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Good news Cat O'Falk - your spiders should go back into hiding by Tuesday/Wednesday if you're north of Birmingham and Friday anywhere else.

Yeah they did but the buggers are back and in my bath.



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Spring in Chicago - a shitty time of year.


Yesterday was the weirdest weather I done ever experienced. All day it was a weird pattern. Cloudy with flurries/light snow, then sunny but windy. There were literally 10 separate snowfalls separated by periods of sunshine that melted anything that stuck.


Today was nice. 70°F and sunny. I went to play tennis like any white person would do.


Cold, cloudy tomorrow, more snow in a few days.

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Past couple of days have been sunny and in the upper 70s/low 80s.


But starting tomorrow it's going to be back in the upper 50s/low 60s and rainy for over a week.

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For those of you who missed my screenshot on Facebook, at 2:30pm today the effective temperature in my neck of the Great Plains was 109F.


Just thought I'd share.

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For those of you who missed my screenshot on Facebook, at 2:30pm today the effective temperature in my neck of the Great Plains was 109F.

Just thought I'd share.

Bless you, I've noted 105f in Tenerife and that really was too much.

Just checked the UK hottest being 98f. But could you imagine 51 degrees C in India?


That's 124f...

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I've been in Death Valley when it's been in that neighborhood. You can die very, very quickly.

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I've been in Death Valley when it's been in that neighborhood. You can die very, very quickly.

Good, there are some people I want to send there.

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I've done 112F. We got sent home from school. Happy days!

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CA, I took a washing in today and it was still soaking.


I had put it out to dry.....last Monday.


(Can't leave it till tomorrow, ah , notices time, 'today' , as the neighbours wouldn't like it out on a Sunday).


Fantastic April/May but it's been shite ever since.

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We currently have storms. Lightning and high wind. My husband just got done cutting apart a tree that fell on my sister's house. I have no power.


Why the fuck do I live in Texas?

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We currently have storms. Lightning and high wind. My husband just got done cutting apart a tree that fell on my sister's house. I have no power.


Why the f**k do I live in Texas?

Because you can openly walk down the street with your bazookas on display. :lol:

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A/ been smarter to cut the tree afore it fell....


B/ because it's nearer Mexico than New York?

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Funny thing about 60mph straight line winds - they take down whatever they want. If it hadn't been that tree, it woukd have been the other one. I'm generally grateful when they all don't go flying.


And I'm way past the age where people want to see my bazookas.

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6.07" of rain by 8am, have had four flash flood warnings including 30 minutes ago as it hasn't stopped raining virtually all day. Didn't hear an updated forecast but I have to imagine at least 9" of rain today, roads and areas underwater etc. and Hurricane Gustav dumped a total of only 7.5" in two days, by comparison.


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6.07" of rain by 8am, have had four flash flood warnings including 30 minutes ago as it hasn't stopped raining virtually all day. Didn't hear an updated forecast but I have to imagine at least 9" of rain today, roads and areas underwater etc. and Hurricane Gustav dumped a total of only 7.5" in two days, by comparison.


Sounds like you need a boat. :duck:

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6.07" of rain by 8am, have had four flash flood warnings including 30 minutes ago as it hasn't stopped raining virtually all day. Didn't hear an updated forecast but I have to imagine at least 9" of rain today, roads and areas underwater etc. and Hurricane Gustav dumped a total of only 7.5" in two days, by comparison.



Sounds like you need a boat. :duck:
10.39" two days ago. Another 7-9" yesterday. 4-8" on its way today. If you watch any kind of international news I'm sure we are on it. I've friends who have water already in their homes, schools and businesses. Lots of devastation and like I said another half a foot or more coming down today. Bad times. Lots of people losing personal shit and becoming homeless and unemployed.


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6.07" of rain by 8am, have had four flash flood warnings including 30 minutes ago as it hasn't stopped raining virtually all day. Didn't hear an updated forecast but I have to imagine at least 9" of rain today, roads and areas underwater etc. and Hurricane Gustav dumped a total of only 7.5" in two days, by comparison.


Sounds like you need a boat. :duck:
10.39" two days ago. Another 7-9" yesterday. 4-8" on its way today. If you watch any kind of international news I'm sure we are on it. I've friends who have water already in their homes, schools and businesses. Lots of devastation and like I said another half a foot or more coming down today. Bad times. Lots of people losing personal shit and becoming homeless and unemployed.




Thinking about you. Keep safe.

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Friday the ambient temperature was 108F, heat index was 118F. My eldest decided to go for a walk. Turned out to be a very bad idea.

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John Bel Edwards was on BBC TV News over the weekend when they covered this story.

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John Bel Edwards was on BBC TV News over the weekend when they covered this story.

Still amazes me that someone named John Edwards could get elected after the stigma of the previously scorned Presidential candidate, which I guess accounts for the BEL in JBE just to clarify 'I'm not the a-hole guy'. Still, surprising he prevailed. He seems a decent chap fwiw.


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^^^ ditto.


Plus midges. Even at sea :(

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