Returning for a fourth year!!
In time there will be a pretty opening post right here. For now, let's get straight to the point:
Choose 50 names from the masterlist below. All of these names were selected as "Jokers" in the Derby Dead Pool.
Please also include 3-5 subs in your entry.
Nominate five of these names to be your wildcards. If they die and receive a qualifying obituary for DDP, they will score double points.
Post your team in this thread or PM me.
Entries close exactly a week from now – 2100 GMT on 22nd January 2020.
1 base point for a 'hit'
3 pts for a unique/Drop 40 pick in DDP
3 pts for an unnatural death
2 unlucky pts for a hit on the 13th of any month
3 pts for a solo pick in this pool
2 pts for a alumnus i.e. from 1987-2020 (new)
1 pt for hits at certain spots on your list. Which spots they are, however, are hidden until they are scored.
There is also an extensive set of hidden bonuses, however they will each be revealed when they are struck.
Good luck to all!
I present the masterlist: