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Guest Goldeneye-69

Political Frailty

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DDP pick Steve LaTourette apparently had a very successful experimental surgery to treat his pancreatic cancer and is fine for now:




I had a feeling this was coming, due to his complete lack of dying.

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I would really like to start a tradition with my deadpooling hits. However, The Love Boat only had 4 hits in its first year which makes starting a tradition somewhat difficult. In fact, the only kind of picks I can think of, that gave me a hit in 2015 as well as in 2016, is people related to child abuse trials. First, Leon Brittan in 2015, then Ronald Mulkearns in 2016. So for 2017, I'm keeping an eye on Lord Patrick Mayhew, rumoured to be in ill health:




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*Makes mental note to search all of Gcreptile's posts on December 31st*




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Patrick Barnabas Burke Mayhew, Baron Mayhew of Twysden, former NI Secretary under John Major and former Attorney General under Thatcher, dead at 86. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-36631449



Aye and a somewhat controversial figure since he - possibly - fronted the Conservative govt's obfuscation of their knowledge of shoot to kill activities by the security services in N. Ireland.


Oh aye, and he was involved in trying to stop the publication of Spycatcher

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Anyone starting a Rotten Deadpool team soon?


Former Maryland congresswoman Helen Delich Bentley in hospice care:



Now she's feeling 'stronger every day':



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News from April, but they somehow passed me by. The trial of Goran Hadzic was delayed indefinitely because of his ill health:




You can never know with these types, but he actually IS terminally ill.

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List of all Tory past and present official leadership candidates that are still with us (Including those who withdrew):

Jim Prior b 1927

Douglas Hurd b 1930

Michael Heseltine b 1933

Ken Clarke b 1940

Michael Howard b 1941

John Major b 1943

Peter Lilley b 1943

Michael Ancram b 1945

Tim Yeo b 1945

Malcolm Rifkind b 1946

David Davis b 1948

John Redwood b 1951

Michael Portillo b 1953

Iain Duncan Smith b 1954

Theresa May b 1956

Alan Duncan b 1957

William Hague b 1961

Dr Liam Fox b 1961

Andrea Leadsom b 1963

David Cameron b 1966

Michael Gove b 1967

Stephen Crabb b 1973

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Funny to think Liam Fox and William Hague are the same age - Hague really was an early starter, wasn't he? There was an interview with Ken Clarke last year where he thought William Hague screwed over his own career by running in 1997. Of course, since that meant Clarke didn't get the job, he would say that!

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British anarchist Martin Wright, a leading figure in the Class War movement in the 1980s, has been suffering from cancer for some time. He doesn't look too good in this video, posted on the website of another anarchist, Ian Bone.




Still alive and still rabble rousing. I'm not really for anarchy, but do subscribe to lots of lefty email newsletters and Martin Wright's name popped up in the last missive I received, with him making some quite pertinent points about the Brexit. I find it hard to argue with much of this, tbh


For the system and liberals it was the wrong result. And in their arrogance and sheer naivety these same liberals, in their own version of political ignorance, are calling for another referendum. Despite gathering two million online signatures, it simply won’t happen. The wrong faction of Project Fear won and that is that. But worse, the real venom has been reserved for those working class who dared to vote Brexit. The liberal middle class have depicted them as knuckle dragging, racist morons. The rantings online and elsewhere have included idea that working class voters should be subjected to a literacy test. Shades of the Deep South fifty years ago? This is small example of class hatred of some middle class remain voters. Good to see it out in the open and you can be sure it won’t be forgotten.


Scratch a liberal and underneath - a fascist.


At last we have some genuine upheaval, confusion and turmoil in our political class. It is all of their own doing and they’re scared. They have inadvertently created a great political void. Just wait until it takes to the streets, and surely that time is a lot closer after this referendum. “May you live in interesting times” in an ancient Chinese Curse. We are now in interesting times here in the Disunited Kingdom. It may be a curse, but for who? Maybe the system, “The working class fights back” could be another curse to chill the spines of the establishment.

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British anarchist Martin Wright, a leading figure in the Class War movement in the 1980s, has been suffering from cancer for some time. He doesn't look too good in this video, posted on the website of another anarchist, Ian Bone.




Still alive and still rabble rousing. I'm not really for anarchy, but do subscribe to lots of lefty email newsletters and Martin Wright's name popped up in the last missive I received, with him making some quite pertinent points about the Brexit. I find it hard to argue with much of this, tbh


For the system and liberals it was the wrong result. And in their arrogance and sheer naivety these same liberals, in their own version of political ignorance, are calling for another referendum. Despite gathering two million online signatures, it simply won’t happen. The wrong faction of Project Fear won and that is that. But worse, the real venom has been reserved for those working class who dared to vote Brexit. The liberal middle class have depicted them as knuckle dragging, racist morons. The rantings online and elsewhere have included idea that working class voters should be subjected to a literacy test. Shades of the Deep South fifty years ago? This is small example of class hatred of some middle class remain voters. Good to see it out in the open and you can be sure it won’t be forgotten.


Scratch a liberal and underneath - a fascist.


At last we have some genuine upheaval, confusion and turmoil in our political class. It is all of their own doing and they’re scared. They have inadvertently created a great political void. Just wait until it takes to the streets, and surely that time is a lot closer after this referendum. “May you live in interesting times” in an ancient Chinese Curse. We are now in interesting times here in the Disunited Kingdom. It may be a curse, but for who? Maybe the system, “The working class fights back” could be another curse to chill the spines of the establishment.


Right on! :bomb:

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Former Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister, Patrick Manning, is to undergo treatment for Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), a cancer of the blood and bone marrow.


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Former Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister, Patrick Manning, is to undergo treatment for Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), a cancer of the blood and bone marrow.



Dead reportedly: https://www.facebook.com/meetmanning/posts/1383670921648759

that was quick.
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Dammit cow well looks like we they had the wrong French pm.

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after a barren June there seems to be a whole lot of famous deaths today .like no 9 buses !

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Third option - he knew the camera was running but pretended he didn't so he could speak his true feelings "accidentally".

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Ken Clarke - pissed or failing? Either way, that's a Wethertramp's face if I ever saw one.



I remember years ago when he was appointed Secretary of State for Health a newspaper (the Sun?) printed a picture of him sporting a beer belly together with a pint in one hand and a cigar in the other hand. The caption was "The New Secretary of State for Health".

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