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Sir Patrick Moore

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Talking of Patrick Moore, has anyone seen the comet yet?

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Talking of Patrick Moore, has anyone seen the comet yet?

Not I. The weather here's been useless for observation. Perhaps tomorrow morning.




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The February episode of The Sky At Night just aired here; a Mars Exploration special. Sir Patrick looks to be in fine fettle, cracking out a cheeky grin (and even a hint of a wink) as he concluded the episode with his aspiration to announce the discovery of life on the red planet on The Sky At Night sometime in the future.

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The February episode of The Sky At Night just aired here; a Mars Exploration special. Sir Patrick looks to be in fine fettle, cracking out a cheeky grin (and even a hint of a wink) as he concluded the episode with his aspiration to announce the discovery of life on the red planet on The Sky At Night sometime in the future.

I beg to disagree- he sounded out of breath to me and his eyes loked watery-last time I saw him look this il he was rushed to hospital a few days later.I would keep a careful eye on him in coming days and weeks especially with the burst of cold weather expected in the UK

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Cold weather?


Nah, he has the cash to flash to keep his portly self warm. It's council flat specemins suffering the limited income of years of casual work that turn blue in such situations. In West Cumbria we call it senior cit roulette.

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As a matter of fact I think I saw him sledging in Dorking today. So I don't think he feels the cold much. He was on his back, looking skywards and had his telescope trained on the scudding clouds with just enough blue sky to make an elephant's waistcoat. In fact his monocle was trashed under the runners. But he didn't seem to mind, just said "f**k it" and steered his sledge using astronomical calculations (I assume).


World of pain Walter........world of pain.

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Patrick Moore is a very old man.

His trousers go upto his armpits.

He likes stars and planets.

We think he will die soon.



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As a matter of fact I think I saw him sledging in Dorking today. So I don't think he feels the cold much. He was on his back, looking skywards and had his telescope trained on the scudding clouds with just enough blue sky to make an elephant's waistcoat. In fact his monocle was trashed under the runners. But he didn't seem to mind, just said "f**k it" and steered his sledge using astronomical calculations (I assume).


World of pain Walter........world of pain.


Very funny indeed. And while we're distinctly on-topic, I just thought I'd add that "Slide, upon ice, Patrick Moore!" is an anagram of "Uno, a moon cricketer, slipped!"



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Wasn't his mother some - like - astronomical age when she finally carked, pushing a ton or thereabouts? Mebbe he's got the genes to hang on for a while yet.

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Wasn't his mother some - like - astronomical age when she finally carked, pushing a ton or thereabouts? Mebbe he's got the genes to hang on for a while yet.

Mother died aged 94

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Is this the thread to discusss the weather? In central London today it's clear and cool.

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Is this the thread to discusss the weather? In central London today it's clear and cool.


In New York, snow and mainly ice surfaces everywhere. ( I better change the subject before Star Crossed has a pussy fit)


Anyhow I don't think Patrick Moore is going yet. But for some reason he has sudden stroke written all over him.

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Is this the thread to discusss the weather? In central London today it's clear and cool.


In New York, snow and mainly ice surfaces everywhere. ( I better change the subject before Star Crossed has a pussy fit)


Anyhow I don't think Patrick Moore is going yet. But for some reason he has sudden stroke written all over him.


Didn't mother warn about the dangers of scepticemia from writing on yourself in biro/marker/crayola fun pen. You'd have thought at his age he would have learnt not to play with ink!


To keep on-topic - there is a slight chill in the air in Wallonia and it has been raining on and off all day ;-)

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Is this the threads where we issue complaints about general life?


The bus driver allowed 7 people to stand on the bus today due to lack of seats. The sign on the bus clearly stated that this was a non-standing bus. I had to man-handle my way off (so it wasn't all bad)!

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Is this the threads where we issue complaints about general life?


The bus driver allowed 7 people to stand on the bus today due to lack of seats. The sign on the bus clearly stated that this was a non-standing bus. I had to man-handle my way off (so it wasn't all bad)!


What, you already have the wheel up in Scotland? Would you like me to send you the blueprints for fire to complement your technical advancement since my last visit? I believe Patrick Moore has a spare copy.

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Is this the threads where we issue complaints about general life?


The bus driver allowed 7 people to stand on the bus today due to lack of seats. The sign on the bus clearly stated that this was a non-standing bus. I had to man-handle my way off (so it wasn't all bad)!


What, you already have the wheel up in Scotland? Would you like me to send you the blueprints for fire to complement your technical advancement since my last visit? I believe Patrick Moore has a spare copy.


We have fire, already.

Have the Belgian's developed a better army since my great grandfather's last visit in 1914?

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Is this the threads where we issue complaints about general life?


The bus driver allowed 7 people to stand on the bus today due to lack of seats. The sign on the bus clearly stated that this was a non-standing bus. I had to man-handle my way off (so it wasn't all bad)!


What, you already have the wheel up in Scotland? Would you like me to send you the blueprints for fire to complement your technical advancement since my last visit? I believe Patrick Moore has a spare copy.


We have fire, already.

Have the Belgian's developed a better army since my great grandfather's last visit in 1914?


Afraid I don't know, I'm English, but the bureaucratic department in the army should be super efficient ;-)

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Find out what cheese you are.



I'm Neufchatel. A traditional soft, white table cheese from Normandy in France. Neufchâtel smells and tastes of mushrooms. It has a dry, velvety rind, and a grainy texture. When mature, Neufchâtel develops a bitter, slaty, acrid taste.



Patrick Moore is Belgian you heard it here first!


To be precise he is a Limburger

A traditional soft cheese, originating in Belgium. Limburger has a red/brown rind with corrugated edges, and a creamy yellowish body. It tastes almost meaty, and has a legendary aroma due to enzymes breaking down proteins on the surface of the cheese.

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Patrick Moore is Belgian ... with corrugated edges, and a creamy yellowish body ... and has a legendary aroma ...

I have a feeling that, as soon as Patrick is buried (many, many years from now), he'll start spinning in his grave. Not being of a Europhile persuasion, he may possibly take offence at your suggestion that he is Belgian, almost as much as I take offence at your pathetic attempt to be on-topic.


Edit to add: Congratulations, Sir Patrick, on your 50th Anniversary episode of The Sky At Night. Here's to the next 50 years. You are truly a living legend, worthy of more than the respect of the cretins on this forum who seek to denigrate you and your achievements. I salute you, sir... SC

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