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Guest Chewie

Jane Tomlinson Killer Ride

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has anyone seen someone you love die in front of you ?


I loved a few of the people on last year's DL and Muhammad Ali is one of my all time heroes.

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has anyone seen someone you love die in front of you ?

Yes. Your point is?




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has anyone seen someone you love die in front of you ?

My daughter nearly died in my arms last week.

Must have been something I said..

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If she is not milking it and so pure why is that she seems to change charities fairly frequently - if she was that cause driven surely she'd have stuck with Cancer Research UK - but now she seems to have nothing to do with them? Also BBC do not seem to want to have anything to do with her? Slight theme emerging - she is also now turning to American and has split her fund and has contacts in US as well.


Yes she does have cancer (is it terminal - probably yes as if she was in remission and media savey - she would make a huge thing about it) but she does seem to milk it.


As for Lance - famous on many dimensions - if nothing else shagging Sherly Crow, and his story is not o I'm dying ,I'm on my last legs, its sock it to them and get over cancer like I did.


BTW I'm fairly well qualified at answer having had cancer twice (and still under age of 28),


BTW I've met said woman and she is not really a particularly nice woman.


Andy the ready for the flames - but maybe you would be best to ask around in the media before you flame me - who says Wembley going to be ready on time was the worst kept secret!!!!!!

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As for Lance - famous on many dimensions


Can't say I knew who he was, I'd heard the name but didn't know much about him until these guys built this


for him.

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Andy BBB said;


BTW I've met said woman and she is not really a particularly nice woman.


C'mon man, tell us more. Does she demand massive quantities of cash to turn up anywhere, does she do drugs, shag around and diss other celebs for being amateurs. The DL should be told.

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I might attract a few drive by ranters for this.... but I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion she might have some sort of factitious, Munchausen's like disorder. She seems to thrive on the attention she is given.


She seems to breeze from year to year without any discernable difference in her physical appearance

running marathons, pole vaulting, cage fighting etc etc.


Her "terminal" diagnosis seems tenuous at best. "Terminal" in UK medical parlance is normally taken to mean six months life expectancy maximum. I wonder if she will become like that other "terminal" case, the bald kid who asked for everyone to send him a card and ended up getting seventeen million of them (his name escapes me at present but I believe he is still alive today)


If I was a freelance journalist (which I'm not) I would devote a bit of time to digging the dirt on Tomlinson, especially her medical records. There would be a great public reaction is she was exposed as a fraud. She might have to take up sprinting then....


Do I hit the submit button for this .... Oh what the hell! :unsure:


I really wish I hadn't posted that now. :banghead:

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There would be a great public reaction is she was exposed as a fraud. She might have to take up sprinting then....


I didn't realise it has been five years! As way of comparison, being free of cancer for 5 years counts as a cure, so that is a little excessive to be considered terminal I would think.


I'd also be interested in how any insurers who may have paid out on terminal illness cover would view this. Presumably they'd do nothing in this case due to the bad press, but I wonder if she was less famous?


Let me make it clear that I'm not advocating insurance company action if the above is true, I'm just saying they're not generally known for their charity and willingness to say 'oh damn the rules, she deserves it!'

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I wonder if she will become like that other "terminal" case, the bald kid who asked for everyone to send him a card and ended up getting seventeen million of them (his name escapes me at present but I believe he is still alive today)


I just read an article on him... forget his name, but he is still alive, but only because someone really rich (John Kluge? Rupert Murdoch? Someone Austrailian I believe...) paid to have experimental surgery to have him cured, and it worked. Then again, if there was surgery to heal him, doesn't that mean the illness wasn't terminal in the first place? :banghead:


I gues the point is that sometimes the word terminal is exaggerated beyond its medical definition...

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It is - of course - possible that her obsessive athleticism has contributed to boosting her immune system over the last five years. Personally, I think we could turn this to our advantage. What if - for example - we had athletic clubs and football leagues simply for terminal cancer cases. They'd literally be playing for their lives, fierce competition, good ticket sales to raise research funds and millions saved on the NHS paying for immobile and lazy bedridden cases ticking off the days until they die, or something.

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It is - of course - possible that her obsessive athleticism has contributed to boosting her immune system over the last five years. Personally, I think we could turn this to our advantage. What if - for example - we had athletic clubs and football leagues simply for terminal cancer cases. They'd literally be playing for their lives, fierce competition, good ticket sales to raise research funds and millions saved on the NHS paying for immobile and lazy bedridden cases ticking off the days until they die, or something.

Excellent suggestion! And if they didn't 'play' hard enough, the television audience could get involved and vote them off, "off" being a possible enphemism for "killed". Thus saving the NHS some of the other contestants' hard earned cash. Reality TV taken to the extreme... sounds perfect for C4.

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It is - of course - possible that her obsessive athleticism has contributed to boosting her immune system over the last five years. Personally, I think we could turn this to our advantage. What if - for example - we had athletic clubs and football leagues simply for terminal cancer cases. They'd literally be playing for their lives, fierce competition, good ticket sales to raise research funds and millions saved on the NHS paying for immobile and lazy bedridden cases ticking off the days until they die, or something.

:banghead::unsure::lol: I do feel a bit guilty, but I very nearly p***ed myself laughing reading that!! Awesome idea, terminal football leagues; you've even considered ticket sales & public health savings, an economically viable plan.


I guess the transfer window might have to be extended a little bit to allow for mid-season, erm, long-term injuries... :lol:


I salute you, maryportfuncity.

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There's an article about her in this week's Hello. She's been having chemo since December & thinks she might not see the year out. I wouldn't actually wish her dead but she's my joker in the DDP.


BTW Hello magazine can be a good source of info about sick/dying celebs.

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I salute you, maryportfuncity.


Cheers TLC, I'm partial to your posts myself!

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Saw Jane on TV last night (talking to some people who are going to run the London Marathon) & she looks very well. Not sure if her hair is real though.

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I salute you, maryportfuncity.
Cheers TLC, I'm partial to your posts myself!

Thanks, a bit of mutual back slapping never goes amiss. :o


I'm still trying to work out how long I can get away with posting on this site without ever actually contributing to any sort of research on current or potential DL'ers. :lol:


I seem to be the exact opposite of Iain in that respect, who posts tons of news but rarely gets involved in banter.


The banter is my raison d'etre, without it I am nothing.

Saw Jane on TV last night (talking to some people who are going to run the London Marathon) & she looks very well. Not sure if her hair is real though.
Is she running it herself this year?

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Any deathlisters running the marathon at the weekend?? I'm not, but my mother in law is......

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Any deathlisters running the marathon at the weekend?? I'm not, but my mother in law is......
Not me, it's one of those 'I'd like to do it' things, but I doubt I ever will. To be honest, it would probably kill me.


I've never even successfully managed to take the 10 minutes it'd take me to get to Blackheath and watch it live. How my old flatmate managed a 4 1/2 hour marathon time without training and having recovered from a chest infection only days before, I'll never know.


He doesn't talk about it much, although he's probably still trying to get his breath/lungs back. :lol:


Apparently you can go on line afterwards and find out the times of all involved. That's your own proper time too, rather than the time on the display clock as you cross the line. You all get little electronic thingies to determine when you actually cross the start & finish lines these days, to allow for the massive bottleneck at the start of the course for non-professionals. Did everyone already know that? If so, my apologies.

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Any deathlisters running the marathon at the weekend?? I'm not, but my mother in law is......






... hysterical..... :lol: ... running..... :lol: .....



That would be a no from unhealthy unable-to-even-run-for-a-bus me.


:lol: ...marathon... :lol::P:lol:

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Any deathlisters running the marathon at the weekend?? I'm not, but my mother in law is......

I hate running, even when it's to catch a train. Your mother-in-law's running opens a world of possibilities though; is she on the list? Three weeks ago a 41 y/o German runner died of a heart attack in the Rotterdam marathon...




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Any deathlisters running the marathon at the weekend?? I'm not, but my mother in law is......

I hate running, even when it's to catch a train. Your mother-in-law's running opens a world of possibilities though; is she on the list? Three weeks ago a 41 y/o German runner died of a heart attack in the Rotterdam marathon...





I can only hope. She's not running the London Marathon though, she's running this one, lots more fresh air and nicer scenery.

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She's not running the London Marathon though, she's running this one, lots more fresh air and nicer scenery.

I don't know if that helps. Anyway, I tried to find an English language news source for the dead German runner, and I failed. Dutch sources taught me that he died a few hundred yards from the finish. Let's hope he enjoyed the run.




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