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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/11/18 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    I never thought my first post on the forum would be something like this, but since no one has thought to report it yet, Stephen Hillenburg, Creator of the world famous cartoon Spongebob Squarepants, has passed away at the age of 57. I'm american, so I wasn't quite sure what news source to link. Hopefully the New York Times will suffice. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/27/obituaries/stephen-hillenburg-spongebob-squarepants-creator-dies-at-57.html A sad day for cartoon fans. I was a early 2000's kid, so his cartoon is what I grew up on. I can remember watching episodes with my siblings when I was younger, and quoting them as a teen. To this day we all sing "Santa's coming tonight, tonight!" every Christmas eve. Apologies if this isn't the right thread to post such a thing in (This is also my first experience with a forum). Either way, he will be missed.
  2. 3 points
    Very sad news. I knew it was coming but prayed he could stay with us a w hile longer.Watching his son tweet his last illness over the last week has been harrowing.I really feel for the guy.
  3. 3 points
    So that will be, like, 82% of everybody who dies, gets an obit and is posted up on the forum, you know, people we have barely heard of. Brilliant thread, you must inhaled a shit load of tear gas on the streets of Paris the weekend to have come up with that.
  4. 2 points
    Well, it has been reported in his own thread. But since no one has reported his death here yet, you’re fine (well, ninja’d but posting anyways). Oh, and welcome to the forums Curiousity. I hope you stay.
  5. 2 points
    It's completely fine to post it here. Hillenburg does have a standalone thread, where his death has already been reported, but there's no issue posting the same death in multiple relevant threads.
  6. 2 points
    Tezza's in Glasgow later today "to sell her Brexit plan". Sounds like they won't need a leadership contest after all. RIP!
  7. 2 points
    Football team fakes player's death in order to have game postponed: https://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2018-11-28/irish-football-club-fakes-player-death-to-get-game-postponed/10561388
  8. 2 points
    August Ames. She's still a trending search on PornHub... xxxTentacion is easily the biggest one I can think right now. Just let a shitty rapper die.
  9. 1 point
    Congrats YW. My team take the field unchanged.
  10. 1 point
    Harry Leslie Smith was an open goal. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/nov/28/harry-leslie-smith-dies-aged-95 Hit for me! 1920 - Prem Tinsulanonda/Clarissa Eden 1921 - Prince Philip, Duke Of Edinburgh/Marie Ponsot 1922 - Carl Reiner/Gertrude Himmelfarb 1923 - Bob Barker/Baroness Jill Knight 1924 - Stanley Donen/Cicely Tyson 1925 - Ben Ford (former MP)/Angela Lansbury 1926 - Carleton Carpenter/Queen Elizabeth II 1927 - Pope Benedict XVI/Rosalynn Carter 1928 - Hosni Mubarak/Sally Oppenheim-Barnes 1929 - Bob Newhart/Jane Powell
  11. 1 point
    Harry Leslie Smith is no longer alive at 95 Mirror.co.uk article: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/harry-leslie-smith-dead-worlds-13624746
  12. 1 point
    The word Woman is now offensive to psycho left wing students. Those universities are like a place to go, to get your head messed with. No wonder mental illness is on the rise. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6428225/Snowflake-students-replace-word-women-WOMXN-traditional-spelling-contains-man.html
  13. 1 point
    Sad news, but welcome to the forum !
  14. 1 point
    A hit for me too although I must confess I had totally forgotten I picked her!
  15. 1 point
    Do you normally just walk into a strangers home and go for a shit on their toilet without even a basic introduction?
  16. 1 point
    Not an early, an overdue..... * aye, I know he's a fenian....
  17. 1 point
    As someone who's watched SpongeBob for as long as I can remember, today's a sad day. RIP to one of the most influential cartoonists of the 21st century (so far).
  18. 1 point
    1920 - Prem Tinsulanonda/Clarissa Eden 1921 - Prince Philip, Duke Of Edinburgh/Marie Ponsot 1922 - Carl Reiner/Gertrude Himmelfarb 1923 - Harry Leslie Smith/Baroness Jill Knight 1924 - Stanley Donen/Cicely Tyson 1925 - Ben Ford (former MP)/Angela Lansbury 1926 - Carleton Carpenter/Queen Elizabeth II 1927 - Pope Benedict XVI/Rosalynn Carter 1928 - Hosni Mubarak/Sally Oppenheim-Barnes 1929 - Bob Newhart/Jane Powell Entering principally to get Harry Leslie Smith on a list.
  19. 1 point
    So to clarify. I'm making two broad-ish changes to the DDP for 2019. One, I'm bringing back regional BBC/ITV obits. I know this might open the door for some things people aren't that keen on, but I'd say the main beneficiaries would be mayors, footballers who didn't play top-flight football and entertainers who were only on regional TV/radio. It's no more an advantage than, say, Australia has thanks to the Mail obitting every single convict-descendant that carks it. Two, as alluded above, I'm going to try and switch to rolling updates. Rather than wait for 8/10 celebs carking and doing a front page update, I'm going to treat it like the scoreboard this year - updating as and when they die, or at least within 48 hours of an obit coming through (some of us have jobs). Now the only possible problem with this, which I'm going to be given full disclosure to here, is that the history of the derbydeadpool domain name is a long and varied one. It dates back to the days when you could get free domain names online. The company that provided this was FreeNetName, which I think ceased operations sometime around the release of Westlife's debut album. Their operations were folded into the company Madasafish, which itself was bought out by Plusnet in 2007 (I may have some of these details slightly off, but the timeline is right). So, really, for the past decade the domain name has been owned by a company that doesn't actually exist. As it stands, the way the site works is: deaths are loaded into a database (compiled at the start of the year, this is what causes all the grief between you submitting your entries and the site going live). Then the database is processed through a... thingy. It then spews out the 26 A-Z pages, the deaths this year and the scoreboard pages. Those pages are then uploaded manually, via FTP, to the site. The homepage (as well as the theme team league and the lits of the lost/missed) are compiled manually. As in, HTML coded like you would have in an IT lesson circa 1997. I go into an old HTML editing tool (and they don't make those anymore because nobody programs with HTML in the current year), and type up the deaths, then I manually interlink all the links and so on and so forth. This is time consuming. And depressing. Switching to a rolling blog format will make this much quicker because, hey, it's Wordpress software. We're in the 21st century baby! And it'll look more professional, I have the exact idea in my haed of how I want the site to look and I can get it for under £50. The issue is that as Madasafish doesn't really exist, Plusnet's customer service (which is meant to be the best in telecoms) couldn't give a shit about you. The domain needs transferring over to a new host (in this case, Ionos), that is aware the world has changed in the past 10 years. Madasafish literally only allows FTP transfers. No Wordpress. No SQL. None of the stuff that makes every site run. My ideas about getting the site fully overhauled had to be stymied: to get a programmer to do it would cost north of £300. And as much as I love you guys, I don't love you £300. Plus I acn't be dealing with programmers, absolute nightmare. There are ways the process could be streamlined, but that may be a job for the next man in the saddle (@msc). So that's where we are. To be honest, writing the bios and finding pictures I do not mind, it's kinda fun really. But the way the DDP has operated has been identical really since the days that two hits a week was considered an avalanche of deaths. It'll need a better man than me to change it, but I'm laying the opening groundwork for you here.
  20. 1 point
    The BBC played it on the lunchtime news:
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Right....cuz it was only a movie that was nominated for 4 Oscars including Best Picture/Director/Actor/Screenplay. OK, I've heard of the film but haven't seen it. Vaguely aware that it was based on real events. Still didn't recognise the name.
  23. 1 point
    I guess that means her nu album is Bollocks
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    To nick a crap joke from earlier discussions: Willesee 2019?
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