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Former First Ladies

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Joyce Anne Noel, a former first lady of Rhode Island, wife of former Governor Philip W. Noel and a one-time Miss America pageant contestant, has died in Florida.  Her husband was Rhode Island's Governor from 1973 to 1977 and survives her.




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On ‎28‎/‎03‎/‎2005 at 03:56, GracieJc8 said:

Someone wrote in about Rosalynn Carter's mother living until a few years ago. I checked up and the mothers of the 2 most recent first ladies Clinton and Bush II are still living. Dorothy Howell Rodham b. 1921 (Hillary Rodham Clinton) and Jenna Welch, date of birth unknown (Laura Bush), she is in her upper eighties. Both should be considered potential deaths in the next few ytears, but not nessecarily for the 2006 list. Aside from the elder Bushes the only living presidential parent (or closest thing to it) is Richard "Dick" Kelley, the stepfather of former president Bill Clinton. I checked up on him and he is living in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Kelley, the fourth husband (and widower) of Clinton's mother Virginia Clinton Kelley is 91 or 92. I don't know what his health status is.

Jenna Welch, former DDP pick, died Friday: https://www.today.com/news/jenna-bush-hager-honors-grandma-namesake-jenna-welch-who-passed-t153994



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Was thinking about doing a list of former First Ladies around the world. Could be a big job.


Meantime, is Graça Machel the only living former First Lady of two countries? By which I mean a sovereign state that's a member of the United Nations in its own right (the "Richard Osman Gambit").

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Nechama Rivlin, wife of incumbent Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, dead at 73.


On some people's radars after a failed lung transplant earlier in the year. Alas, it's now killed her.



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5 hours ago, Clorox Bleachman said:

Nechama Rivlin, wife of incumbent Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, dead at 73.


On some people's radars after a failed lung transplant earlier in the year. Alas, it's now killed her.



She was narrowly beaten for a spot on my Cup team by Mrs. Yudhoyono. Turns out that was not the only thing she beat her in.

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Happy Birthday Clarissa Eden - 99 today.


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3 minutes ago, The Old Crem said:

Happy Birthday Clarissa Eden - 99 today.


Aye indeed but It would have been better placed in her own thread.



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Clarissa Eden is not a former First Lady.  She was the wife of a man who was Prime Minister for less than two years. 

If we actually had a title of First Lady in the UK, it would refer to the Queen or Queen Consort.

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11 minutes ago, Toast said:

less than two years

Surely though it would make no difference if it were more than two years, or a week, or a decade then? If the qualification is "significant other of the leader of state (whether executive or ceremonial)" the timespan is irrelevant? Not arguing, just asking.


Personally hate all this as you probably know ;)

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7 minutes ago, En Passant said:

Surely though it would make no difference if it were more than two years, or a week, or a decade then? If the qualification is "significant other of the leader of state (whether executive or ceremonial)" the timespan is irrelevant? Not arguing, just asking.


Personally hate all this as you probably know ;)


No, it makes no difference.  Just making the point that she would not be one of the best remembered people to have occupied that position.

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On 01/06/2019 at 07:31, Banana said:

Now President Yudhoyono's mother Siti Habibah has died too. I couldn't find out how old she was, but at very least 90.

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1 minute ago, Sir Creep said:

LOL at headline: Former President's widow (misogynist much?)



It's a fucking accurate description. Who gives a fuck except Caroline Lucas supporters?


What happened to the Vagina Cabinet anyway?

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On 25/08/2020 at 17:11, Tower1 said:

Marita Camacho Quiros, former first lady of Costa Rica, turned 109 this year according to this article https://www.lateja.cr/nacional/exprimera-dama-marita-de-orlich-cumple-hoy-109/F7FTZMUEUJDIFLCOK5T5T2NAZM/story/

There are also two other centenarian first ladies;

101-year old former first lady of Chile Leonor Oyarzun


and 100-year old Clarissa Eden, widow of the british prime minister Anthony Eden



Phil's the oldest spouse of a current head of state at 99 and most likely the oldest spouse of a reigning head of state ever. Next up is probably (of the mentioned and notable enough ones) Norway's Queen Sonja 83, Marie of Liechenstein at age 80, and New Zealand's gov gen Patsy Reddy's husband David Cascoigne, 80.

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2 minutes ago, arghton said:

There are also two other centenarian first ladies;

101-year old former first lady of Chile Leonor Oyarzun


and 100-year old Clarissa Eden, widow of the british prime minister Anthony Eden



Phil's the oldest spouse of a current head of state at 99 and most likely the oldest spouse of a reigning head of state ever. Next up is probably (of the mentioned and notable enough ones) Norway's Queen Sonja 83, Marie of Liechenstein at age 80, and New Zealand's gov gen Patsy Reddy's husband David Cascoigne, 80.

BTW, Leonor Oyarzun is another centenarian who survived the 'rona.

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And here's a photo of fellow Chilean first lady and complete cunt Lucia Hiriart on her 98th birthday.


May it be your last.

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1 hour ago, arghton said:

There are also two other centenarian first ladies;

101-year old former first lady of Chile Leonor Oyarzun


and 100-year old Clarissa Eden, widow of the british prime minister Anthony Eden



Phil's the oldest spouse of a current head of state at 99 and most likely the oldest spouse of a reigning head of state ever. Next up is probably (of the mentioned and notable enough ones) Norway's Queen Sonja 83, Marie of Liechenstein at age 80, and New Zealand's gov gen Patsy Reddy's husband David Cascoigne, 80.

There was another centenarian from Guatemala, Henrietta Boggs, but she died a few months ago at 102. Also Franca Pilla, widow of Carlos Azeglio Ciampi will turn 100 tomorrow. 

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