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Lord Fellatio Nelson

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Thanks for the advice especially Charon and carol an.

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Or ask him


I'm a fan of asking people what they would like. Surprises are overrated.

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I am a Dad who is approaching 50 and despite what you are led to believe I think socks are a great present. I have got Star Wars, Doctor Who, Mr. Men you can never have enough.

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Hey, I am a slightly younger Dad, and I'd love socks. Socks have this mysterious habit of just disappearing without trace. No matter how many pairs I seem to buy, I can never find any.


My Dad's very much a "don't bother about presents" type, so we get him a 6 pack of Guinness, which usually does the trick.

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Or to go digital, i'm a little over 50, and Amazon suggests I might like; Another Day in the Death of America by Gary Younge; Lego Superheroes Grodd goes bananas; or Mr Beams weatherproof wireless spotlight with motion sensor..

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So if he's a golfer Kid - they all love a shiney new putter if you can't run to a full set of clubs - you could offer to caddy for him too! Hope he has a memorable day, and not because you actually gave him a DIY vasectomy kit.

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Listening to Revolution 9 by the Beatles again. It's a strange yet somehow brilliant song in my eyes

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Vaguely remember that Russell Crowd got Nick Cave to pen the sequel to Gladiator which was all fucked up, excellent, yet not filmable.

Off on holiday on Friday so my mission I to read the script

Pdf here http://davidgerard.co.uk/gladiator-2-nick-cave.pdf


Basically , Gods kick him out of Heaven etc etc, called 'Christ Killer'.


Could've been a contender.... https://www.theguardian.com/music/2009/may/06/nick-cave-rejected-gladiator-script

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Times you see a plane in the sky, so go to Cat's Flight Radar out of curiosity to see where it's come from... only to find Flight Radar has no planes flying in your area.

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Round my parents for Sunday lunch and my mum has invited her friend who is the spitting image of June Foray.


Said friend of my Mum died suddenly Thursday morning at 72.

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Round my parents for Sunday lunch and my mum has invited her friend who is the spitting image of June Foray.

Said friend of my Mum died suddenly Thursday morning at 72.

I feel sorry for her loss.

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Sorry for your loss, Shaun. My condolences.

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Sorry to hear that, Shaun.

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Times you see a plane in the sky, so go to Cat's Flight Radar out of curiosity to see where it's come from... only to find Flight Radar has no planes flying in your area.

The system is called Automatic dependent surveillance – broadcast and you can read all about it here.


Not all planes are fitted with it and the pilot can turn it off if they choose to. Airlines are the biggest users with most pilots turning it on before they taxi prior to the start of the flight and turning it off after taxiing at the end. A few however turn it on once the aircraft is airborne and turn it off just before landing. There are a few light aircraft users but they are very much a minority.


I've seen Air Force One displayed on occasion but I've yet to see this bugger turn his on.


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That's actually quite interesting, thanks. Better than my guess of ghost planes. :P

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Saturday night, alone, bottle of Laphroaig, Sky Sports, Netflix - paradise.

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Cheers for all your kind messages.It is very sad for my parents and the ladies family who are close to my parents.It is staggering to think 6 weeks ago she was drinking gin in my parents garden and doing the dishes.I fondly remember a few weeks ago whilst I was visiting my parents her my mum her sister and another friend dancing up the drive after a heavy wine tasting afternoon.Just in my flat back at uni giving her a toast!

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That's actually quite interesting, thanks. Better than my guess of ghost planes. :P

I don't know if it's still running but a few years ago British Airways set up an advertising hoarding in Piccadilly Circus using ADS-B technology. If one of their flights were on finals into Heathrow the screen burst into life ...


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Cheers for all your kind messages.It is very sad for my parents and the ladies family who are close to my parents.It is staggering to think 6 weeks ago she was drinking gin in my parents garden and doing the dishes.I fondly remember a few weeks ago whilst I was visiting my parents her my mum her sister and another friend dancing up the drive after a heavy wine tasting afternoon.Just in my flat back at uni giving her a toast!


So much better than the alternative of struggling through disease and decline. But harder on those left behind.

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I got Shingles and it sucks. Day 5 I guess. At least it ain't spread to my face yet but it might.


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Back on my travels. At Birmingham Airport awaiting a flight to Madrid. Really annoyed because I left my boarding pass on my desk and have had to download an app to my smart phone to avoid paying the £15 boardcard printing fee.

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Back on my travels. At Birmingham Airport awaiting a flight to Madrid. Really annoyed because I left my boarding pass on my desk and have had to download an app to my smart phone to avoid paying the £15 boardcard printing fee.

Where is he Cat? Getting worried here.

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I got Shingles and it sucks. Day 5 I guess. At least it ain't spread to my face yet but it might.


Ooh, nasty. Wear gloves!

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