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Queen Elizabeth II

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Never knew she was the daughter of King George IV.... I always thought her father was George VI.

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Have not posted on this forum in some time.


But for the Queen,


Rest in Peace.

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Jacinda Arden says she was told at about 4.50am local time which was 5.50pm London time. 

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2 minutes ago, The Old Crem said:

Jacinda Arden says she was told at about 4.50am local time which was 5.50pm London time. 

From what I've read, the official notification was released at 6:30 local lime, but she passed away around 4:30. Pravda seems to be the only site to mention that, according to their sources, she was unconcious when reported as comfortable.

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Rest in peace Queen Elizabeth.


On a side note, did anyone notice all the filth posted about her on Twitter? Some of it has hundreds of thousands of likes. I wouldn't recommend going to check it out, but it's sad that stuff's allowed at a time like this.

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2 hours ago, DaDeathGuy said:

Rest in peace Queen Elizabeth.


On a side note, did anyone notice all the filth posted about her on Twitter? Some of it has hundreds of thousands of likes. I wouldn't recommend going to check it out, but it's sad that stuff's allowed at a time like this.

Yeah. I saw it. It broke my heart. I can't believe people say that stuff. Some people have no manners these days.

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Phillip came to me today, 
and said it was time to go. 
I looked at him and smiled,
as i whispered that "I know"


I then turned and looked behind me, 
and seen I was asleep. 
All my Family were around me, 
and I could hear them weep. 


I gently touched each shoulder, 
with Phillip by my side. 
Then I turned away and walked, 
with My Angel guide. 


Phillip held my hand, 
as he lead the way, 
to a world where King's and Queens, 
are Monarch's every day. 


I was  given a crown to wear
or a Halo known by some. 
The difference is up here, 
they are worn by everyone. 


I felt a sense of peace, 
my reign had seen its end. 
70 years I had served my Country, 
as the peoples friend. 


Thank you for the years, 
for all your time and love. 
Now I am one of two again, 
in our Palace up above.


Poem written by unknown author

Reposted from a Facebook Friend..

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I'm very late I know, but R.I.P Her Majesty.


It's gonna be strange seeing Charles face everywhere instead of the Queen's. 

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RIP Her Majesty.


I’ll try and get some work done today instead of watching rolling news coverage all afternoon!

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6 hours ago, stonecold said:

From what I've read, the official notification was released at 6:30 local lime, but she passed away around 4:30. Pravda seems to be the only site to mention that, according to their sources, she was unconcious when reported as comfortable.


We were visiting my father-in-law and we arrived about 5.30pm. He could fed up with the rolling news coverage and put a couple of episodes of Frasier on on All 4.


Imagine our shock when we turned back to BBC 1

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The funeral will be an interesting form spotting opportunity for the 2023 list as almost anyone who is invited will do their hardest to actually attend so it might be the case of who isn't there and trying to decide - were they not invited or were they too ill to attend?

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So what exactly will the Garter King of Arms declare at the end of her funeral? Is it going to start something like this (make corrections if needed):


"Thus it hath pleased Almighty God to take out of this transitory life unto His Divine Mercy the late Most High, Most Mighty and Most Excellent Monarch Elizabeth..."


Then all her titles and honours, which I don't even try to pretend to know of. But it should end more or less like


"...Daughter of His Majesty King George the Sixth and Mother of His Most Excellent Majesty Charles the Third by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of his other Realms and Territories King, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, Sovereign of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, whom may God preserve and bless with long life, health and honour and all worldly happiness."


And then, when we see all the other members of the Royal Family singing "God Save the King" and him listening silently, penny will really drop for everyone that new Reign has begun.


* Changed from Most Exellent Priccess to Monarch since I think that is the correct form

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22 minutes ago, Bibliogryphon said:

The funeral will be an interesting form spotting opportunity for the 2023 list as almost anyone who is invited will do their hardest to actually attend so it might be the case of who isn't there and trying to decide - were they not invited or were they too ill to attend?

Massive formspotting opportunity. I'm especially interested on who'll be there from European and Asian royals*. There were atleast 7 foreign monarchs at the funeral of King George VI. 


*Hassanal Bolkiah, Salman and the Emir of Kuwait (both could be represented by the crown princes as both are very ill), Harald V, Vajiralongkorn.

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2 minutes ago, Talkative Finn said:

So what exactly will the Garter King of Arms declare at the end of her funeral? Is it going to start something like this (make corrections if needed):


"Thus it hath pleased Almighty God to take out of this transitory life unto His Divine Mercy the late Most High, Most Mighty and Most Excellent Princess Elizabeth..."


Then all her titles and honours, which I don't even try to pretend to know of. But it should end more or less like


"...Daughter of His Majesty King George the Sixth and Mother of His Most Excellent Majesty Charles the Third by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of his other Realms and Territories King, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, Sovereign of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, whom may God preserve and bless with long life, health and honour and all worldly happiness."


And then, when we see all the other members of the Royal Family singing "God Save the King" and him listening silently, penny will really drop for everyone that new Reign has begun.


From tomorrow (Saturday) at 1pm all the flags on public buildings that have been flying at half-mast will be raised to full mast for 24 hours in honour of the new King - then on Sunday they will be returned to half-mast until some time after the funeral

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1 minute ago, arghton said:

Massive formspotting opportunity. I'm especially interested on who'll be there from European and Asian royals. There were atleast 7 foreign monarchs at the funeral of King George VI. 


Harald V of Norway will probably be the most interesting one as he is the closest to the British Throne of any other European Monarch and unlike Belgium, Spain and Holland has not abdicated in favour of younger members

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I suspect all of the European ones will be there - there were mostly all at Philip’s memorial in March. King Harald intended to attend Phillip’s memorial service but couldn’t due to his long Covid but I think his health has improved since. 

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Also (if the funeral will even slightly resemble the one of the Queen Mother) all eligible females at the Abbey will make (more or less) deep curtsy for her coffin and another one for the new King.

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51 minutes ago, arghton said:

Massive formspotting opportunity. I'm especially interested on who'll be there from European and Asian royals*. There were atleast 7 foreign monarchs at the funeral of King George VI. 


*Hassanal Bolkiah, Salman and the Emir of Kuwait (both could be represented by the crown princes as both are very ill), Harald V, Vajiralongkorn.

Here's my bets on the Asian ones over 70/ill - if invited (and a lot of the Asian royals were invited in 1952):


Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei: now the longest-reigning monarch in the world, he's grown frailer during the last years, but will be there.

Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain: Not that frail. Will be there.

Norodom Sihamoni of Cambodia: Flies to China frequently for medical treatment and "checkups", most recently was there three weeks ago. My bet is that he'll be there.

King Salman of Saudi Arabia: He's still somewhat capable of attending events in his homecountry, but I doubt he'll be there because of his dementia.

Vajiralongkorn of Thailand: Playboy king of Thailand, spent time in ICU last year. 2009 US cable leaked by Wikileaks said "Vajiralongkorn is believed to be suffering from a blood-related medical condition (varying sources claim he is either: HIV positive; has Hepatitis C; is afflicted by a rare form of “blood cancer,” or some combination which leads to regular blood transfusions)." if he won't appear he's probably very ill, my bet is that he'll be there.

Emir Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah of Kuwait: From what I understand he's in very ill health, spends time abroad for treatment, has mostly transferred power to his 81-year-old half-brother and Crown Prince who is also quite ill.


What about former monarchs? I wonder if there'll be any there, I could imagine Constantine II, last King of Greece there, but he'll be too ill to attend.

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53 minutes ago, Bibliogryphon said:


From tomorrow (Saturday) at 1pm all the flags on public buildings that have been flying at half-mast will be raised to full mast for 24 hours in honour of the new King - then on Sunday they will be returned to half-mast until some time after the funeral


Yeah - massive pain in the arse if you've got a flag at work and have flown it at half mast today but nobody will be there tomorrow - suspect we will go for a Saturday of disrespectfully flying the flag at half mast.


PS Flag etiquette in normal circumstances requires you to lower the flag each night - not sure if this is also true during half mast periods but we won't be doing that either! 

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So many random things hit you. The Speaker announcing that a select number of oaths would be taken today and the rest would begin tomorrow momentarily puzzled me and then I realised...every MP needs to swear allegiance to the new King.

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23 hours ago, time said:

Given how things work these days I reckon it'll be on Twitter before the BBC. (Or Insta or TikTok, I can't keep up)

As I was saying...
Replying to
It’s a sign of times that I saw the official Royal Family announcement a good 50 seconds or so on Twitter before the BBC announced the news. Was weird watching them still talking about her in present tense when the news had already broken.
(within this thread if you want to see it in situ...https://twitter.com/kingswing72/status/1568150272706240513

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