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Go to love the Lib Dems, shortly after they appeared behind Sunak, he scattered with his minders.



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2 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

Go to love the Lib Dems, shortly after they appeared behind Sunak, he scattered with his minders.



Are we sure we're not just living through an episode of The Thick of It  :lol:

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9 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

Go to love the Lib Dems, shortly after they appeared behind Sunak, he scattered with his minders.


That makes me want to vote for them!  I could have in my old constituency, they are the tactical vote there.

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1 hour ago, YoungWillz said:

Go to love the Lib Dems, shortly after they appeared behind Sunak, he scattered with his minders.



Brilliant bit of trolling from the Lib Dems, though mildly disappointing Ed Davey wasn’t waterskiing behind the boat :lol:


I really like what they’ve done with their campaign so far!

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17 hours ago, Thatcher said:

Keir Starmer refuses to take part in the BBC debate with all 7 parties scheduled for 7th June.

He will do a head to head with the Prime Minister on 26th June and a Question Time special on 20th June.


BBC trailing the 7th June debate as ‘party leaders’, so ball firmly back in their court as to whether they empty chair him or loosen it to allow a party representative instead.

Penny Mourdant to represent the Tories. 

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2 minutes ago, The Old Crem said:

Penny Mourdant to represent the Tories. 

If she loses her seat then you know what they say, if you live by the sword...

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15 minutes ago, Brad252 said:

If she loses her seat then you know what they say, if you live by the sword...

As the wise old saying goes... If at first you don't succeed, sword swallowing is not for you.

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25 minutes ago, The Old Crem said:

Penny Mourdant to represent the Tories. 

And now Labour revealed they sending Angela Rayner. 

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Lots of polls today and more to come. The GB news one is very fascinating.

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5 hours ago, Thatcher said:

Farage to make an ‘emergency general election announcement’ at 4pm. Can only presume he’s donning his flip flops and has now decided to stand himself and will resume leadership of Reform. He couldn’t possibly see all that debate airtime up for grabs and let it slip by, could he?


Clacton is looking for a candidate after their current one was embroiled in an antisemitism scandal. 

You’re welcome - everyone had the bit about him standing but nobody else had him about taking back the leadership ;) 

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Führage standing in Clacton, as expected.


Quite honestly, if this move takes the racist/numpty/racist-numpty vote away from the Tories, I'm all for it! Bring on their extinction.

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Outcome I reckon will be somewhere in between this one and the ones that had them on 60odd and 70odd.

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20 minutes ago, TQR said:

Führage standing in Clacton, as expected.


Quite honestly, if this move takes the racist/numpty/racist-numpty vote away from the Tories, I'm all for it! Bring on their extinction.



Speaking of extinction, will the reality of having to put in a proper week's work on a job demanding that many hours a week threaten Farage's life to the point of making him genuine dead pool fodder?



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Be interesting to see how Badenoch et al deal with things when they longer have the trappings of power


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2 minutes ago, maryportfuncity said:



Speaking of extinction, will the reality of having to put in a proper week's work on a job demanding that many hours a week threaten Farage's life to the point of making him genuine dead pool fodder?





He'll do sweet fuck all I'd bet bar the minnimum

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If Farage still doesn't win a seat in somewhere like Clacton in this climate it will undoubtedly be one of the funniest things of the election

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Just now, DCI Frank Burnside said:

If Farage still doesn't win a seat in this climate it will undoubtedly be one of the funniest things of the election


Will definitely rank with the Portillo Moment.

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9 minutes ago, maryportfuncity said:

Speaking of extinction, will the reality of having to put in a proper week's work on a job demanding that many hours a week threaten Farage's life to the point of making him genuine dead pool fodder?


As DCI said, that grifting twat will never be overworked. But you never know, he might just get lung cancer. It's been in the fucking post.



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Wonder would an anti-Farage candidate a la Martin Bell against Hamilton work out. Late in the day though

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1 minute ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

Wonder would an anti-Farage candidate a la Martin Bell against Hamilton work out. Late in the day though

Not in Clacton it wouldn’t. 

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