I regularly search various key words on Google news/some of the sites where the obits count for "cancer", "diagnosed", "hospitalized", etc along with names mentioned on here, slap anyone reasonably ill or with a smidgen of an obit chance on a WordPad document along with another list of names that are just really old. I think Jaruzelski's the oldest person to be on the former list rather than the latter, never really bothered to migrate Rev. Billy for some reason.
Strangely the pool I'm doing best in this year is the Hare's Dead Pool, (even though it'd be for the better if my guys would cark it later in the year) composed mostly of random Methuselahs and the occasional terminally ills. May have to consider thinking outside the box some more for DDP and other pools since a very-conservative attitude this year seems to be biting me in the butt, all the moreso now since I jokered Wilko.