or not I can afford to be retired is a different kettle of fish! The problem with being retired (apart from lack of a regular income) is that now I have no reasonable excuse not to do all the jobs I've been putting off because I never had time.
  2. 3 points
  3. 2 points
    Dave Gorman had a good rant on Modern Life is Goodish about card companies doing Happy Fathers Day cards for grandfathers and the like. Hilaire Belloc used to send cards to funerals which read: "Sorry to hear you died".
  4. 2 points
  5. 1 point
    Former Tunisian minister of the Interior 1970-1971 Ahmed Mestiri has died aged 95. Tunisian Ministers of the Interior seem to pretty often live to 90+, recently one died aged 100 (Othman Kechrid, interior minister 1979-1980). There are two Bourguiba era (1957-1987, lived 1903-2000) ministers of the interior still alive: 1973-1977 interior minister Tahar Belkhojda will be 90 on 9th of June. 1980-1984 interior minister Driss Guiga will be 97 this year. https://lapresse.tn/83852/a-batons-rompus-avec-driss-guiga-jai-essaye-de-convertir-ghannouchi-au-bourguibisme-cela-na-pas-marche-il-a-essaye-de-me-convertir-a-lislamisme-et-cela-n/ Guiga article from 2021
  6. 1 point
    The BBC's Glasgow and West section seems to be everything from Glasgow to the borders and islands. Quite often you'll see a big "local" story only to find its 60 miles down the road.
  7. 1 point
    That one's interesting because it means Yahoo is not copy/pasting just ANY Hollywood Reporter obit.
  8. 1 point
    I'm lucky in that GAB is younger than me, has a better job than me and plans to keep working for several years yet. Accordingly as long as I continue to be nice to her I hope to go at 60 (just under 2 years away). If I had to manage on what I've accumulated personally I'd be working to 67 (state retirement age).
  9. 1 point
    One for the "List of the Missed": Cristóbal Halffter Jiménez-Encina, Spanish classical composer, designated the Generación del 51: http://www.derbydeadpool.co.uk/deadpool2020/celebs_J.html#jimenec020 https://www.rtve.es/noticias/20210523/muere-91-anos-compositor-director-orquesta-cristobal-halffter/2092480.shtml
  10. 1 point
    Scots comedian Stanley Baxter is 95 today
  11. 1 point
    SMITE eSports caster, John Finch, passes away. 28 years old. https://twitter.com/rSmitePro/status/1396504936578523137?s=19
  12. 1 point
    Spanish classical composer and conductor Cristóbal Halffter dies at the age of 91: https://then24.com/2021/05/23/composer-and-conductor-cristobal-halffter-dies-at-91/ Halffter has conducted important European and American orchestras such as the Berlin Philharmonic, Baden-Baden Radio Orchestra, Zurich Tonhalle, French National, London Symphony, Suisse Romand, Lucerne Festival, London Symphony, Spanish National, Bamberg, Hamburg, among others. Cristóbal Halffter had numerous awards and recognitions.
  13. 1 point
    I really hate to be "that guy" here considering I'm up 11 points and I don't expect this to matter at all, but the link that deadsox posted is simply a copy-paste from the original paid obituary that is also in that paper's obituary section. Here all the links I've found. https://obituaries.greensburgdailynews.com/obituary/jerry-cain-1082251912 https://shelbycountypost.com/obituaries/570214 http://www.greenfieldreporter.com/2021/05/05/jerry_d_cain/
  14. 1 point
    I agree with most of that. She’s certainly someone who is making the situation worse rather than better, dividing the black communities further. Wouldn’t know that from reading that Guardian article. Doesn’t even say she’s “controversial”. They’re already eulogising her.
  15. 1 point
    Racist lady who enjoyed stirring up hatred , calling black people coons who don't agree with her and wanting to enslave white people. She's a Black Tommy Robinson sometimes if you put out hatred it comes back to you. Wish her a full recovery for the sake of her kids.
  16. 1 point
    So having no children, having been educated and worked productivly, planned and saved for my retirement I take exception to your comments, I can but conclude that you are one of the people that, 1 Are self employed or not. 2 Didn't pay tax in the last three years 3 Are upset that the pubs have been closed 4 Did not get grant coverage, you should have declared your income. 5 Have outdated political ideals, communists regimes are run by capitalists who fleece the system. 6 Have not been tutoring your feral offspring at home and this is why you are bitter. I could be wrong you could just be a banned ignorant T**T
  17. 1 point
    Also famous for this legendary interview with Deathlist alumnus the late John McCririck
  18. 1 point
    Cornelia Oberlander dead one month shy of her 100th.
  19. 1 point
    Legendary trainer and punter Barney Curley. Screwed the bookies in a infamous coup which involved amongst other things blocking the race courses only telephone line https://www.racingpost.com/news/barney-curley-legendary-punter-and-former-trainer-dies-at-the-age-of-81/487501
  20. 1 point
    And one from Spain: Joan Bautista Llopis, the oldest surviving former Barça player, turned 105 today. To think of how the world has changed during the incredible span of his life... https://t.co/gCoJm4OCyS
  21. 1 point
    This twitter account lists things and people that Liza Minnelli has outlived: https://mobile.twitter.com/lizaoutlives?lang=en Because "she will outlive us all". And she has just recently outlived her Arrested Development co-star Jessica Walter.
  22. 1 point
    Well, they were on opposite sides in the '76 election, of course. Was there a VP debate in those days? 'Started life as a lawyer' according to the homepage. Interesting ... most people start life as a baby. Only in America, eh?
  23. 1 point
    I know, I know, I should be doing something more useful with my time, like finding out whether everyone who's ever appeared in the pop charts is alive, dead or caught a chill in 1996.
  24. 0 points
    Scottish MP for Glasgow West Ruth Maguire has Cervical cancer: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-57221076 "Serious, but treatable", stage 3.
  25. 0 points
    Juan Joya Borja, the man behind this meme has died at 64.
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