Great pick from Hippoposthumous though, puts them up to 27th. Probably not enough for a title challenge, but for a team that's been playing for nine years and never managed above the mid-60s that's impressive.
That's all fine and good, but when I see your example I would pronounce the 'o' in Willoch as in lock and key. Which is nothing at all like Corey. So we're all fåcked.
She's getting better now apparently, now able to walk and talk a bit.
Captain of the yacht Natalie Wood died on (or just off actually) claims Wagner responsible:
You could say she's Noel Fielding's grandmother or great aunt, she seems more of a great aunt type than a granny, and see if a load of wanna be hipsters start taking notice of her.
Kidding aside, I like Fenella so I wish her well.
I can never really understand that choice of words.
Of course it was fucking unforeseen, if it had been foreseen that there would be circumstances as to why she could not attend they would not have pencilled her in to attend in the first place!!
A ' bears do shit in the woods' kinda statement or summat.
Oscar Perez the copper behind the Caracas helicopter attack on the government last year, gunned down by the National Guard after posting a YouTube vid with his face covered in blood saying they weren't accepting his surrender.
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