Sidney Poitier-One of Hollywood's biggest box office attractions ever.Currently too ill to attend awards shows that honor him,someone never picked by the Deathlist committee yet
Violeta Chamorro - Nicuaraga's only female head of state in it's history and maybe one of Central America's most important leader's ever.Almost a dead cert to go next year,and would also tie in nicely with current Deathlist pick George HW Bush who I assume is returning to the list next year.
Mikhail Gorbachev-The same way Connery was added after missing out on Roger Moore,after missing out on Soviet Union's own Nikolai Volkoff it would be an even bigger miss to not pick Gorby next year
Beverly Clearly-One of America's most succesful living authors,turns 103 next year.Outside of the works of Roald Dahl and Dr. Seuss, her Ramona Quimby novels were read more then any others by American Schoolchildren from about the 60's thru 90's