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Joey Russ

Advent Avalanche 2022

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Wait a second, it's that time of year already? Man, time does fly by fast. So here we are, another year of the annual Advent Avalanche, with the following objective and rules:
25 entrants (24 quickest off the mark plus your host Joey Russ). Competition opens on 1 December with the aim of getting a winner by Christmas Day.

And those Rules in Full:

1 - The object of the AVALDP is to WIN.

2 - To enter the AVALDP a contestant must have: A candidate not selected by another other entrant.
A candidate in this context means a living person aged 18 or over not being executed within that month who remains alive at midnight on November 30th and is considered likely to cease living soon after and also be capable of gaining a qualifying obit see rule 9 below upon death.

3 - Entries open at 7:00am EST (that's 12:00 PM GMT for the brits) on 30th November and close at midnight (GMT) on 30 November. Entry can only be made by posting the name of a candidate on the AVALDP thread on the Deathlist.

4 The competition is deemed to be open at 00-01 GMT hrs on 1 December 2022.

5 Competition ceases on the death of the first nominated pick on the list of candidates and the winner is the dead pooler who has selected said candidate.

6 Entry is limited to 25 players (24 who are obliged to post entries on the AvalancheDP thread and Joey Russ, who reserves a right of entry as the master of ceremonies for this endeavor). Presumably the artistic intent is obvious but in case you missed it the idea is to get 25 players to compete for a death within 25 days thereby giving us a victory by Christmas Day at the latest. If you're snoozin you're losing.
6a Because he has forced his own entry Joey Russ guarantees to respect the first 24 qualifying picks and only enter a candidate unselected by the others. Thereby ensuring the really hot selections go to others.

7 - In the event that two players select the same candidate the allocation of the pick will go to the player who first posted an entry for that candidate even if the entry times are within the same minute. 

8 In the event that two players tie for victory on the basis of picks expiring on the same day all efforts will be made to ascertain a winner on the basis of the actual time of death. For these purposes local time of death will be translated to GMT if required.

9 - An "obit" in the context of the AVALDP is any news report in English from a reliable source. Such sources include - but are not limited to - UK national press, UK national broadcast organizations, foreign press and broadcast organizations with an English language thread to their communication, trade press in English, local news organizations reporting in English and coverage in specialist online sites, such as those monitoring the well-being of super-centenarians. Where dispute arises over the qualifying nature of a news source for obit purposes Joey Russ's decision is final. But he wants fast and furious competition and is generally very amenable to low hanging dead pool fruit of all varieties.

10 The Raymond Hewlett Memorial Award applies to the AVALDP. In honor of everybody's favourite Maddie-implicated paedo scum a candidate widely believed to be alive when the winner is declared and subsequently proven to have died previously will be awarded victory in the event that a AVALDP qualifying obit subsequently appears for said candidate. In the event that a AVALDP qualifying obit for the candidate is subsequently proven to have existed prior to commencement of the AVALDP all points will be voided. RHME points are only available during competitionand in the event that a winner has been declared before discovery of a qualifying RHME candidate no revision of the final result will occur. Similarly, if some lucky candidate is awarded RHME victory and this victory once declared is proven to be spurious by late discovery of a qualifying obit; the lucky winner will be allowed to keep his/her lucky win.

10a To ensure smooth operation of rule 10 the period for discovery of result altering obits is deemed to be 48 hours plus the remainder of the calendar day in which victory is first claimed. In other words two days and a part of another day.

11 - If an obited death occurs during play of the AVALDP and is missed despite Joey Russ's best efforts to stay in touch and/or the spirited efforts of AVALDP participants and said death is missed in totting up points, after which a winner is declared, then this death will not count for competition purposes. The same is true in the case of a known death gathering a late obit and therefore allowing some other competitor to be declared a winner. All disputes relating to rule 11 will be resolved by the astute judgement of Joey Russ and there is no appeals procedure (though all sides of opinion are warmly invited to liven up the AVALDP thread by venting their fury). 

12 - In the event that Deathlist editing options or other online trickery is discovered to have been employed in the editing of entries, those duly fingered for such cheating will be removed from the AVALDP and banned for life from subsequent entry into AVALDPs.

13 In the unlikely event that a pick selected on 30 November fails to mark the start line the entrant selecting said pick will still be deemed to have entered the competition and will have until midnight 1 December to select a new pick (unselected by other entrants). Should the entrant fail to do so no other entrant will be allowed in as a replacement.
On completion of AVALDP activities the thread will get lively for a short while as losing contestants and spectators offer well-deserved congratulations to the skillful and highly talented new champion, after which time it is expected that the cooling corpse of the thread will be allowed to gently sink into oblivion.

Now you know the rules, here is the list of competitors and their choice of candidates:



Let's look at the past and current winners of this dead pool now


2016 - Death Impends 

2017 - Sean

2018 - Banana

2019 - gcreptile

2020 - Spade_Cooley

2021 - Bibliogryphon 



Good luck everyone. :) 


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I’ve been dealing with IRL stuff lately hence the late thread post, but don’t worry it’s not cancelled this year. We’re back as usual

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As it stands everyone is saving Nick Bolletieri to their keyboard in case he makes it to December 1st, although given the usual trends that seem unlikely…

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Advent Avalanche Form Guide #1




The Iron Sheik



The Wrestling Legend is 80 which is like a regular civilian being 110,and has had limited mobility for quite a while. Seriously this guy was drunk/drugged out and looked like he could die any day in shoot interviews 15-20 years ago.

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Advent Avalanche Form Guide #2: Epic Llloyd




That guy from "you found it funny when you were 15 don't pretend you didn't" YouTube channel Epic Rap Battles of History has been making this exact same face in every single video for over a decade now. Assuming it's constipation, he must have 10 years' worth of impacted fecal matter inside his colon right now, not a viable situation for continued living.

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There are three names hanging in by a thread right now. Really, how the hell are they clinging on?

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Advent Avalanche Form Guide #3




Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee


Controversial Indian communist politician and ex-CM of West Bengal. More importantly a perennial coffin tease suffering from COPD for over a decade, other heart and lung diseases, multiple lacunar stroke survivor in and out of some AIIMS for years. That picture is from October 2020, a month before he was hospitalised on ventilator. He's been picked in MMMDP, DL Cup, Deathrace and in loads of other places during the last years but as far as I know, correct me if I'm wrong, never here. If before December Bollettieri drops his racket and prayers don't work for Baadani etc, BuddhaBabu might help

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Nick Bollettieri.

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Larry Garza

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Carolyn Bryant Donham

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Steve "Mongo" McMichael

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Bill Tidy

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Roberta Flack

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Norman Tebbit

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