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O.J. Simpson: Run Out Of Juice?

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9 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

So prominent was this case you could compile several DDP teams from it.

Murder trial of O.J. Simpson, 1995

concerning the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson (1959–1994) and Ron Goldman (1968–1994)
accused: O. J. Simpson (1947–2024)
judge: Lance Ito (wiki, born 1950)
defense "Dream Team": led by Johnnie Cochran (1937–2005), with Robert Shapiro (wiki, born 1942), F. Lee Bailey (1933–2021), Alan Dershowitz (wiki, born 1938), Robert Kardashian (1944–2003), Shawn Holley (wiki, born 1962), Carl E. Douglas (wiki, born 1955), Gerald Uelmen (wiki, born 1940), Barry Scheck (wiki, born 1949) and Peter Neufeld (wiki, born 1950)
prosecution: Marcia Clark (wiki, born 1953), William Hodgman (wiki, born 1952) and Christopher Darden (wiki, born 1956)
other trial contributors: investigator Mark Fuhrman (wiki, born 1952), domestic violence expert Lenore E. Walker (wiki, born 1942), chief medical examiner Lakshmanan Sathyavagiswaran (wiki, born 1949), physician Robert Huizenga (wiki, born 1950s), pathologist Michael Baden (wiki, born 1934), forensic scientist Henry Lee (wiki, born 1938) and toxicologist Fredric Rieders (1922–2005).
broadcasters covering the chase: Zoey Tur (wiki, born 1960) – spotted his vehicle from a news copter, NBC's Tom Brokaw (wiki, born 1940), ABC's Peter Jennings (1938–2005) and Barbara Walters (1929–2022), and Jim Hill (wiki, born 1946).
broadcasters covering the courtroom: Larry King (1933–2021), Linda Deutsch (wiki, born 1943), Harvey Levin (wiki, born 1950), David Margolick (wiki, born 1952). Writers Dominick Dunne (1925–2009) and Joe McGinniss (1942–2014) also had full access.
others associated: football player Al Cowlings (wiki, born 1947) – close friend of O.J. / aided him in the low speed police chase whilst evading capture, actor Kato Kaelin (wiki, born 1959) – with friend Nicole Brown Simpson shortly before her murder, former football coach to O.J. John McKay (1923–2001), and fellow players Walter Payton (1953–1999) and Vince Evans (wiki, born 1955) – all spoke to Simpson during his police chase to talk him out of committing suicide, former NFL player and pastor Rosey Grier (wiki, born 1932) – visited and comforted O.J. shortly after his capture, television personality and author Faye Resnick (wiki, born 1947) – friend of Nicole's who O.J.'s defense team described as a drug user in debt to dealers who may have been involved in the murders, journalist Jeffrey Toobin (wiki, born 1960) – printed a famous article claiming that the defense were considering suggested the glove was planted at the scene by "racist" investigators, Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan (wiki, born 1933) – provided Cochran with bodyguards during the trial after he received death threats, prosecutor and author Vincent Bugliosi (1934–2015) – wrote the famous book "Outrage" detailing why O.J. got away with murder, Willie L. Williams (1943–2016) – head of the LA Police Dept during the case and trial, lawyer Daniel M. Petrocelli (wiki, born 1953) – filed the 1997 wrongful death civil suit against O.J., screenwriter Pablo Fenjves (wiki, born 1953) – ghostwrote "If I Did It", a collaborated account with O.J., journalist Ed Gordon (wiki, born 1960) was the first to interview O.J. following the trial, with Katie Couric (wiki, born 1957) getting an in depth interview with O.J. in 2004 about the case, actress and television personality Ruby Wax (wiki, born 1953) did a famous interview with O.J. in 1998 where he pretended to stab her with a banana, detective William Dear (wiki, born 1937) – published "O.J. is Innocent and I Can Prove it", convicted serial killer Glen Edward Rogers (wiki, born 1962) – claims to have been hired by O.J. to carry out the murders.

Good list. I would have included the district attorney at the time, Gil Garcetti, born in 1941.

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9 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

So prominent was this case you could compile several DDP teams from it.


There was the  "American Crime Story" dramatisation too,


1 hour ago, The Immortal said:

Can someone here put "Out of Juice" as the dead tagline for this thread?


Or "Dried Up".

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2 hours ago, Thatcher said:


rip bozo 

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4 hours ago, Comped said:

A miss for the committee? Perhaps!


76 is not terribly old these days.

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He is out of juice now. I hope his death was slow and painful, like the people he hurt.

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57 minutes ago, dimreaper said:


76 is not terribly old these days nor was his cancer diagnosis public knowledge.

His cancer was public knowledge. I posted in here years(?) ago his instagram video talking about cancer and how great marijuana was for it.

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On 30/05/2023 at 15:09, lilham said:

OJ Simpson reveals he had covid and cancer at the same time, and went through chemo. It's a long video rambling about smoking pot before he mentions cancer just before 2 minutes. He says he's healthy now, beat cancer, lost 30 lbs, and is for legalizing weed.


Okay, his video is from May 30th of last year.

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1 hour ago, Ulitzer95 said:

So prominent was this case you could compile several DDP teams from it.

Murder trial of O.J. Simpson, 1995

concerning the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson (1959–1994) and Ron Goldman (1968–1994)
accused: O. J. Simpson (1947–2024)
judge: Lance Ito (wiki, born 1950)
defense "Dream Team": led by Johnnie Cochran (1937–2005), with Robert Shapiro (wiki, born 1942), F. Lee Bailey (1933–2021), Alan Dershowitz (wiki, born 1938), Robert Kardashian (1944–2003), Shawn Holley (wiki, born 1962), Carl E. Douglas (wiki, born 1955), Gerald Uelmen (wiki, born 1940), Barry Scheck (wiki, born 1949) and Peter Neufeld (wiki, born 1950)
prosecution: Marcia Clark (wiki, born 1953), William Hodgman (wiki, born 1952), Christopher Darden (wiki, born 1956) and District Attorney Gil Garcetti (wiki, born 1941).
other trial contributors: investigator Mark Fuhrman (wiki, born 1952), domestic violence expert Lenore E. Walker (wiki, born 1942), chief medical examiner Lakshmanan Sathyavagiswaran (wiki, born 1949), physician Robert Huizenga (wiki, born 1950s), pathologist Michael Baden (wiki, born 1934), forensic scientist Henry Lee (wiki, born 1938) and toxicologist Fredric Rieders (1922–2005).
broadcasters covering the chase: Zoey Tur (wiki, born 1960) – spotted his vehicle from a news copter, NBC's Tom Brokaw (wiki, born 1940), ABC's Peter Jennings (1938–2005) and Barbara Walters (1929–2022), and Jim Hill (wiki, born 1946).
broadcasters covering the courtroom: Larry King (1933–2021), Linda Deutsch (wiki, born 1943), Harvey Levin (wiki, born 1950), David Margolick (wiki, born 1952). Writers Dominick Dunne (1925–2009) and Joe McGinniss (1942–2014) also had full access.
others associated: football player Al Cowlings (wiki, born 1947) – close friend of O.J. / aided him in the low speed police chase whilst evading capture, actor Kato Kaelin (wiki, born 1959) – with friend Nicole Brown Simpson shortly before her murder, former football coach to O.J. John McKay (1923–2001), and fellow players Walter Payton (1953–1999) and Vince Evans (wiki, born 1955) – all spoke to Simpson during his police chase to talk him out of committing suicide, former NFL player and pastor Rosey Grier (wiki, born 1932) – visited and comforted O.J. shortly after his capture, television personality and author Faye Resnick (wiki, born 1947) – friend of Nicole's who O.J.'s defense team described as a drug user in debt to dealers who may have been involved in the murders, journalist Jeffrey Toobin (wiki, born 1960) – printed a famous article claiming that the defense were considering suggested the glove was planted at the scene by "racist" investigators, Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan (wiki, born 1933) – provided Cochran with bodyguards during the trial after he received death threats, prosecutor and author Vincent Bugliosi (1934–2015) – wrote the famous book "Outrage" detailing why O.J. got away with murder, Willie L. Williams (1943–2016) – head of the LA Police Dept during the case and trial, lawyer Daniel M. Petrocelli (wiki, born 1953) – filed the 1997 wrongful death civil suit against O.J., screenwriter Pablo Fenjves (wiki, born 1953) – ghostwrote "If I Did It", a collaborated account with O.J., journalist Ed Gordon (wiki, born 1960) was the first to interview O.J. following the trial, with Katie Couric (wiki, born 1957) getting an in depth interview with O.J. in 2004 about the case, actress and television personality Ruby Wax (wiki, born 1953) did a famous interview with O.J. in 1998 where he pretended to stab her with a banana, detective William Dear (wiki, born 1937) – published "O.J. is Innocent and I Can Prove it", convicted serial killer Glen Edward Rogers (wiki, born 1962) – claims to have been hired by O.J. to carry out the murders.

Some more names could also be added from the British coverage of the verdict such as John Suchet on air for ITN.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uLxGSlnU9w



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12 minutes ago, The Old Crem said:

Some more names could also be added from the British coverage of the verdict such as John Suchet on air for ITN.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uLxGSlnU9w



Nah. American case. Not interested in international broadcasters. None of my lists on here are intended to be exhaustive.

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2 hours ago, Ulitzer95 said:

So prominent was this case you could compile several DDP teams from it.

Watching the TV coverage of Simpson's death and I was surprised to find out that Ron Goldman's father, Fred, was still alive, I never realised how young Ron actually was.

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Darn it I was going to put him on my Windy City dead pool when the next round opened up.  Oh well, plenty of others can take his place

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On 10/02/2024 at 02:19, Youth in Asia said:

I remember in the 90s there was saturation coverage of this case in UK media and it was strange because nobody really knew who he was or why it was relevant to us.

Even now he is probably more famous for orange juice.

It sure was a big deal here!  My husband and I watched the trial every day- and he was very upset because he was sure they were going to acquit him- and so he was, several months after my husband died of lung cancer.  Wherever Mike is, I hope he knows that OJ Simpson finally got his- they have been stoking the fires for him for a long time!

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On 09/02/2024 at 14:57, MrWonderful said:

So he has advanced/metastatic prostate cancer, since he's undergoing chemo.  Having said that, he's probably not going to die anytime soon, at least not of prostate cancer.  I suppose if you were going to have a form of metastatic cancer, this isn't one of the worst ones to have.  According to statistics, he has an excellent chance to live for at least 5 years and, in fact, 10 years.  But he's now closer to 80 than 70, so perhaps it won't quite be that long.  Still, he's probably out of the danger zone for the time being.  

I guess I was fucking wrong, wasn't I?  On the bright side, his ex-wife's killer is now dead.  

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According to Sharon Osbourne, OJ and his wife were drug dealers to celebrities, and she was killed in a hit by the local drug Mafia. He then made his escape in a confused and drugged up state because he thought they were going to kill him too.

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35 minutes ago, Youth in Asia said:

According to Sharon Osbourne, OJ and his wife were drug dealers to celebrities, and she was killed in a hit by the local drug Mafia. He then made his escape in a confused and drugged up state because he thought they were going to kill him too.

Who knows? 


He looked so innocent. I never understood all the hatred.

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1 hour ago, Youth in Asia said:

According to Sharon Osbourne, OJ and his wife were drug dealers to celebrities, and she was killed in a hit by the local drug Mafia. He then made his escape in a confused and drugged up state because he thought they were going to kill him too.

She's increasingly desperate to be in the news & to appear relevant. She's bad-mouthing a murder victim & if OJS was not the murderer why was nobody else ever on trial? 

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Ahem... I also kind of think he didn't do it, but he nevertheless wanted to have the attention on him, as a sort of cover-up.

I've heard the theory that he might have protected on of his elder children from the first marriage. A cover-up for a different crime might also be plausible.


I don't know, in my mind, he doesn't look like a murderer. I can totally believe that Bill Cosby did it, the crimes were hiding in plain sight. I never got that vibe from Simpson. His former Twitter page made me think that he was more of a "player", a more suitable character for a small-time (or medium-time) criminal. You'd have to be a really big sociopath to have such a light-hearted persona in spite of having committed a murder.

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15 minutes ago, gcreptile said:

Ahem... I also kind of think he didn't do it, but he nevertheless wanted to have the attention on him, as a sort of cover-up.

I've heard the theory that he might have protected on of his elder children from the first marriage. A cover-up for a different crime might also be plausible.


I don't know, in my mind, he doesn't look like a murderer. I can totally believe that Bill Cosby did it, the crimes were hiding in plain sight. I never got that vibe from Simpson. His former Twitter page made me think that he was more of a "player", a more suitable character for a small-time (or medium-time) criminal. You'd have to be a really big sociopath to have such a light-hearted persona in spite of having committed a murder.

What about all the times he attacked her & police were called to their home? The race card was played without doubt & the evidence was ignored. A trial that lasted 9 months and a decision in 4 hours - just laughable. He was known for violence  towards women and had a penchant for women decades younger who he could control. Even the Kardashians fell out with him according to The Sun. The American legal system is bizarre - someone was executed this week for 2 murders decades ago after being on Death Row ever since yet a guy who killed about 35 just has life imprisonment due to some sort of plea bargaining. 

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5 minutes ago, The Watcher said:

What about all the times he attacked her & police were called to their home? The race card was played without doubt & the evidence was ignored. A trial that lasted 9 months and a decision in 4 hours - just laughable. He was known for violence  towards women and had a penchant for women decades younger who he could control. Even the Kardashians fell out with him according to The Sun. The American legal system is bizarre - someone was executed this week for 2 murders decades ago after being on Death Row ever since yet a guy who killed about 35 just has life imprisonment due to some sort of plea bargaining. 

I know, it's controversial and it will always be. And he was not squeaky-clean. I do wonder why "If I Did it" exists, the deflection theory makes sense to me.

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7 hours ago, gcreptile said:

I know, it's controversial and it will always be. And he was not squeaky-clean. I do wonder why "If I Did it" exists, the deflection theory makes sense to me.

If I Did It was a project funded by Rupert Murdoch; he is known for trying to manipulate the public.
The notion that his son did it and not him, or something related to the drug deals going on at Goldman's restaurant for which another coworker was murdered around the same time... okay, I'll entertain those theories. But OJ Simpson's violence isn't to be excused.

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