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you've got to try and determine what to get people for christmas without offending them

I find that asking people what they would like works very well.

There's only so many times you can ask someone want for Christmas before you seem like an irritating git. Thankfully I only have a handful of people to buy for this Christmas and they've all said what they want so the usual "will she think I think she's an alcoholic if I buy her a bottle of vod or will she think I think she's fat if I buy her a box of choccy?" isn't an issue.

You only need to ask them once a year. ;)

No one I know would give a shit what I thought about them, nor would I care. But I don't have any secret drinkers on my present list, they're all out and proud :lol:

I think you're overthinking it, especially with the chocolate thing.


Other tactics are encouraging people to keep a wish list; something I do myself so that if asked what I want for my birthday, I can present some alternatives.

And keep your ears pricked throughout the year for any clues, eg people saying things like "I could really do with ... " or "I'd love one of those ..."

All that said it's still an expense I could xo without. I'm setting up a Christmas fund for next year in January.


On the choccy thing - if you get s little box someone might think they're one of your "Ibdon't care about them but i need to get 'em something" list - if you buy someone a massive box they might think you think there a fatso.


It doesn't help that I'm extremely anxious and tend to think negatively.



Well, I don't usually give people chocolates unless I won some in a raffle unless I know of a kind they particularly like. For example, my mother loved the liqueur ones with cherries inside. If she was given any other sort, she often rewrapped them and gave them to somebody else.

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you've got to try and determine what to get people for christmas without offending them

I find that asking people what they would like works very well.

There's only so many times you can ask someone want for Christmas before you seem like an irritating git. Thankfully I only have a handful of people to buy for this Christmas and they've all said what they want so the usual "will she think I think she's an alcoholic if I buy her a bottle of vod or will she think I think she's fat if I buy her a box of choccy?" isn't an issue.

You only need to ask them once a year. ;)

No one I know would give a shit what I thought about them, nor would I care. But I don't have any secret drinkers on my present list, they're all out and proud :lol:

I think you're overthinking it, especially with the chocolate thing.


Other tactics are encouraging people to keep a wish list; something I do myself so that if asked what I want for my birthday, I can present some alternatives.

And keep your ears pricked throughout the year for any clues, eg people saying things like "I could really do with ... " or "I'd love one of those ..."

All that said it's still an expense I could xo without. I'm setting up a Christmas fund for next year in January.


On the choccy thing - if you get s little box someone might think they're one of your "Ibdon't care about them but i need to get 'em something" list - if you buy someone a massive box they might think you think there a fatso.


It doesn't help that I'm extremely anxious and tend to think negatively.



Well, I don't usually give people chocolates unless I won some in a raffle unless I know of a kind they particularly like. For example, my mother loved the liqueur ones with cherries inside. If she was given any other sort, she often rewrapped them and gave them to somebody else.



I often send a couple of boxes of chocolates to my parents, so when they go to have Christmas dinner with my sister, brother-in-law and my nephews, it's something they can have after dinner.

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Being an old woman is annoying. I woke up at 6.54am and I am currently sat on the bog for the third time since waking. Three visits in 43 minutes. Damn you, ancient bladder and bowels.

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Being an old woman is annoying. I woke up at 6.54am and I am currently sat on the bog for the third time since waking. Three visits in 43 minutes. Damn you, ancient bladder and bowels.


I'm just grateful for the 'waking up' part of it :lol:

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Being an old woman is annoying. I woke up at 6.54am and I am currently sat on the bog for the third time since waking. Three visits in 43 minutes. Damn you, ancient bladder and bowels.

At least they're only number ones - I often do that many plops in yhat timr

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Being an old woman is annoying. I woke up at 6.54am and I am currently sat on the bog for the third time since waking. Three visits in 43 minutes. Damn you, ancient bladder and bowels.

At least they're only number ones - I often do that many plops in yhat timr


Oh no they weren't - visit number one was a number one, but number two and number three were number twos.

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Car owners/drivers with misaligned headlights or have headlights so powerful they could burn rabbits arseholes at 500 yards. Check your headlights peeps and stop blinding grumpy old bastards like me.

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Being an old woman is annoying. I woke up at 6.54am and I am currently sat on the bog for the third time since waking. Three visits in 43 minutes. Damn you, ancient bladder and bowels.

At least they're only number ones - I often do that many plops in yhat timr


Oh no they weren't - visit number one was a number one, but number two and number three were number twos.



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Car owners/drivers with misaligned headlights or have headlights so powerful they could burn rabbits arseholes at 500 yards. Check your headlights peeps and stop blinding grumpy old bastards like me.

Grumpy old bastard.


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Car owners/drivers with misaligned headlights or have headlights so powerful they could burn rabbits arseholes at 500 yards. Check your headlights peeps and stop blinding grumpy old bastards like me.

You'll be lucky if they even switch them on here, especially during evening twilight.

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Car owners/drivers with misaligned headlights or have headlights so powerful they could burn rabbits arseholes at 500 yards. Check your headlights peeps and stop blinding grumpy old bastards like me.

You'll be lucky if they even switch them on here, especially during evening twilight.


OTOH some car drivers always have their lights switched on, like motorcyclists do, and cause all sorts of confusion by day.

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Aye but that's the car.


It always used to be Volvo's, but now they all seem to have the feature.


Hell, I was bored and reading the maual on my current piece of shit , a 2002 pug, and even that has it , but default is 'off' and you would have to switch it on.


I had wondered about the wee sensor on too of the dash near the windscreen, and that is what it's for.

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Aye but that's the car.


It always used to be Volvo's, but now they all seem to have the feature.


Hell, I was bored and reading the maual on my current piece of shit , a 2002 pug, and even that has it , but default is 'off' and you would have to switch it on.


I had wondered about the wee sensor on too of the dash near the windscreen, and that is what it's for.


As a matter of fact a Dutch Transport Minister tried to make having the lights switched in the day the law 10 years ago. After protests from the ANWB (Dutch version of the AA), a cyclists's union, a bikers union and boffins who pointed out the extra CO2 emission this idea would cause, the proposal silently died.

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Car owners/drivers with misaligned headlights or have headlights so powerful they could burn rabbits arseholes at 500 yards. Check your headlights peeps and stop blinding grumpy old bastards like me.

You'll be lucky if they even switch them on here, especially during evening twilight.


OTOH some car drivers always have their lights switched on, like motorcyclists do, and cause all sorts of confusion by day.



Some vehicles have day-time running lights which you can't switch off if the engine is running. On my wife's car, there's a option to disable them, but with mine being an older vehicle, I don't have that option.

I can understand why motorcyclists will put their lights on during the day. Most people (especially in Minneapolis) are oblivious to other vehicles on the road. When changing lanes or merging, they tend to stare straight ahead and expect for other drivers on the road to be able to guess what they're going to do. So if you've got a motorcyclist approaching with their lights on, they're much more noticiable.

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Sorry not going to join in.


We had a wonderful time decorating our tree on Sunday. We are planning to have meetings with both sides of the family and we need to be careful because we don't know each year whether it will be Dad's last one. Money is short but love is plentiful.


However one think that does annoy me about Christmas is how negative many of my fellow Christians are about the whole experience. What churches should see is that Christmas is an opportunity, as this is the only time in the year many people would enter a church. This is an event of joy in the Christian calander and the whole no tinsel/santa/presents/anti-commercialism will likely put off the casual visitor.

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Sorry not going to join in.


We had a wonderful time decorating our tree on Sunday. We are planning to have meetings with both sides of the family and we need to be careful because we don't know each year whether it will be Dad's last one. Money is short but love is plentiful.


However one think that does annoy me about Christmas is how negative many of my fellow Christians are about the whole experience. What churches should see is that Christmas is an opportunity, as this is the only time in the year many people would enter a church. This is an event of joy in the Christian calander and the whole no tinsel/santa/presents/anti-commercialism will likely put off the casual visitor.



An opportunity that has been seized by our village church. It has floodlighting which is seldom used because of cost. Last year people were invited to sponsor the lights, choosing a day in memory of a loved one - or for any other reason. This went down extremely well with believers and non-believers alike. It was massively oversubscribed and has been again this December. Looks lovely, and raised lots of money for the church (which is an ancient crumbling one in need of the funds).

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Marzipan, can't stand the stuff and while I can avoid it most of the year it's hard to in the run up to Christmas as it seems to be everywhere and people get very offended when you refuse to eat their mother's Christmas cake ( not a euphemism)


Funny thing is I like almonds.

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Marzipan, can't stand the stuff and while I can avoid it most of the year it's hard to in the run up to Christmas as it seems to be everywhere and people get very offended when you refuse to eat their mother's Christmas cake ( not a euphemism)


Funny thing is I like almonds.

I'm with you on marzipan. Especially when someone gives you a pack of marzipan fruit and excitedly asks "do you like it"?

Fuck no! You bought it for me because you thought it would conjure up memories for me after you heard me mention it as being part of my childhood. What you missed was me griping about how much I hated the stuff. Why not go the whole hog and buy 10 lbs of satsumas that no one can be bothered to eat, or a 50lb bag of mixed nuts that by the end of the Christmas hols just has the Brazil nuts at the bottom of the bag because no one either likes them or wants to exert the energy to crack the shells.

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Marzipan, can't stand the stuff and while I can avoid it most of the year it's hard to in the run up to Christmas as it seems to be everywhere and people get very offended when you refuse to eat their mother's Christmas cake ( not a euphemism)


Funny thing is I like almonds.

I'm with you on marzipan. Especially when someone gives you a pack of marzipan fruit and excitedly asks "do you like it"?

Fuck no! You bought it for me because you thought it would conjure up memories for me after you heard me mention it as being part of my childhood. What you missed was me griping about how much I hated the stuff. Why not go the whole hog and buy 10 lbs of satsumas that no one can be bothered to eat, or a 50lb bag of mixed nuts that by the end of the Christmas hols just has the Brazil nuts at the bottom of the bag because no one either likes them or wants to exert the energy to crack the shells.



Marzipan, Brazil nuts and pepernoten.

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Marzipan, can't stand the stuff and while I can avoid it most of the year it's hard to in the run up to Christmas as it seems to be everywhere and people get very offended when you refuse to eat their mother's Christmas cake ( not a euphemism)


Funny thing is I like almonds.


I'm with you on marzipan. Especially when someone gives you a pack of marzipan fruit and excitedly asks "do you like it"?

Fuck no! You bought it for me because you thought it would conjure up memories for me after you heard me mention it as being part of my childhood. What you missed was me griping about how much I hated the stuff. Why not go the whole hog and buy 10 lbs of satsumas that no one can be bothered to eat, or a 50lb bag of mixed nuts that by the end of the Christmas hols just has the Brazil nuts at the bottom of the bag because no one either likes them or wants to exert the energy to crack the shells.

Marzipan, Brazil nuts and pepernoten.

and cheesecake don't forget cheesecake.

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Marzipan, can't stand the stuff and while I can avoid it most of the year it's hard to in the run up to Christmas as it seems to be everywhere and people get very offended when you refuse to eat their mother's Christmas cake ( not a euphemism)


Funny thing is I like almonds.


I'm with you on marzipan. Especially when someone gives you a pack of marzipan fruit and excitedly asks "do you like it"?

Fuck no! You bought it for me because you thought it would conjure up memories for me after you heard me mention it as being part of my childhood. What you missed was me griping about how much I hated the stuff. Why not go the whole hog and buy 10 lbs of satsumas that no one can be bothered to eat, or a 50lb bag of mixed nuts that by the end of the Christmas hols just has the Brazil nuts at the bottom of the bag because no one either likes them or wants to exert the energy to crack the shells.

Marzipan, Brazil nuts and pepernoten.

and cheesecake don't forget cheesecake.

Ok in that case more cheesecake for me :)

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<--- loves marzipan, and cheesecake. Does Anyone make marzipan cheesecake?

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<--- loves marzipan, and cheesecake. Does Anyone make marzipan cheesecake?

There are recipes online and I'm sure some company somewhere probably makes it


Marzipan cheesecake recipe

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Not driving in one of the most pedestrian-friendly towns you'll live in. If I was in a better mood this could be a room lovely contender - due to knowledge of the area getting me home - but I'm not. Got a taxi back from a nearby town tonight because i'd been given a bus timetable with imaginary buses on it for boxing day - it's come to something when despite being a two minute drive (I'd guess I'd have no idea how long it actually takes) but it's easier to get out and walk for twenty minutes down the local footpath system than try and get to your house via road in the taxi having to feel like you do don't know where you live despite being about two estates from home. Taxi driver probably thought I was an intellectually challenged lunatic by the time I got out the taxi.

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Isn't there a boxing week everywhere? Who cares about the first day, it' generously cheaper prices all week. It's all about games and left overs and going out somewhere pleasant come late night moon.

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