My mum, who had breast cancer, pondered the following. 'Why the fuck did people not contact their GP/ Hospital to enquire as to why they had not received an appointment to be screened? She had to call the hospital on three occassions to remind them that she was due a breast screening and she had not been sent a letter confirming an appointment. Eventually the fuckwitts sent her the required letter. At some point people have to stop the metaphorical ' having their arses wiped for them' and accept that they and they alone are the people best placed to ensure that screening is done in a timely manner. Did none of them, FOR A MOMENT, think 'fuck, i should be due a screening by now, best i get onto them to find put whats going on...' Had my mum had just sat there like a lemon she would now be my late mum. As shit as the NHS is ( and i have a sister whos done over 25 years as a nurse and missus who is an administrator on a ward ) it is true to say that not ALL issues are down to lack of funding, although paying £40 per hr for bank nurses is a tad expensive, people have to take more responsibility for their own fate and stop using the NHS for every fucking sniffle going because its FOC to use. So there.