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The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

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So the other 27 leaders have said you're either in the single market and accept free movement or don't accept free movement and outside the single market. That means if the next PM wants his borders back he's gone to have to risk economic catastrophe, if he wants economic stability he'll have to keep open borders. To summarise, the next prime minister is fucked either way.

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So the other 27 leaders have said you're either in the single market and accept free movement or don't accept free movement and outside the single market. That means if the next PM wants his borders back he's gone to have to risk economic catastrophe, if he wants economic stability he'll have to keep open borders. To summarise, the next prime minister is fucked either way.

Possibly then again possibly not.

The 'catastrophe' would also affect Europe, Spain on the brink, ditto Italy and billions of Euros worth of goods sitting in warehouses and ports on mainland Europe without UK buyers.

As ive said before, the EU will be desperate to keep everything viable and a deeper recession would only serve to push the exit button for millions of people.

We shall see.

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So the other 27 leaders have said you're either in the single market and accept free movement or don't accept free movement and outside the single market. That means if the next PM wants his borders back he's gone to have to risk economic catastrophe, if he wants economic stability he'll have to keep open borders. To summarise, the next prime minister is fucked either way.

Possibly then again possibly not.

The 'catastrophe' would also affect Europe, Spain on the brink, ditto Italy and billions of Euros worth of goods sitting in warehouses and ports on mainland Europe without UK buyers.

As ive said before, the EU will be desperate to keep everything viable and a deeper recession would only serve to push the exit button for millions of people.

We shall see.



When all 27 leaders agree on something, I take it as a done deal, given how much they used to fight as a block of 28.

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So the other 27 leaders have said you're either in the single market and accept free movement or don't accept free movement and outside the single market. That means if the next PM wants his borders back he's gone to have to risk economic catastrophe, if he wants economic stability he'll have to keep open borders. To summarise, the next prime minister is fucked either way.

Possibly then again possibly not.

The 'catastrophe' would also affect Europe, Spain on the brink, ditto Italy and billions of Euros worth of goods sitting in warehouses and ports on mainland Europe without UK buyers.

As ive said before, the EU will be desperate to keep everything viable and a deeper recession would only serve to push the exit button for millions of people.

We shall see.



When all 27 leaders agree on something, I take it as a done deal, given how much they used to fight as a block of 28.


True but if their exports suffer and it leads to cuts in hours, redundancies and the like the shit will hit the fan.You only have to see how the French Unions are with anti austerity/job security to see that, if the EU are seen as the creators of a serious economic downturn across Europe, it will make keeping everybody in very difficult.

Are they prepared to risk the Euro Zone economy to make a point??

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So the other 27 leaders have said you're either in the single market and accept free movement or don't accept free movement and outside the single market. That means if the next PM wants his borders back he's gone to have to risk economic catastrophe, if he wants economic stability he'll have to keep open borders. To summarise, the next prime minister is fucked either way.

Possibly then again possibly not.

The 'catastrophe' would also affect Europe, Spain on the brink, ditto Italy and billions of Euros worth of goods sitting in warehouses and ports on mainland Europe without UK buyers.

As ive said before, the EU will be desperate to keep everything viable and a deeper recession would only serve to push the exit button for millions of people.

We shall see.



When all 27 leaders agree on something, I take it as a done deal, given how much they used to fight as a block of 28.


True but if their exports suffer and it leads to cuts in hours, redundancies and the like the shit will hit the fan.You only have to see how the French Unions are with anti austerity/job security to see that, if the EU are seen as the creators of a serious economic downturn across Europe, it will make keeping everybody in very difficult.

Are they prepared to risk the Euro Zone economy to make a point??



I think you're overstating the UK market for exports, we're only 63 million people.

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If the UK wanted to really stir up shit we could approach the Northern European nations of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark.


Offer them a new deal to rival the EU if they also leave and join us in an alternate trading block, one that isn't interested in political union but based solely on trade.

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As ive said before, the EU will be desperate to keep everything viable and a deeper recession would only serve to push the exit button for millions of people.

We shall see.

Plenty of other markets out there. Companies may take a hit on transportation but I highly doubt anything will sit anywhere without a market. If outright embargoes don't stop anything it's a lead pipe cinch that this won't either.


While I don't see the dire forecasts of the remainers as gospel, I also think the leavers overestimate the economic v political power of the UK. While the GDP there is $2.99 trillion, California's is a whisker shy of $2 trillion with only 38 million people.


The EU is not going to make this easy on the UK, and it will be even harder if Scotland and Northern Ireland go their merry way. The deeply divided population won't help. I wish I could say that cooler heads will prevail, but somehow I see a bit more - shall I say interesting - than that.


PS: Texas can't secede - look up Texas v White, Supreme Court decision 1869. Besides, we have the largest domestic US Army base in the middle of the damn state.


PSPS: Trim your damn posts.

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So the other 27 leaders have said you're either in the single market and accept free movement or don't accept free movement and outside the single market. That means if the next PM wants his borders back he's gone to have to risk economic catastrophe, if he wants economic stability he'll have to keep open borders. To summarise, the next prime minister is fucked either way.

Possibly then again possibly not.

The 'catastrophe' would also affect Europe, Spain on the brink, ditto Italy and billions of Euros worth of goods sitting in warehouses and ports on mainland Europe without UK buyers.

As ive said before, the EU will be desperate to keep everything viable and a deeper recession would only serve to push the exit button for millions of people.

We shall see.

When all 27 leaders agree on something, I take it as a done deal, given how much they used to fight as a block of 28.

True but if their exports suffer and it leads to cuts in hours, redundancies and the like the shit will hit the fan.You only have to see how the French Unions are with anti austerity/job security to see that, if the EU are seen as the creators of a serious economic downturn across Europe, it will make keeping everybody in very difficult.

Are they prepared to risk the Euro Zone economy to make a point??


There are two contrasting arguments here that make it difficult to know what will happen. On the one hand, Merkel does not want to cut off British trade, she likes the relationship we have and as LFN mentioned earlier the head of their version of the CBI doesn't want it making harder to trade with Britain. On the other hand, there is a need for the EU to make it 'difficult' for us, to deter others from following suit. Furthermore, there is a genuine belief on the value of the 'free movement' principle, and Norway and Iceland do have to accept the free movement principles to be part of the EEA. There seems to be this belief that we're so rich and so important that we can pick and choose our deal and I don't think that's going to be the case.


Also: what Carol said.

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If the majority of politicians believe, as they keep telling us, that immigration is a 'good thing', what's the problem?

The bulk of MP's don't want to leave the EU (even some who pretended they did), so they abide by the peoples narrow vote to leave, but get to keep the free trade and are forced to 'reluctantly' accept the open borders. so it ends up pretty much 'as you were'.


I need a copy of Politics for Dummies I think. :P

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Last night I was coming to the conclusion that Boris deserved the PM job just so the whole bucket of shit could be landed in his lap and everyone say "Right you sort it out mate" but apparently he was coming to the same conclusion and dumped it back on Gove.

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In January I bet money on Teresa May becoming PM by the end of the year at odds of 11/1. I'm quite hopeful about my chances.


I'm more hopeful, now that Boris has dropped out of the race. And it was a big bet. :):)

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In January I bet money on Teresa May becoming PM by the end of the year at odds of 11/1. I'm quite hopeful about my chances.


I'm more hopeful, now that Boris has dropped out of the race. And it was a big bet. :):)



I'd cash out now if I were you. It says a lot about the current state of British politics when May is the least worst option!

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A little bit of info there.

Basically, looking at what the Germans export to us, it was worth 5.2 billion to the German economy in April.

I take on board what everybody else has said, however, this idea that we overstate our place in the economic merry go round isn't really valid.

Europe does want our money.

The World does too.

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It says a lot about the current state of British politics when May is the least worst option!



It's all a bit




now, innit

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If Boris is 50/1 or bigger to be the next PM, I'll be having some of that .



Look at the candidates. And favourites never win that race.


Gove - backstabber backed by Murdoch .

May - wummin. We made that mistake once.

Scots/welsh boy - lost the homisexualist vote.


The rest are less likely.




Boris to the rescue at some point .....








(Obviously I don't really care, but it is a money making opportunity).

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i slapped him 1055 times.


.........and we have all slapped you a million effing times.


Don't you call them 'smash their f ucking faces in' LFN?


Yes :D

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I'm sure there's a pattern, but I just can't seem to put my finger on it.

Britain vote to be leave Europe, Johnson and Farage resign

England knocked out of Europe, Hodgson resigns.

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Also a pattern between the last five PM's and the contenders as successor to Cameron:


Margaret Thatcher = dogmatic bitch = Andrea Leadsom


John Major = grey man = Liam Fox


Tony Blair = smug git = Stephen Crabb


Gordon Brown = policy failure = Michael Gove


David Cameron = arrogant bully = Theresa May

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Also a pattern between the last five PM's and the contenders as successor to Cameron:


Margaret Thatcher = dogmatic bitch = Andrea Leadsom


John Major = grey man = Liam Fox


Tony Blair = smug git = Stephen Crabb


Gordon Brown = policy failure = Michael Gove


David Cameron = arrogant bully = Theresa May

boris Johnson is going to win.

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