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Deathlist Cup 2024

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I'm ready for another year of me doing horrendously.

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I'll do this again (and come up with a ridiculous team like the last time). 

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I will take part.

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Sign me up please :)

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I'll play again...

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7 minutes ago, max_bossetti said:

I would like to join

Thanks for playing, max, welcome!

You are player nr. 33. So unless we reach the magic 64, we will now have some byes in the first round.

Still 10 days to sign up!

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I’m in, obvs.  

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Edit: wrong thread...

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I’d like to join please 

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I would like to play.

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I have added the seeds / seedings (??) to the player list.


The order of seed is => last year's final round => points achieved in the final game of last year's game => order of signing up for this year.


TQR and me have already rejected playing this year. Among last year's top 32, we still haven't heard from Grim Up North and Pop Zeus.


With 39 players as of right now, we'd have to lose 7 more players for a Top 32 in Round Two, i.e. 7 matches in Round 1 => 14 players. So the top 25 players would get a free pass. With 3 top-seeded players not playing, automatic passes go down to seed no. 28.


But you have 5 more days to sign up!

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Okay if I’m number 5 seed I’d better enter 

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I will try again to make it to the second round......I have been eliminated in the first round once by being beaten, once by failing to get a second round team in on time, and once by coin toss.  I take full responsibility for the former two.  For the latter, I respectfully request another type of tiebreaker be added to avoid the dreaded coin toss.  Say, number of letters in the names of the hits.  Number of non hits born in 1928.  Number of goals their favorite soccer team scored in last tuesdays match.  ANYTHING.  :lol:

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