A) I’m 46
2) I don’t own a ball sack (unless you count the one I’m married to)
C) I was making the point that it made me feel old, so wind your fucking neck in.
I have a few irl issues at the moment.
The thread will be up and you will have all of August to do your research and the game will begin on 1st September
Indeed. And he raced as Dick, Sir C as a simple Google search would've shown you. https://www.google.com/search?q=dick+passwater&oq=dick+passwater&aqs=chrome..69i57.6878j0j7&client=ms-android-sonymobile-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
Re Tauranac - there's always the fallback that BBC Sport tend to list motorsport deaths at the end of the year - that was the way points were snagged for Jim Russell not too long ago
Found this photo of Ron and Black Jack Brabham - do they look like Laurel and Hardy, or what?
Oh, I just learned that my pick Hannelore Minkus, a German actress and voice over actress, has died in March 2020. Really didn't noticed that
And Sonja Ziemann is missing, but I think that her points are included. Thank you.
Edit: Sorry, my bad maths
I'm afraid I have some very bad news for those hoping and praying she will survive much longer.The CNN top medical expert has said she is effectively dying. She is getting palliative care rather than curative care.That essentially means treating the symptoms of her cancer.It can no longer be cured. So she is going to die of this cancer.The only question is how l ong it will be. I hope and pray she will last another 6 months, but it looks as if it will be very difficult for her.I am sorry I don't have better news.
If he wins, Joe Biden needs to be on the list. If Hillary is his VP he will Need to disappear sooner than later. Most likely accidental hanging in Lincoln Bedroom.
Why though? It’s a completely different thing. I found it quite comforting to be able to post things here during my sister’s illness and subsequent death at the age of 43, fully aware it’s strangers on the internet and most people don’t give a fuck but that was useful as it’s people ‘outside’ of the situation, if that makes sense?