The other day I was talking to a colleague on Skype about one of their projects and they said "Of course, X is unlikely to get involved now."
"Wants more money?" I asked.
"No, they're dying."
I presumed this was private information, but anyhow, I kept this in my mind for future reference, and had a gander at Google later on. True enough, X's health is Google-able, they're not off the radar as I'd thought, and it was referenced in a newspaper this month. Now, X is a fairly big name, and I've come to this news a bit after the fact. News story was dated from around the 2nd. And I'm 100% sure I'm not the first Deathlister to spot this, even if I only stumbled across it via third party.
Which tells me one of two things.
Either people out there think the person will be alive in 2019 and are all keeping it secret already.
People are keeping it secret for the Deathlist Cup, and there's going to be a whole lot of groaning when the first person breaks cover early.
And wanting to discover which of those two is right is the only reason I haven't named them yet!