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Lord Fellatio Nelson

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If he is a gym after work type , stick a couple of grams and some roids into his kit bag, and a quick anonymous call to the tips line?


Usually does the trick I find.

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If he is a gym after work type , stick a couple of grams and some roids into his kit bag, and a quick anonymous call to the tips line?


Usually does the trick I find.

Sounds good but he is a short fat fucktard.

I have considered getting a job with the BBC as they have a track record of having employees get away with all sorts and never get caught...

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You forgot "until they are dead" part....

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Why not invite Lard Bazaar over and set her on him? I'm sure she'd be up for doing a friend a favour.

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Invite him for a drink to talk it over. Then punch him the fuck out.


Was easier back in the day when smoking was allowed, some of those glass ashtrays were heavy.



Being less flippant, I don't know where I stand on raising a grievance though. If you get promoted , most folk above and below, would look down on you for it.


So, I'll refer you to my first thought.

This is what has caused me sleepless nights

How do I empty his fucking brains all over his keyboard without being caught???

I will never be promoted, I can actually do the job im already in.



Get on the dark web, LFN. You can find contract killers for very reasonable rates these days, but I would advise only employing those with excellent reviews. If you pay extra, they might even bring you back a keepsake, maybe his hand or something.

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You are a right bunch of very deep, dark and evil gits...........

I love it!!! :lol:

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Invite him for a drink to talk it over. Then punch him the fuck out.


Was easier back in the day when smoking was allowed, some of those glass ashtrays were heavy.



Being less flippant, I don't know where I stand on raising a grievance though. If you get promoted , most folk above and below, would look down on you for it.


So, I'll refer you to my first thought.

This is what has caused me sleepless nights

How do I empty his fucking brains all over his keyboard without being caught???

I will never be promoted, I can actually do the job im already in.



Get on the dark web, LFN. You can find contract killers for very reasonable rates these days, but I would advise only employing those with excellent reviews. If you pay extra, they might even bring you back a keepsake, maybe his hand or something.


But wait till next year so we can all have him on the DDP.


I had an ignorant bully for a boss a few years back; he was also the owner of the company so no grievance procedure.


I lost count of the number of people who got called into his office and were never seen again. Horrible vindictive little bastard he was. The only job I've ever been fired from, but I wasn't giving him the satisfaction of me quitting.

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Invite him for a drink to talk it over. Then punch him the fuck out.


Was easier back in the day when smoking was allowed, some of those glass ashtrays were heavy.



Being less flippant, I don't know where I stand on raising a grievance though. If you get promoted , most folk above and below, would look down on you for it.


So, I'll refer you to my first thought.

This is what has caused me sleepless nights

How do I empty his fucking brains all over his keyboard without being caught???

I will never be promoted, I can actually do the job im already in.



Get on the dark web, LFN. You can find contract killers for very reasonable rates these days, but I would advise only employing those with excellent reviews. If you pay extra, they might even bring you back a keepsake, maybe his hand or something.


But wait till next year so we can all have him on the DDP.


I had an ignorant bully for a boss a few years back; he was also the owner of the company so no grievance procedure.


I lost count of the number of people who got called into his office and were never seen again. Horrible vindictive little bastard he was. The only job I've ever been fired from, but I wasn't giving him the satisfaction of me quitting.


How nice to work in such a toxic atmosphere................not!!

At least I have avenues to go down and make his life much shittier than it was at 8am this morning.

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Monday I start my third job in 2015 with my company having survived a few rounds of layoffs in less than a year. I've been transferred to a very challenging group. I'm not sure I can handle much more stress. I'm too old for this shit.

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Monday I start my third job in 2015 with my company having survived a few rounds of layoffs in less than a year. I've been transferred to a very challenging group. I'm not sure I can handle much more stress. I'm too old for this shit.

Good luck in your new post.

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Why not invite Lard Bazaar over and set her on him? I'm sure she'd be up for doing a friend a favour.

I would happily do this, not because I'm friends with LFN (I think he's a twat, to be honest :D) but because I hate injustice - having been bullied out of a job that I was more than capable of doing a couple of years ago, a situation which led me to have three months of sick because I was so depressed and frightened of everyone that I could hardly leave my house without having a panic attack, I have every sympathy with anyone having a hard time at work - it's all very well people saying 'well leave then' but when you are committed to a mortgage and have children to provide for it's not always as simple as that. In my experience, most (not all) managers are cunts, crap at their jobs, have no people skills, and the only talents they have are for passing the buck, doing fuck all, and not taking responsibility when things go wrong.


LFN - buy a dog, and wipe it's shit underneath his van door handle. It won't solve your problem, but it will stop the cunt biting his nails!

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Having walked out of more than one job at the very sniff of bullying, I was gratified to see one of my ex-employers go into administration this week (ok, I actually laughed like a drain for 5 minutes solid). Not the only ex-employer to go either since I left.


What goes around, comes around. One of the few clichés that is true.

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Having walked out of more than one job at the very sniff of bullying, I was gratified to see one of my ex-employers go into administration this week (ok, I actually laughed like a drain for 5 minutes solid). Not the only ex-employer to go either since I left.


What goes around, comes around. One of the few clichés that is true.

Ooh I half wish that my workplace would go bust.Having said that the other half of me wouldn`t want the workers to lose their jobseven though 90% are as miserable as sin being there and can barely pair their bills despite working their arses off.

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Ooh I half wish that my workplace would go bust.Having said that the other half of me wouldn`t want the workers to lose their jobseven though 90% are as miserable as sin being there and can barely pair their bills despite working their arses off.


I think I've heard of this place, "Britain" right?

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The area where I live was without WiFi for 5 days so in case anyone is wandering where I was, you now know

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Why not invite Lard Bazaar over and set her on him? I'm sure she'd be up for doing a friend a favour.

I would happily do this, not because I'm friends with LFN (I think he's a twat, to be honest :D) but because I hate injustice - having been bullied out of a job that I was more than capable of doing a couple of years ago, a situation which led me to have three months of sick because I was so depressed and frightened of everyone that I could hardly leave my house without having a panic attack, I have every sympathy with anyone having a hard time at work - it's all very well people saying 'well leave then' but when you are committed to a mortgage and have children to provide for it's not always as simple as that. In my experience, most (not all) managers are cunts, crap at their jobs, have no people skills, and the only talents they have are for passing the buck, doing fuck all, and not taking responsibility when things go wrong.


LFN - buy a dog, and wipe it's shit underneath his van door handle. It won't solve your problem, but it will stop the cunt biting his nails!



You missed out, brown nosing/sleeping their way to their position, ignoring anyone who can't help them to progress while sucking up to those who can, humiliating you for the smallest of errors when they've made bigger cock ups themselves and bollocking you for not smiling enough.


Yes I am having a bad day can you tell?


Seriously though you have my every sympathy. I've suffered minor bullying at work and it's horrible, can't imagine what you must have gone through.

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Don't worry Handy, Lardy and I will pop over to Manx land to kick the shit out of all those that do you down. :)

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I'm not sure that this is the appropriate time to post that I have just been promoted to a role that I didn't even have to apply for.

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I'm not sure that this is the appropriate time to post that I have just been promoted to a role that I didn't even have to apply for.

Yup it isn't. You cocksucking motherfucking boss's bumboy.

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I'm not sure that this is the appropriate time to post that I have just been promoted to a role that I didn't even have to apply for.

Yup it isn't. You cocksucking motherfucking boss's bumboy.



You are not one of my colleagues are you? :)

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I'm not sure that this is the appropriate time to post that I have just been promoted to a role that I didn't even have to apply for.

Yup it isn't. You cocksucking motherfucking boss's bumboy.

You are not one of my colleagues are you? :)

Nope. I have however recently re-entered the ranks of the "seeking something" brigade.

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I'm about to enter the only remaining theatre open in Lafayette Louisiana. As you recall we had two females murdered and many injured by a gunman in our other theatre, which remains totally closed a month later. If I quit posting, you'll know why.


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I'm about to enter the only remaining theatre open in Lafayette Louisiana. As you recall we had two females murdered and many injured by a gunman in our other theatre, which remains totally closed a month later. If I quit posting, you'll know why.


Because you had another tantrum?

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Just ordered takeaway fast food. Suppose you can only regret the things you do. Worst tenner I've ever spent.

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Just ordered takeaway fast food. Suppose you can only regret the things you do. Worst tenner I've ever spent.

Fucking tightwad.

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