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News article on Yang You's 106th birthday. If you are asking yourselves, he is still in perfect health.



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Yeah, but that's not really him. It's actually his son and they switched identities for the pension. All the old people of Shanghai were in on it.

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On 21/10/2023 at 16:14, arghton said:

Kabosu's looked absolutely ghastly in the recent images, apparently fully unable to walk but was "improving" somewhat 11 days ago. That Arabic instagram account that has reported the death of that very old Iraqi sheikh a month ago asked for "prayers to prolong Sheikh Salem Al-Ali's life" a week or two ago but his daughter hasn't sent anything except Palestine-related posts on her account recently. 


I think a "semi-suprising" death could happen, maybe one of these 4:

Cesar Virata (I think he hasn't made appearances recently, used to be very active)

Zou Yu (not mentioned nearly ever anywhere here, oedema survivor who has been very quiet for a year or two)

TD Lee (it's been, what, 4 years since his last appearance? Also, 97 next month. Could he suprise us and die before CN Yang?)

Paulo Maluf (dementia, other ailments, wheelchairbound and very frail-looking earlier this year)


I also still don't think Zhang Lixiong will make it to his 110th. 


EDIT: Here's Virata this week.


I have no idea how he keeps gaining more and more weight all the time at 92.

Tsung Dao-lee was reportedly able to draw and sketch in May, so presumably in good condition.

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I'll try this one Renaud (singer, 1952) - The french Shane McGowan. (former ?) alcoolic, chainsmoker (3 packs a day), drug addict, open heart surgery in 2021, hospitalised in 2022 for undisclosed reason, hospitalised after a fall in 2019, again in 2020 for pulmonary emphysema, looked frail for years, can hardly stand still in public anymore. Paranoia sufferer. He always bounced back but his drug addictions always relapse once in a while. Should be on the 2024 list I think.

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Kabosu able to stand again. This is the canine Jimmy Carter.

IMG_2707 (small)

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44 minutes ago, drol said:

Kabosu able to stand again. This is the canine Jimmy Carter.

I’ll be very sad when Kabosu (Doge) dies. I don’t give a toss about Jimmy Carter.

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Of course we have been looking at who the next King of Immortals will be for a few months, considering the impending death of King Jimmy :lol:.


Of course there are two very old and ill Chinese guys, and Tin Oo is a perennial candidate, but the Doge does stand a chance.

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On 06/08/2023 at 23:11, arghton said:

Here's a "recap" who there has been in addition to Krasko since December:


1. Bedros Kirkorov (1932) History of heart problems, a-fib, in ICU with congestive heart failure in April 2022, hospitalised with massive heart problems and in ICU in November 2022 and underwent emergency heart surgery and pacemaker implantation, again in ICU with pneumothorax and pneumonia combination in December 2022 that he was not expected to survive, hospitalised in January with pneumonia and complications of angina pectoris, heart failure and CAD. Again in hospital in July.

2. Nikolay Drozdov (1937)


Bedros Kirkorov was apparently ill last month following severe asthma attack but now of course doing better. 

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Saalumarada Thimmakka finally...

planning to plant 100 new banyans tree. 


Yet another fucking miracle. It's been almost two months without a single death from this bunch of zombies.

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1 hour ago, drol said:

Saalumarada Thimmakka finally...

planning to plant 100 new banyans tree. 


Yet another fucking miracle. It's been almost two months without a single death from this bunch of zombies.

You should reopen the poll about them at some point…

it was an interesting one 

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Charlie Munger (1924-2023)


"I want you to look at me like Warren Buffett looks at Charlie Munger" (Every girl's romantic dream)


That fucking CRYPTO-DOG!!!! (Charlie Munger's, a well known detractor of cryptocoins, last words)


Les enseignements de Charlie Munger | LesAffaires.com


Age at death: 99

Known health issues: Lost one eye due to botched surgery in the 50s, frail and wheelchair bound in recent years, looking half dead in 2023.

Cause of death: Wrong investment policy

Alignment: Ethernal sphynx who presided over Berkshire Hathaway along with his master Warrenn Buffett for 45 years. It will feel strange to see an empty chair near to Buffett at the next shareholders meeting.

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8 hours ago, drol said:

Charlie Munger (1924-2023)


"I want you to look at me like Warren Buffett looks at Charlie Munger" (Every girl's romantic dream)


That fucking CRYPTO-DOG!!!! (Charlie Munger's, a well known detractor of cryptocoins, last words)


Les enseignements de Charlie Munger | LesAffaires.com


Age at death: 99

Known health issues: Lost one eye due to botched surgery in the 50s, frail and wheelchair bound in recent years, looking half dead in 2023.

Cause of death: Wrong investment policy

Alignment: Ethernal sphynx who presided over Berkshire Hathaway along with his master Warrenn Buffett for 45 years. It will feel strange to see an empty chair near to Buffett at the next shareholders meeting.

One of Buffett's only friends/business partners who gave too much money to his kids to qualify to sign the Giving Pledge made famous by Gates, Buffett, et al... Now they'll get their payday!

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Henry Kissinger (1923-2023)


"Henry Kissinger, how much I'm missing yer... you're like a German parakeet" (The Final rip-off)


"Thank you, Sir!" (Philip J. Fry, being thanked by Henry after rescuing his head)


"Thank you, Sir!" (Pinochet after seizing power in Chile thanks to Henry)




Age at death: 100

Known health issues: Triple bypass surgery in 1977, heart attack in 2000, fall in 2013, heart surgery in 2014. Wheelchair bound and obese for years.

Cause of death: His head sunk into his chest.

Alignment: Machiavellian even by Machiavelli's standards, Kissinger is behind Operation Condor, the extensive bombing of Cambodia which then led Khmer Rouges to power (I just put here an invitation for Khieu Samphan to follow him ASAP), the invasions of Timor East and Cyprus, the sabotage of Vietnam peace talks. In other words he was the devil. Today he is mourned by... well, by Putin and Xi Jinping, which tells you how good he was.

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On 30/10/2023 at 06:33, drol said:

Of course we have been looking at who the next King of Immortals will be for a few months, considering the impending death of King Jimmy :lol:.


Of course there are two very old and ill Chinese guys, and Tin Oo is a perennial candidate, but the Doge does stand a chance.

Have considered Ruth Langford's mom by any chance? She is too old at the point tbh must be an immortal. @Deathrow66 knows more about this resource devouring old vampire than I do so I'll leave them explain.

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There are some vacant positions for next year, therefore suggestions are welcome.

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It would be amazing if I didn't have to randomly guess the pages for previous year's information.


Love the concept though! 2023 has been nearly wiped out.

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I posted my suggestions on page...20? some months ago with 30-40 people on the list(s?). From them atleast Ivan Krasko, Tep Vong, Jayapataka and Daud Kilau have "survived" hospitalisations since.


Also, I strongly agree with @The Immortal's Roger Donlon and @tracy's October 2022 mentions Walt Brown and Peter Angelos. Donlon has seemingly been extremely ill for years and was in hospice in August (then mysteriously recovered and is back attending events), Walt Brown seems to have a very long health history and Angelos has been pretty much dying for 6 years.


4 hours ago, MortalCaso said:

It would be amazing if I didn't have to randomly guess the pages for previous year's information.


Love the concept though! 2023 has been nearly wiped out.

New year would also be a good time for a "recap" on who there are on the lists. I checked and the lists seem to be on pages 2, 8 and 16.


Edit: Actually I do have two three more possibilities. Yūichirō Miura (see the mountaineers thread) and Eugene Koffi Adoboli who was in critical conditions in 2020. AND Peter Marshall, quite a miracle he's still alive.

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In addition to obvious picks like Shi Ping and Harrison Ruffin Tyler, here are a few of my own suggestions:


Du Daozheng (1923)

On 01/11/2023 at 05:30, arghton said:

In other news Du Daozheng, legendary Chinese reformer and former head of National Press and Publication Administration and one of those who helped publish Zhao Ziyang's secret journal Prisoner of the State, [turned] 100 today in September. Here's an image from September:


Advanced Parkinson's, dementia, recurring infections and pneumonia for years, very severe C difficile infection complicated by other ailments that put him into coma for some time two years ago (apparently hospitalised since). I'd say there's some chance he could obit in Western press due to his connection to Zhao Ziyang.

Wife died in 2016, wheelchair bound since 2017, and his pal Hu Qili gave him immortality advice. Du I need to say more?


Zhu Zaibao (1928)

Korean War vet and charity superstar battling cancer since 1966. Despite numerous car crashes, recurring bladder tumors, and a gastrectomy, he has spent over 180,000 hours on his own "Long March" for environmental conservation since the 1980s.

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Congrats for finding news about Hu Qili! He had just been discharged from hospital in September, marking I think more or less a 9-month hospitalization (he was in critical condition in January, when his wife died). Du Daozheng is a very good suggestion.


EDIT: also got a message from the reclusive Tian Jiyun. It seems they are old enough to not give a fuck about censorship.

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Not your typical immortal type of pick but surely Steve Gleason and OJ Brigance qualifies as an immortal at this point right? They’ve had ALS for well over a decade now, with Brigance in particular being in his 17th year next year 

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On 13/07/2023 at 03:14, arghton said:

,Notes: Not included any of those names I suggested in June or last year (see page 12, includes the spoiler - for example Manmohan Singh, Josip Manolic, BM Ezrachi, Oscar Wyatt, Juhani Palmu, Than Shwe, Pasqual Maragall, Terekhova...) or those who've already been "promised" a spot on the list (Rabbi Kamenetsky, Joseph Lagu, Big Jiew, that Indian politician with a brain tumor and who else)


4. Shigeo Nagashima

Long health history includes a massive stroke in 2004, aphasia, multiple hospitalisations since, another stroke in 2022 and again ill this year. Has looked very frail for years.


19. Vil Mirzayanov - Russian Tatar chemist who was one of the creators of Novichok. Suffering from terminal cancer in...2018.

Shigeo Nagashima was well enough to make an appearance last week. Doesn't seem to have deteriorated much in recent years but this was the first time he's been seen in public since his Sept 2022 stroke+fall hospitalisation. He and his pal Tsuneo Watanabe (who's had...prostate cancer in the 1990s and wrote a book with Yasuhiro Nakasone on "how to survive cancer", serious drunken fall in 2014 resulting in him being in ICU for weeks and later back in ICU with complications, then fall and spinal fracture in 2018 when he was in critical condition & rumored dead. According to Japanese media has "spent" tens of millions of yens at a VIP hospital in recent years) seem indestructible.

Vil Mirzayanov is currently cancer-free according to a facebook post from two weeks ago. He has a facebook page and seems much more healthy than I thought.


Also, here's Gaositwe Chiepe, one of the remaining from the original list, last month:


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On 02/08/2023 at 08:47, drol said:

Buddhadeb asking to be discharged. Apparently he is off or will soon be off BiPAP too.


This quite outclasses Ezrachi, Krasko, Buthelezi, Chamorro, Le Pen and Manohar Joshi.

Not dead, but here's Manohar on his 86th birthday some days ago:


Article. Of course his memory is a bit fucked due to the brain tumor/cancer and he's been treated at home since his discharge in May, but remarkably well for someone who's on borrowed time...and judging on that image he'll still be here on New Year's Eve.

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I thought he was in a permanent coma! Fucking first-class immortal.

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