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Some media reports do actually say that the decline has been rapid, but fairly recent:



So it's not a slow age-related slip into senility. I actually wonder if it's the beginning of a medical condition, also with the pale look...circulatory issues... This is a bit attention-seeking from me, but hey, it's a forum, so I say it. Maybe it's the beginning of Alzheimer's disease.

We might have had this before, with Ronald Reagan. Some flubs in 1984 however didn't actually hurt his campaign:


But Reagan was an actor and smooth talker. Joe Biden is real and a stutterer, so it looks worse for him - plus, he's 8 years older than Reagan was in 1984.

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May be showing my ignorance here, but what has Kamala Harris actually done to deserve the vitriol and cratering approval ratings she seems to get? I can't seem to find a straight answer anywhere online. She seems to have kept her head down for the most part from a non-US perspective but every single American source I've seen makes it sound like the worst thing that could happen to the Dems would be letting Harris run for president, even if it means keeping poor old Joe propped up in his chair in the Oval Office on strings for the next four years while the Dems recruit someone like Newsom for 2028. I definitely remember hearing much more news about Pence when he was VP than I did about Harris. 


If it's only because she's an ethnic minority woman and nothing else, then that is incredibly depressing. 

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1 hour ago, gcreptile said:

Some media reports do actually say that the decline has been rapid, but fairly recent:



So it's not a slow age-related slip into senility. I actually wonder if it's the beginning of a medical condition, also with the pale look...circulatory issues... This is a bit attention-seeking from me, but hey, it's a forum, so I say it. Maybe it's the beginning of Alzheimer's disease.

We might have had this before, with Ronald Reagan. Some flubs in 1984 however didn't actually hurt his campaign:


But Reagan was an actor and smooth talker. Joe Biden is real and a stutterer, so it looks worse for him - plus, he's 8 years older than Reagan was in 1984.

A democratic operative I know claims that "they've been saying it, but it wasn't a serious concern when he appeared lucid to everyone who spoke to him. He went downhill last week, which happens with these sorts of illnesses".

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45 minutes ago, Sod's Law said:

May be showing my ignorance here, but what has Kamala Harris actually done to deserve the vitriol and cratering approval ratings she seems to get? I can't seem to find a straight answer anywhere online. She seems to have kept her head down for the most part from a non-US perspective but every single American source I've seen makes it sound like the worst thing that could happen to the Dems would be letting Harris run for president, even if it means keeping poor old Joe propped up in his chair in the Oval Office on strings for the next four years while the Dems recruit someone like Newsom for 2028. I definitely remember hearing much more news about Pence when he was VP than I did about Harris. 


If it's only because she's an ethnic minority woman and nothing else, then that is incredibly depressing. 

My personal frustrations with her, beyond her rather lackluster time in the senate and her atrocious record as California AG, is that she has turned being a boring VP into an art form. The only thing she was put in charge of was the border, that went spectacularly. 

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1 hour ago, arrowsmith said:

boring VP into an art form


I'm also UK based, so my entire experience of the US governance is based on here, some crap newspapers and The West Wing. The last of which led me to believe V.POTUS (see, I told you TWW) was a non-job and boring was pretty much the default required? Even if the holder of the office wished not.


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10 minutes ago, En Passant said:


I'm also UK based, so my entire experience of the US governance is based on here, some crap newspapers and The West Wing. The last of which led me to believe V.POTUS (see, I told you TWW) was a non-job and boring was pretty much the default required? Even if the holder of the office wished not.


Some have done more than others. Pence did a bit, Biden did a lot, Cheney ran the government for Bush (and bar quick medical intervention would have been president for want of a pretzel). Tends to depend on the president. Harris wasn't picked for her ability to legislate, I'll put it that way - Biden had that in spades, and arguably in his current capacities still knows more than she does.

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1 hour ago, En Passant said:


I'm also UK based, so my entire experience of the US governance is based on here, some crap newspapers and The West Wing. The last of which led me to believe V.POTUS (see, I told you TWW) was a non-job and boring was pretty much the default required? Even if the holder of the office wished not.


Not wrong. As they say in The West Wing their “constitutional obligation is to have a pulse”. Not hard to be more than that. Some people simply meet their obligations. 

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The FT reporting that Democrat Governors back Biden, which to me is like a Football club's owners backing the manager a week before said manager is sacked.




"Democratic state governors said they backed Joe Biden after talks at the White House on Wednesday despite a string of bleak polls for the president and calls from some lawmakers for him to exit the US presidential race."

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On 06/07/2024 at 08:26, The Daredevil said:

He just needs to do what I do to stay alert at any time of the day or night. Get up at 5 am, do his morning briefing have breakfast, then a 2 hour nap. Do some more work for a couple hours, eat lunch then time for the next 2 hour nap. Up again around 3pm, this is when i tend to be most alert so i do all me really important stuff now. Have an early dinner around 6 pm, a half hour nap. Catch up on everything that has happened for the day then back to bed for 10 pm. Repeat every day. I'm not quite that punctual as I just nap whenever I start feeling tired, but 2 or 3 naps a day is normal for me and I'm almost 30 years younger than Biden. But I can come out of my nap to a phone call and be completely alert in seconds.

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On 04/07/2024 at 11:52, Brad252 said:

The FT reporting that Democrat Governors back Biden, which to me is like a Football club's owners backing the manager a week before said manager is sacked.


It often doesn't take that long - once people in the club talk about him being removed, a momentum builds up fast. It wouldn't surprise me now if Biden goes suddenly.

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1 hour ago, Slackhurst Broadcasting said:


It often doesn't take that long - once people in the club talk about him being removed, a momentum builds up fast. It wouldn't surprise me now if Biden goes suddenly.


Suddenly in the night, you mean? :lol:

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Funny but also a bit scary!

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According to BBC News, he's been visited by a doctor specialising in Parkinson's Disease eight times in the past year but denies he has the condition. 

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8 hours ago, sodoffbaldrick said:

He just needs to do what I do to stay alert at any time of the day or night. Get up at 5 am, do his morning briefing have breakfast, then a 2 hour nap. Do some more work for a couple hours, eat lunch then time for the next 2 hour nap. Up again around 3pm, this is when i tend to be most alert so i do all me really important stuff now. Have an early dinner around 6 pm, a half hour nap. Catch up on everything that has happened for the day then back to bed for 10 pm. Repeat every day. I'm not quite that punctual as I just nap whenever I start feeling tired, but 2 or 3 naps a day is normal for me and I'm almost 30 years younger than Biden. But I can come out of my nap to a phone call and be completely alert in seconds.


I'm the opposite. If I sleep during the day I feel woozy and knackered when I wake up.

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9 hours ago, sodoffbaldrick said:

He just needs to do what I do to stay alert at any time of the day or night. Get up at 5 am, do his morning briefing have breakfast, then a 2 hour nap. Do some more work for a couple hours, eat lunch then time for the next 2 hour nap. Up again around 3pm, this is when i tend to be most alert so i do all me really important stuff now. Have an early dinner around 6 pm, a half hour nap. Catch up on everything that has happened for the day then back to bed for 10 pm. Repeat every day. I'm not quite that punctual as I just nap whenever I start feeling tired, but 2 or 3 naps a day is normal for me and I'm almost 30 years younger than Biden. But I can come out of my nap to a phone call and be completely alert in seconds.

I’m calling bollox on this (or you need go see a doctor)


You sleep for 7 hours then sleep for another 2 hours then another 2 hours and then another 30 mins and you are only 50?


So 11.5 hours a day every day - if you do actually have an illness please be honest about it in your post rather than making out this is a normal and positive way to live your life each day.

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I only tend to get around 3-4 hours a night and daytime napping is an impossibility unless I'm ill. But I'm not worried; Margaret Thatcher managed on that for years and she...was a psychopath who had dementia yeah fuck I'm screwed.

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10 hours ago, sodoffbaldrick said:

He just needs to do what I do to stay alert at any time of the day or night. Get up at 5 am, do his morning briefing have breakfast, then a 2 hour nap. Do some more work for a couple hours, eat lunch then time for the next 2 hour nap. Up again around 3pm, this is when i tend to be most alert so i do all me really important stuff now. Have an early dinner around 6 pm, a half hour nap. Catch up on everything that has happened for the day then back to bed for 10 pm. Repeat every day. I'm not quite that punctual as I just nap whenever I start feeling tired, but 2 or 3 naps a day is normal for me and I'm almost 30 years younger than Biden. But I can come out of my nap to a phone call and be completely alert in seconds.


Or perhaps he could try the Keith Moon approach :birthday2:



“I always get up at six in the morning and I have my bangers and eggs and I drink a bottle of Dom Perignon and half a bottle of brandy, and then I’ll take a couple of downers, and then it’s about ten o’ clock and I’ll have a nice nap and sleep until about five or six. Then I’ll get up, have a couple of black beauties, some brandy, a little champagne then go out on the town. We’ll go out and have something to eat, I’ll have a little brandy and some champagne and then we’ll go out boogying. Then we’ll wrap it up about three or four, go to bed, wake up about six or seven and start all over again.”


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I can't sleep during the day at all, nor in a seated position. Which is strange since all my older relatives can turn themselves off like a light switch whenever they like. Is there a point where you get to about fifty and this off switch magically appears in your brain? 

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Over 5 years 'Sleepy Joe' has gone from insult to reality. Fundamentally he's an octogenarian in a very physically and mentally demanding job. It's natural that he should feel the effects of that, and also natural that people question his fitness to continue doing it.

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The current situation must be taxing Putin's covert interference in election plans, he's spoilt for choice in terms of picking a candidate who'd be the worst option

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I do wonder if the administration is lying about Biden not being treated by that Parkinson's specialist. Do we know if he was visiting during the Trump admin? If so it would lend credence to the idea that it wasn't specifically Biden he was meeting with, at least not always.

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