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56 minutes ago, La Tombe said:

Of those who have their grandparents alive or dead, do you still have some great-uncle or great-aunt alive as me ?

All of my greatgrandparents had between seven and eleven children, most of them married. Which resulted in my parents having over sixty aunts and uncles combined.


There are still 15 left on my father's side, aged 79-95. I'm not completely sure but there are about 18 left on my mother's side, aged ~73-90 - and my grandmother who'll hopefully celebrate her 92nd birthday in a few weeks time.


Besides my grandmother, I've not met many of the ones alive outside of funerals but especially the ones on my dad's side seem like a fun lot!

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36 minutes ago, La Tombe said:

Of those who have their grandparents alive or dead, do you still have some great-uncle or great-aunt alive as me ?

On my maternal side, I have a great-aunt who turns 98 this month. She never married and lives on the Isle of Skye. On my paternal side, I have 2 great-aunts in Donegal, aged 89 and 93. I was told they were sisters. At my gran's funeral I found out that the eldest was actually the child of my great-gran's sister, who gave birth as a teenager and died from TB shortly after. Her daughter was then raised by my great-gran.

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59 minutes ago, La Tombe said:

Of those who have their grandparents alive or dead, do you still have some great-uncle or great-aunt alive as me ?


No, but one of them was a DDP hit

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Everyone is dead except for my mother's brother's widow who is 90-something.

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I know not everyone believes in prayer but just wanted to share my son has just lost a friend last night to suicide, he was only 18.  My son as well was in contact with him only hours before the tragedy and he is broken wishing he saw the signs.  There is so much suffering in the world, and it breaks my heart that people suffer in such ways they feel there are no other answers for themselves. 

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7 minutes ago, livingbygrace said:

I know not everyone believes in prayer but just wanted to share my son has just lost a friend last night to suicide, he was only 18.  My son as well was in contact with him only hours before the tragedy and he is broken wishing he saw the signs.  There is so much suffering in the world, and it breaks my heart that people suffer in such ways they feel there are no other answers for themselves. 

My condolences to your son,very heavy a suicide of such a young person,it is very sad 

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1 minute ago, livingbygrace said:

I know not everyone believes in prayer but just wanted to share my son has just lost a friend last night to suicide, he was only 18.  My son as well was in contact with him only hours before the tragedy and he is broken wishing he saw the signs.  There is so much suffering in the world, and it breaks my heart that people suffer in such ways they feel there are no other answers for themselves. 


That's desperately sad. I hope your son and the guy's other loved ones, heartbroken though they'll be right now, don't try to beat themselves up over it, because people do front things out so convincingly and suffer in silence all too often, no matter how loving and supportive their network is. I hope the lad's mutual friends can support each other in the wake of this devastating loss.

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@livingbygrace My friend was also murdered four days ago he was 20.


My condolences for your son's friend. I understand very well what it means to lose someone close

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25 minutes ago, Gisooo said:

@livingbygrace My friend was also murdered four days ago he was 20.


My condolences for your son's friend. I understand very well what it means to lose someone close


You have my condolences, such an awful way to lose someone you hold dear.

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54 minutes ago, livingbygrace said:

I know not everyone believes in prayer but just wanted to share my son has just lost a friend last night to suicide, he was only 18.  My son as well was in contact with him only hours before the tragedy and he is broken wishing he saw the signs.  There is so much suffering in the world, and it breaks my heart that people suffer in such ways they feel there are no other answers for themselves. 


Please pass my condolences to your son. I lost a friend to suicide and spent a long time wondering if I could have prevented it somehow. I can only second what TQR said, often people will suffer in silence and become adept at hiding how they are feeling. 

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1 hour ago, Gisooo said:

@livingbygrace My friend was also murdered four days ago he was 20.


My condolences for your son's friend. I understand very well what it means to lose someone close

Please accept my sincerest and deepest condolences @Gisooo

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1 hour ago, livingbygrace said:

I know not everyone believes in prayer but just wanted to share my son has just lost a friend last night to suicide, he was only 18.  My son as well was in contact with him only hours before the tragedy and he is broken wishing he saw the signs.  There is so much suffering in the world, and it breaks my heart that people suffer in such ways they feel there are no other answers for themselves. 

Please also pass on my deepest and sincerest condolences to your son @livingbygrace. I do genuinely believe that prayer can move mountains as I have had prayers answered. Not always the way I have wanted or even straight away but the power of prayer as helped me through some very difficult circumstances. 


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2 hours ago, Gisooo said:

@livingbygrace My friend was also murdered four days ago he was 20.


My condolences for your son's friend. I understand very well what it means to lose someone close

I am so very sorry.  this is terrible, big hugs to all

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2 hours ago, Gisooo said:

@livingbygrace My friend was also murdered four days ago he was 20.


My condolences for your son's friend. I understand very well what it means to lose someone close

I'm sorry to read this, this is a terrible way to lose a friend too, and at this age, my condolences

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A bit premature to post in this thread, but I don't know where else is suitable...


My grandad, who is my last living grandparent, has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that's spread to his liver and lungs and has been given 3-6 months to live. He's been a tough character all his life and never really adapted into the role of a dad or grandparent. Nobody in my family is particularly close to him as he's done some questionable things in the past (he's stolen from multiple family members' houses over the years, which he thinks has gone undetected) and outside of that has been at the centre of feuds for the last few years. I don't have many memories of him growing up as he's always been estranged, living in his own independent bubble.


I'm seeing him tomorrow after not having any contact for at least 4 years. He's in his early 80s and was always as fit as a fiddle and mentally sharp. Don't know how warm the reception will be, unless this prognosis has softened him a bit. He doesn't have many friends and me being the relative that lives closest to him (2 minute walk) a lot of the responsibility may fall on me in his final months... and I can't refuse a dying man that. 


Anyway, as you were. This is uncharted territory for me, as all the family deaths I've experience have been sudden. 

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6 minutes ago, Perhaps said:

A bit premature to post in this thread, but I don't know where else is suitable...


My grandad, who is my last living grandparent, has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that's spread to his liver and lungs and has been given 3-6 months to live. He's been a tough character all his life and never really adapted into the role of a dad or grandparent. Nobody in my family is particularly close to him as he's done some questionable things in the past (he's stolen from multiple family members' houses over the years, which he thinks has gone undetected) and outside of that has been at the centre of feuds for the last few years. I don't have many memories of him growing up as he's always been estranged, living in his own independent bubble.


I'm seeing him tomorrow after not having any contact for at least 4 years. He's in his early 80s and was always as fit as a fiddle and mentally sharp. Don't know how warm the reception will be, unless this prognosis has softened him a bit. He doesn't have many friends and me being the relative that lives closest to him (2 minute walk) a lot of the responsibility may fall on me in his final months... and I can't refuse a dying man that. 


Anyway, as you were. This is uncharted territory for me, as all the family deaths I've experience have been sudden. 

@Perhaps I am genuinely sorry to hear your news. I hope your meeting with your grandad tomorrow goes ok for you. Huge credit to you also for accepting the heavy responsibility that you are now going have to undertake too.

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21 minutes ago, Perhaps said:

A bit premature to post in this thread, but I don't know where else is suitable...


My grandad, who is my last living grandparent, has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that's spread to his liver and lungs and has been given 3-6 months to live. He's been a tough character all his life and never really adapted into the role of a dad or grandparent. Nobody in my family is particularly close to him as he's done some questionable things in the past (he's stolen from multiple family members' houses over the years, which he thinks has gone undetected) and outside of that has been at the centre of feuds for the last few years. I don't have many memories of him growing up as he's always been estranged, living in his own independent bubble.


I'm seeing him tomorrow after not having any contact for at least 4 years. He's in his early 80s and was always as fit as a fiddle and mentally sharp. Don't know how warm the reception will be, unless this prognosis has softened him a bit. He doesn't have many friends and me being the relative that lives closest to him (2 minute walk) a lot of the responsibility may fall on me in his final months... and I can't refuse a dying man that. 


Anyway, as you were. This is uncharted territory for me, as all the family deaths I've experience have been sudden. 

I'm really sorry to read this, I hope he doesn't suffer and that the medicine alleviates the physical pain, it's a very sad moment. I wish you, him and the whole family lots of strength.

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Today we laid to rest my Granda who died Tuesday evening, he was just short of 92 and until the start of last year he was still able to live independently but had gone down hill physically since but he was Sharp as a tack. 

Very much the end of an era as Gran went 9 years ago but they left a quare legacy as when we counted all their descendants and their partners it came to over 100!!


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2 minutes ago, One shot Paddy said:

Today we laid to rest my Granda who died Tuesday evening, he was just short of 92 and until the start of last year he was still able to live independently but had gone down hill physically since but he was Sharp as a tack. 

Very much the end of an era as Gran went 9 years ago but they left a quare legacy as when we counted all their descendants and their partners it came to over 100!!


Good long life and a legacy carried on. He will rest well now his work is done.


Condolences on your loss. 

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16 hours ago, One shot Paddy said:

Today we laid to rest my Granda who died Tuesday evening, he was just short of 92 and until the start of last year he was still able to live independently but had gone down hill physically since but he was Sharp as a tack. 

Very much the end of an era as Gran went 9 years ago but they left a quare legacy as when we counted all their descendants and their partners it came to over 100!!


My condolences to you and the family

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Went to a memorial today for a former classmate. Her life was pretty much doomed from the moment she was born. It was obvious to anyone who met her that she wouldn't make old bones.


We had a lot in common in spite of her doomed trajectory. We had RE class together, and would make generally nihilistic comments and share memes. She would dye her hair a different colour every month, had a bazillion piercings and openly dated people of all genders in secondary school. Really, she did everything my socially awkward, emotionally stunted self was too afraid to do. Maybe it was because she looked up to rappers like Lil Peep and believed nothing in this life mattered, so fuck expectations. If she felt otherwise then maybe she wouldn't have done a Lil Peep aged 22.


The last time I saw her, it was at a gaff that ended with me locking the windows and doors of the flat. She threatened to walk to her flat 8km away via the Forth and Clyde Canal. I've heard of far too many people drowning there. I took the keys home and returned at 10 the next morning to open up. Everyone was alive, if a little grumpy.


She killed herself on the Winter Solstice and I sadly didn't find out until last week. Today we laid yellow flowers around a tree in her favourite park, in celebration of the Summer Solstice. I didn't know 90% of the people there, and definitely did not want to go partying with them afterwards, but I got some enjoyment and closure out of hearing crazy stories about her antics. If you didn't know, I'm a tad morbid and think funerals are great fun, even ones I cry at like today's. Even though she was an unstable traumatised drug addict and not one of the 'popular girls' or 'model students', a lot of people thought she was a sound cunt and were devastated to lose her. So, her life did matter after all.

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16 minutes ago, Clorox Bleachman said:

Went to a memorial today for a former classmate. Her life was pretty much doomed from the moment she was born. It was obvious to anyone who met her that she wouldn't make old bones.


We had a lot in common in spite of her doomed trajectory. We had RE class together, and would make generally nihilistic comments and share memes. She would dye her hair a different colour every month, had a bazillion piercings and openly dated people of all genders in secondary school. Really, she did everything my socially awkward, emotionally stunted self was too afraid to do. Maybe it was because she looked up to rappers like Lil Peep and believed nothing in this life mattered, so fuck expectations. If she felt otherwise then maybe she wouldn't have done a Lil Peep aged 22.


The last time I saw her, it was at a gaff that ended with me locking the windows and doors of the flat. She threatened to walk to her flat 8km away via the Forth and Clyde Canal. I've heard of far too many people drowning there. I took the keys home and returned at 10 the next morning to open up. Everyone was alive, if a little grumpy.


She killed herself on the Winter Solstice and I sadly didn't find out until last week. Today we laid yellow flowers around a tree in her favourite park, in celebration of the Summer Solstice. I didn't know 90% of the people there, and definitely did not want to go partying with them afterwards, but I got some enjoyment and closure out of hearing crazy stories about her antics. If you didn't know, I'm a tad morbid and think funerals are great fun, even ones I cry at like today's. Even though she was an unstable traumatised drug addict and not one of the 'popular girls' or 'model students', a lot of people thought she was a sound cunt and were devastated to lose her. So, her life did matter after all.

I'm sorry for your loss, without a doubt she was a remarkable person for those who knew her and she left her mark on everyone who was there and some who couldn't go

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Yes, my thoughts with you Clorox.


It's awful when hearing of a death some time after the event. A young ex-work colleague of mine died after I left the business and didn't hear about it for ages. Somehow it makes you dwell a little longer on it rather than when you hear straight away, because there is the obvious trajectory of what happens in the immediate aftermath. She sounds like many people who I have known through the years whose light in your life burns out all too quickly.


To know that you and others took time to remember in your own way is lovely and she will always be a part of you somewhere. My sincerest condolences.

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That's rough. People tragically often don't realise just how much they do matter. I hope you're alright Clorox.

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Some b****ard knocked over my 1 year old cat - Iolo this morning. Luckily he was microchip so it was easy to let me know but I'm so angry the driver didn't stop and give him a chance. 


He died sadly. My poor little boy. I need alcohol.  


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