A few today:
Mark Clarke, off of Uriah Heep, 70
Iman, off of modelling and David Bowie, 65
Matt LeBlanc, off of crap sitcoms, 53
The Quim Reaper, off of DL pricks, 24
Mercedes Gland and her vacant partner Vince Feecees are delighted to announce the safe arrival of baby Psoriasis, a welcome sister for Toejam and Peanut.
I love Kandinsky as well. I also like Chagal, Klimt, and maybe a bit predictably I like the pre- Raphaelites.
I don't know whether it's because I have a long face, but I've always been rather fond of Modigliani's work.
His voice is a lot stronger than it was for the Thatcher stuff last year when he looked like a ghost. Mind you, he's either dyed his hair since then or that's a far more flattering camera shot. Ulitzer - whose "in" with politicos is far better than mine - actually met Lawson last year and said he was very frail but still sharp. His health does appear to fluctuate quite a lot in the last decade, and I know when he was ill in 2011-12 (when he got on the DL) there were folk writing him off entirely but he bounced back then.
Mind you, we're not short of apparently ailing big figures. Douglas Hurd is meant to have been ill for years, Winnie Ewing is very unwell (although as she's out of the public eye entirely now, its hard to know how far gone she is), and there's been Labour radio silence around updates on John Prescott. Which hopefully means he's recuperating in private and not that he's fucked. Add Dennis Skinner and Norman Fowler and someone somewhere is well on their way to a DDP theme team!
Relativity by M. C. Escher:
Can't lie that I'm not equipped to understand most visual art. Maths passed off as art, like this, is more up my street. There's no kind of emotional provocation in this picture. All it asks of you is to decide which way is 'up'.
Compare him to Tom Moore who is just a year older.There is no comparison! Philip walks with ease and no support. He's even better than the Queen mother was by that age.She was in a wheelchair most of the time as I recall.Reports of his death on twitter were greatly exaggerated .He could easily make it to 103 or 104 now in my opinion.
I managed to get:
Great grandparent level – 70.8 years (54.2 years men, 87.1 years women)
grandparental level = 71.5 years (and rising) (65.6 years men, 75.9 years women)
What this tells me is that while this can give you a ball park, you aren't going to know your life span till you wake up one day aged 95 and think "how the fuck did I get here?". Well that, and apparently there's a big increase in the average male life expectancy when you aren't spraying a generation with poison gases in the Somme. Who knew?
If he wins, Joe Biden needs to be on the list. If Hillary is his VP he will Need to disappear sooner than later. Most likely accidental hanging in Lincoln Bedroom.
According to this twitter conversation, the photos are older and not from her recent birthday. They were obviously taken while Olivia was mourning for a friend in the church, which explains her looking "pissed off": https://twitter.com/ManuellaMartin5/status/1278715870131486720/photo/1
One of the authors in those Twitter posts obviously has contact to friends and family members of Olivia. She also confirmed that the bicycle photos are older and that this kind of activity would be a bit too much for her now, but also writes that she is in good health for 104 years with a sharp mind.
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