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33 minutes ago, The Old Crem said:

This is pretty poor behaviour. . 


Actually, yes, Crem is right here. Axing one of his colleagues while the poor chap is in hospital (but still planned to campaign as he's recovering), then letting the Scots leader u-turn on his decision to run, looks very poor.


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The official:


The follow up:



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Why the fuck were Sunak and his missus at the D Day commemoration? 

He isn't the Prime Minister now.

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10 minutes ago, Toast said:

Why the fuck were Sunak and his missus at the D Day commemoration? 

He isn't the Prime Minister now.

He wanted to thank them in person, for providing a Britain where his family could immigrate to the UK and he could cause and exploit the financial crash, make millions for his missus under non-dom tax rules and provide contracts to his father-in-law's companies, milking the cash cow of COVID fraud and sucking the finances from everything they fought for.


All while hoping they would die during the pandemic.


And he still hangs on to the office of PM in effect until the election decides otherwise.

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1 hour ago, Toast said:

Why the fuck were Sunak and his missus at the D Day commemoration? 

He isn't the Prime Minister now.


He is still the Prime Minister until the election but he is no longer the MP for Richmond

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YouGov's new poll (I don't have a link to hand) has the Tories on 19% and Reform on 17%. Highly implausible, I grant you. Labour still only 20-odd points in front on 40%. Lib Dems 10%, Greens 7%.


Electoral Calculus says:

LAB - 490 (+293)

CON - 56 (-320)

LDM - 63 (+55)

RFM - 3 (+3)

GRN - 2 (+1)

SNP - 14 (-34)

PC - 4 (+2)


Let's see what the others are saying in the days ahead...

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30 minutes ago, RoverAndOut said:

YouGov's new poll (I don't have a link to hand) has the Tories on 19% and Reform on 17%. Highly implausible, I grant you. Labour still only 20-odd points in front on 40%. Lib Dems 10%, Greens 7%.


Electoral Calculus says:

LAB - 490 (+293)

CON - 56 (-320)

LDM - 63 (+55)

RFM - 3 (+3)

GRN - 2 (+1)

SNP - 14 (-34)

PC - 4 (+2)


Let's see what the others are saying in the days ahead...

Ed Davey as LOTO.....



Be surprised if Reform got 3. 1 most likely

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If three Reform MPs is the price for the Lib Dems being His Majesty's Official Opposition, I think I'm here for it. Maybe Davey can do a bit of juggling while going head-to-head with Keir Starmer at PMQs.

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Oh I don't know about that, Sir...

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Just got my first leaflet - for the Labour Party. Unusually they even door knocking. Might be a sign of concern about Galloway backed independent and Greens doing well there. 

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They really are well and truly  fucked even Bruce is calling them out in real time now




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Sunak leaving the D-Day commemorations is totally indefensible.


Apparently this was arranged by Sunak's team for an ITN interview - a political interview.


The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, its territories etc etc LEAVING when aged veterans made the trip, the King suffering from cancer made the trip...well, I'm just appalled.


I'd be shouting this from the rooftops in Richmond. He should lose his seat for this. He should RESIGN for this. He should lose all the benefits of premiership for this.


If Tory MPs do not come out en masse to condemn him for this, then they deserve to lose their seats also.

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9 hours ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:




See that bit of blue in the North East of Scotland where I live? Tory HQ have just turned it SNP yellow.


The chosen candidate and MP, David Duguid, was competitive here. Douglas Ross makes the seat less competitive as everyone thinks he’s a fanny. 

I know the SNP candidate. Not popular locally outside of the SNP asylum so that could be the Tories only saving grace here 


The Tories really are trying to lose this election, aren’t they.


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9 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

Sunak leaving the D-Day commemorations is totally indefensible.


Apparently this was arranged by Sunak's team for an ITN interview - a political interview.


The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, its territories etc etc LEAVING when aged veterans made the trip, the King suffering from cancer made the trip...well, I'm just appalled.


I'd be shouting this from the rooftops in Richmond. He should lose his seat for this. He should RESIGN for this. He should lose all the benefits of premiership for this.


If Tory MPs do not come out en masse to condemn him for this, then they deserve to lose their seats also.


Call me cynical, but none of them were even born then  (few now alive were), it's all a political exercise anyway.

I cannot get enthused about it one way or the other.

In terms of what does matter, i.e. where we are going from this point in time? It makes zero difference. It's symbolism at most. 

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Horrendous front page for any PM at the best of times but in the middle of a GE campaign as well..

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9 minutes ago, En Passant said:


Call me cynical, but none of them were even born then  (few now alive were), it's all a political exercise anyway.

I cannot get enthused about it one way or the other.

In terms of what does matter, i.e. where we are going from this point in time? It makes zero difference. It's symbolism at most. 

Oh, I'm all for moving forward - symbolism, tokenism, whatever you want to call it.


But he's the Prime Minister and there are certain duties the public have a right to expect you to perform.


If he can't do one day's National Service, how can he call upon anybody in this country to do it for a whole year? There are certain people you don't metaphorically slap in the face -  it's those who fought for this country and the dead who lie in the fields of France who fought for this country.

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Also, looks like he's lost Dan:



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9 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

Oh, I'm all for moving forward - symbolism, tokenism, whatever you want to call it.


I do.

I've spent the last couple of days re-watching 'The Nazi's and the final solution' a bbc documentary from 2005 and I still believe we need to move on, even whilst drowning in my own tears. This is now all history, we need to care about those alive right now and ensure these lives weren't given away for nothing. Symbolism isn't it.

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Sunak's constituency of Richmond contains two major military bases - Catterick Garrison and RAF Leeming. The chances of him now retaining his seat must have slipped considerably.

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9 minutes ago, En Passant said:


I do.

I've spent the last couple of days re-watching 'The Nazi's and the final solution' a bbc documentary from 2005 and I still believe we need to move on, even whilst drowning in my own tears. This is now all history, we need to care about those alive right now and ensure these lives weren't given away for nothing. Symbolism isn't it.

Well, you are entitled to that view.


So let's scrap Remembrance Sunday, the War Graves commission, the Holocaust memorial - knock it down, etc etc.


Money better spent on today, eh? If only Sunak had rushed back to actually do something for the country. Maybe he had to rush back to check how his investments were doing, or how to fill his wallet with more taxpayers' cash before he loses office. 


What he has done is shitty imo. You are entitled to yours and I respect your point of view.



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4 minutes ago, En Passant said:

I do.

I've spent the last couple of days re-watching 'The Nazi's and the final solution' a bbc documentary from 2005 and I still believe we need to move on, even whilst drowning in my own tears. This is now all history, we need to care about those alive right now and ensure these lives weren't given away for nothing. Symbolism isn't it.


You can do both. The whole purpose of history is to learn from the past and not make the same mistakes again (which we are). D-Day was arguably the most significant day of the 20th Century. It was daring and it was dangerous and it paved the way for the defeat of the most dangerous regime in the history of modern Europe (yes, up to now, even more dangerous than Putin). It is commemorated every year, but this year is a significant milestone as it is the 80th anniversary and, probably, the last significant milestone for which there will be veterans alive for (85 is a possibility, but that's not as significant, 90 is unlikely). Reaffirming the commitment to peace and remembering the sacrifice that brought it to Europe is symbolic, but also crucial to us not repeating those mistakes. Sadly some of us need to stop reading revisionist history. For your tomorrow, we gave our today. As the Prime Minister of this country, the 80th anniversary of D-Day should be a solemn occasion where he represents the nation in giving thanks to those who died and honours those who are still with us. Instead, he bailed and did a political interview as he tries to stay in office. This is exactly why Sly Ronnie said having the election around the D-Day commemoration was a bad idea.


We can worry about the world today tomorrow. One day to remember is not an issue. Without them, we wouldn't have tomorrow.

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