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57 minutes ago, Toast said:


Well, being told out of the blue that their Dad is dead will be "horrible news that they’d have to get their heads around". :facepalm:

That's what was done to me, and it haunts me to this day.  My Dad had cancer too and they must have known for a long time that he was dying.

They should start preparing the kids gently IMO, so it won't come as an unthinkable shock.  They are being selfish.


Tom Parker’s wife Kelsey had a whole documentary on TV following his death. When Tom died, she told the kids quite bluntly “Your dad is dead, he’s gone to be with the angels and he’s not coming back”. The eldest kid was about 2/3 years old during this. Albeit they may be too young to fully understand at this age, I don’t think it’s right to keep them in the dark no matter what tender age they are. 

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1 hour ago, Toast said:


Well, being told out of the blue that their Dad is dead will be "horrible news that they’d have to get their heads around". :facepalm:

That's what was done to me, and it haunts me to this day.  My Dad had cancer too and they must have known for a long time that he was dying.

They should start preparing the kids gently IMO, so it won't come as an unthinkable shock.  They are being selfish.


I was nine when my Mum died and nobody ever said the word cancer to me until long after she died. Whether that was her choice or my Dad's I never knew. He spoke about her often but never her illness.

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6 hours ago, Bibliogryphon said:


I was nine when my Mum died and nobody ever said the word cancer to me until long after she died. Whether that was her choice or my Dad's I never knew. He spoke about her often but never her illness.


No, the type of illness was never mentioned to me either.  I was ten so it wouldn't have meant anything  at the time. 

The worst part was that Dad had been in hospital for a long time (I wasn't taken to visit) so when he came home I naturally thought he was better.   He died within a day of coming home.

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Jonnie hasnt posted on Instagram in 11 days which is the longest gap in ages (or ever). I think we're getting close to the end. 

Those good pictures of a week ago were older, I think. 

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Recent interview on BBC Morning Live describing his treatment as "It’s Not This Doom and Gloom Operation"

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8 hours ago, Phantom said:

Recent interview on BBC Morning Live describing his treatment as "It’s Not This Doom and Gloom Operation"


He seems to be describing hospice care. Or rather his expectations of it.  I'm surprised anyone would think that.

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5 hours ago, Toast said:


He seems to be describing hospice care. Or rather his expectations of it.  I'm surprised anyone would think that.


Morphine, with no need to worry about long term addiction...it has certain advantages.


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2 hours ago, The Old Crem said:


Is he leaving him there?

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Still hasn't prepared the children. Selfish and cowardly.

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6 hours ago, Toast said:

Still hasn't prepared the children. Selfish and cowardly.

The fact also they are sharing everything so publicly makes it more likely they will hear it from someone else by mistake.

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It's adorable he is selling every moment of his last days to tabloids.


No, I'm joking, that's disgusting.

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Reminds me of Jade Goody being so public with her cancer.

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25 minutes ago, ladyfiona said:

Reminds me of Jade Goody being so public with her cancer.

Surely nobody is worse than the Nolan slappers?

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On 08/08/2023 at 18:33, ladyfiona said:

Reminds me of Jade Goody being so public with her cancer.



Ah yes, those innocent days when the public were so naive many thought the website whenwilljadegoodydie.com an aberration that could never be repeated!

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On 08/08/2023 at 11:24, Toast said:

Still hasn't prepared the children. Selfish and cowardly.

Msc jr is already asking me if I will die one day and in confirming it, if they can have my stuff! :D

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54 minutes ago, msc said:

Msc jr is already asking me if I will die one day and in confirming it, if they can have my stuff! :D


I have the opposite problem Baby Biblio has made it perfectly clear that she has no interest in inheriting a complete set of Doctor Who Target novels. However, the house and any cash I have laying around at the time of my demise will be gratefully received.

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57 minutes ago, Bibliogryphon said:


I have the opposite problem Baby Biblio has made it perfectly clear that she has no interest in inheriting a complete set of Doctor Who Target novels. However, the house and any cash I have laying around at the time of my demise will be gratefully received.



That attitude may well be moderated. The big 'un in our brood once asked (after file sharing and streaming had changed music consumption beyond recognition) if I thought gathering my tonnage of vinyl and CDs had - in retrospect - been pointless. He's recently joined the young 'un in a plan that means on my death they ring round various dealers, let each dealer know others are involved and then sell out to the biggest wad. I'm sure original editions of Dr Who novels will acquire value, especially if an entire collection is on offer. 

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12 minutes ago, maryportfuncity said:



That attitude may well be moderated. The big 'un in our brood once asked (after file sharing and streaming had changed music consumption beyond recognition) if I thought gathering my tonnage of vinyl and CDs had - in retrospect - been pointless. He's recently joined the young 'un in a plan that means on my death they ring round various dealers, let each dealer know others are involved and then sell out to the biggest wad. I'm sure original editions of Dr Who novels will acquire value, especially if an entire collection is on offer. 


My wife has decided to preempt this by getting rid of her sixties vinyl but our signed Terry Pratchett first edition hardback collection and my wife's rare Tolkien editions should fetch a bit.


We are currently in a debate about CDs. Neither of us trust streaming networks to offer the full range of things that we have on physical media but my wife would love to see the back of my CD collection

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3 hours ago, Bibliogryphon said:

My wife has decided to preempt this by getting rid of her sixties vinyl but our signed Terry Pratchett first edition hardback collection and my wife's rare Tolkien editions should fetch a bit.


We are currently in a debate about CDs. Neither of us trust streaming networks to offer the full range of things that we have on physical media but my wife would love to see the back of my CD collection

The issue is physical media deteriorates and most are unable to be used without a third party device. There will come a time that the devices currently used to play them no longer work, or are sold in inconvenient ways (i.e. VHS/VCR). The media may also simply no longer work in the future and have no means to replace it. I've recently made the decision to divest myself of all physical media besides a few DVDs/Books I feel some semblance of emotion towards.


The material items are a pain to take care of/move + are not going to last anyway. Might as well get rid of stuff now when it has a value. I'm in the process of selling, no exaggeration, hundreds of items. If I want it again, it is available either online, in a library, or can be found for very cheap through a variety of stores.


The idea of Minimalism really is quite appealing.

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10 minutes ago, MortalCaso said:

The issue is physical media deteriorates and it requires a third party device to use it. There will come a time that the devices currently used to play them no longer work, or are sold differently (i.e. VHS/VCR). The media may also simply no longer work in the future and have no means to replace it. ....The material items are a pain to take care of/move + are not going to last anyway.


Bit like Jonnie then.

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