Aha, forget DDP obit chances, finally I'm in my element here!
There's many reasons the Troughton episodes get more love. For one thing, they were harder to see, so the fans of the 1980s rated a lot of the big episodes missing holy grail stories. Like Tomb of the Cybermen, a lost Cyberman classic. Then in the 90s it got found and people realised it was just ... not bad. Whereas the Pertwee stories have always been there. Also, there was a backlash because his Doctor was seen as a bit Tory. There's a bit in Terror of the Autons where he bullies the civil servant into helping the Brig by talking up his friendship with the chaps boss, and Paul Cornell wrote an entire article in a fanzine circa 1992 about how Tory this made the Doctor, and how un-Doctor. Now, your mileage may vary, but that scene's always struck me more as him bullshitting his arse off. Hah. Also yer man Pertwee gets far less leeway for being a bit tetchy than Troughton gets for the whole 2nd family thing or Tom Baker gets for the being a bit of a cunt at times thing.
Terror of the Autons is the comic book sequel to the more serious Spearhead from Space. It's not as good, as it was signed quickly on the success of the first story, but it has a lot of set pieces that, if you see for the first aged 6, were bloody terrifying. The policemen for once, pretty sure one of our members would have loved the "all policemen are secret wrong uns" subtext there. Mary Whitehouse did go to town on it, which usually helped ratings considerably.
One thing to note. That bit where UNIT crash a jeep into the Auton policeman, and it falls 50 feet down a quarry ledge only to immediately rise again and start climbing? A fucking stuntman did that. Bloody impressive, and it's a throwaway moment in a kids show!
The telephone cord bit is brilliantly naff.
As for Daemons, if you don't like the stuff they're nicking the plot from, you likely wont like it. It is very much Hammer Horror (for kids) by numbers. Apparently it was Jon Pertwee and Nicholas Courtney's favourite story to film! I suspect this is not due to the quality of the story, and more because they spent 3 weeks in the local pub.
PS The white witch is Damaris Hayman, previously mentioned on this forum. 89 this year and I'd presume on her acting CV highly obitable.