Dammit.Wrong mayor .Should have been that idiot Rudi Guiliani ! This is possibly the shortest running thread in deathlist history before the person dies. Can you please create a new one for Bob Dole to hurry him on his way..
Advent Avalanche Form Guide #12
Kane Tanaka
Assuming she doesn't help some lucky dead pooler cash in on the Advent Avalanche the world's oldest living individual can look forward to festivities on 2 Jan to mark her 118th birthday. If - perchance - she sees 22 July next year she can celebrate two full years since she became the oldest verified living person on the planet. Either way, for those dead pools that don't penalize age in the points system, she's A list talent!
McConnell is clearly very ill.The bruising of the hands and face like that.If it was just a fall they surely would have said.I think it looks bad for him.
Most of these randoms are going to be: one and...
... (zzz)
... (zzzzzzz)
... done.
And even then, the done will likely be posted in the generic thread they belonged in, as no-one will remember they had their own anyway. Causing slight sadness to the OP... who left the forum three years earlier.
Actually the one with the cockroaches really creeped me out because I've had a beetle infestation in my flat recently.I was looking round the room just in case any were crawling out the woodwork while I watched the film.
The Paul Newman thread is the model - famous, old, cancer, discussion, news and updates, dying, dead, RIPs - done and dusted in a concise 4 pages. Voila.
John Gilbert Getty, son of Gordon Getty and an heir to the family fortune, has died age 52.
His brother Andrew Getty died back in 2015.
Obituaries: The Times, Daily Mail, The Telegraph, The Independent, The Sun, Daily Mirror, Daily Star.
Can't you just tell them that you are far too busy moderating The Deathlist Forum to do jury duty?
If that statement alone doesn't immediately disbar you from having some poor sods fate in your hands, then the British justice system is in a far worse state than I thought.
With the greatest of respect, don't need to mark your words. Only need to watch the news of nutters marching up and down the streets with assault rifles to know it will all end in tears, that's without mentioning that half the country is now in thrall with a man who doesn't believe in democracy and has convinced the rest of his supporters it's a bad idea too and that the other side are satan-worshipping paedophiles. No idea how the US walks back from the brink here, but starting with having the only sensible mainstream party in government is progress.
It was meant as a homage/pastiche of the US horror comics of the 50s which at one point got conservative Americans knickers in a twist. It is a bit hit and miss as is usually the case with these portmanteau jobs, reckon the best ones are the one with EG Marshall as a reclusive tycoon holed up in his penthouse suite fighting cockroaches, and the one where Leslie Nielsen takes revenge on his wife and her boyfriend. Nielsen’s unhinged performance is superb
It was all a bit silly and dated.One of the stories featured Stephen King as a village idiot slowly turning into a plant. All very bizarre and surreal.
The episode was "The Crate" also featuring Fritz Weaver, Adrienne Barbeau and Don Keefer. And the guy who played Weaver's pupil, who recently died if I remember correctly.
Death notice for Kay Morley (wiki), aged 100, Hollywood actress of 40s and 50s.
Was listed in a deceased category on Wiki and no news from her in years, hence off our radars.
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