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2 pointsBased on his lily-livered conduct so far, he'd be too chicken to take his own life I reckon. There are over twenty families out there who would have a motive to assist though. Maybe one of them has Mafia connections. The latest news is that he "slipped over board and fell into the sea and then got into one of the lifeboats" Francesco Schettino has been found guilty of manslaughter. According to Dutch media he's been sentenced to 16 years. regards, Hein I miss the days when the "dead of 2015"-thread was still used for people who actually died in 2015...
2 pointsKim Fowley, in accordance with his last will and testament, "defiled for Girls & Corpses Magazine"
2 points
1 pointThis one still makes me laugh: Letter from Tesco Dear Mrs. Marsh, Over the past six months, your husband, Mr Joseph Marsh has been causing quite a commotion in our store. We cannot tolerate this type of behaviour and have considered banning your entire family from shopping in any of our stores nationwide. We have documented all incidents on our video surveillance equipment. Three of our workers are attending counselling from the trouble your husband has caused. All complaints against Mr Marsh have been compiled and are listed below: Memo: re – Mr Joseph Marsh Complaints - Things Mr Joseph Marsh has done while his wife was shopping in our store: 1. June 22: Took 18 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's trolley’s when they weren't looking. 2. July 4: Set all the alarm clocks in household department to go off at 5 minute intervals. 3. July 9: Made a trail of tomato ketchup on the floor leading to the toilets. 4. July 21: Walked up to an employee and told her in an official tone, 'Code 5' in fruit and veg..... and then watched what happened. 5. September 14: Moved a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area. 6. September 17: Set up a tent in the camping department and told other shoppers he'd invite them in for a cup of tea if they would bring pillows from the bedding department. 7. September 29: When a shelf stacker asks if they can help him, he begins to cry and demands, “Why can't you people just leave me alone?” 8. October 31: Looked right into the security camera; used it as a mirror, and picked his nose in a disgusting fashion. 9. December 2: Darted around the store suspiciously loudly humming the “Mission Impossible” theme tune. 10. December 18: Hid in a clothing rack and when people browsed, yelled “Pick me! Pick me!” 11. December 23: When an announcement came over the loud speaker, he assumes the foetal position and screams, “NO! NO! It's those voices again!” And; last, but not least! 12. December 24: Went into a fitting room in the clothing department, shut the door and waited awhile; then, yelled, very loudly, "There is no toilet paper in here!" Please shop elsewhere. Yours, etc.
1 pointSame here, I pick up a few words here and there, but I think it's much harder to understand Danish when hearing it as opposed to reading it. I think of German when I hear it, it has the same type of vocal/intonation "style". Norwegian is much easier for me. You can think of the three languages as a spectrum where Swedish and Danish are at both ends with Norwegian being in the middle. So, a person from Norway has it easier to understand both other languages than we and the Danes do. If only we Brits were to put so much emphasis on foreign languages as your guys' countries do. I salute you gentlemen.
1 pointSame here, I pick up a few words here and there, but I think it's much harder to understand Danish when hearing it as opposed to reading it. I think of German when I hear it, it has the same type of vocal/intonation "style". Norwegian is much easier for me. You can think of the three languages as a spectrum where Swedish and Danish are at both ends with Norwegian being in the middle. So, a person from Norway has it easier to understand both other languages than we and the Danes do.
1 pointOn a point of pedantry, it landed so it's a meteorite and not a meteor. By the way PB, chocolate or vanilla stick of rock; I'm not fussy.
1 pointThanks Phantom. Much appreciated. Every time I try to copy and paste the story, I seem to post a quote that I used when I was swimming with sharks. Namely "Well, that was fun. Green alert going into the pool, red alert when we passed into the shark tank, and brown alert when they got too close "
1 pointAnne Naysmith, formerly a concert pianist, who then spent nearly forty years living rough in Chiswick, has died after being run over by a lorry. There is a nice obituary for her in today's Telegraph. It occurred to me that the homeless have no home thread of their own on Deathlist, so I thought I'd set up a shelter for them, so to speak. I also thought that notable hoarders of the Mr Trebus variety could be included here. Edit - honourable mentions here should go to: Dwarf actor Bryant Crenshaw, Aussie Glam Rocker William Shakespeare and boxer Kirkland Laing, who all experienced homelessness before they died.
1 pointAre you over that yet? He may well get a notice on the BBC website but who cares. We don't know your "legendary" sports coaches and for the most part we don't care (I've heard a few of their names dropped in American movies or mentioned by commentators during the awesome late 90s/early 2000s broadcasts of WWF, but I wouldn't suggest them). Even people like Dan Marino or John Madden would be considered "outsider choices". This is a British site. Sure the internet "brings us all together" a bit more than it used to (gross) but don't get too excited just because some Brits stay up to watch the Super Bowl nowadays. It's just a passing phase (hopefully) because they enjoy the "novelty" of staying up to 3AM to watch Americans maim each other (bit like the old days of WWF I mentioned, except less tasteful, and with suppression of house-waking yawns instead of suppression of house-waking cheers/excitement), and because they need any distraction they can get from their usual worship of unmotivated squillionaire soccer players. If you had an American Deathlist I wouldn't ask you to put legendary soccer coaches Sam Allardyce or Alan Pardew on it would I?
1 point
1 point
1 pointAnd they come and say we are sick. The imagery doesn't disturb me much, but the, whatsit, joke, does. regards, Hein
1 point
1 pointI got 4/7, but I do know that Dada(ism), Futurism and Cubism are artistic movements rather than moments! I got 4/7 as well but I though the Rosencrantz question was a bit vague. R&GAD is a brilliant play and the movie is just as good but I would not seek out Stoppard plays 4/7. Really annoyed I didn't know the Hamlet one.
1 pointWork? I don't think so. How does one get such a sinecure? I know a few applications of that kind of income. regards, Hein
1 pointFrom somewhere in the depths of facefuck...First laugh I think I've ever had from that nonsense. Apocryphal naturally, but still. Mr Wynd has been banned from Tesco's, but he didn't like shopping there anyway. Yesterday he was at his local Tesco's in Fakenham buying a large bag of Winalot dog food for his bitch 'Sheba' and was in the checkout queue when a woman behind him asked if he had a dog. What did she think he had an elephant? So, since he's rather silly & has little to do, on impulse he told her that no, he didn't have a dog, he was starting the Winalot diet again. He added that he probably shouldn't, because he ended up in hospital last time, he'd lost 2 stone before he woke up in intensive care with tubes coming out of most of his orifices and IV's in both arms. He told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is to load your pockets with Winalot nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so it works well and he was going to try it again. ( practically everyone in queue was now enthralled with his story.) Horrified, she asked him if he ended up in intensive care because the dog food poisoned him, he told her no, he stepped off the kerb to sniff an Irish Setter's arse and a car hit him. The guy behind her nearly had a heart attack he was laughing so hard. Mr Wynd is now banned from Tesco's for disrupting other customers.
1 pointMe too! ...and female, working on a divorce, mother to four awesome children. In good lighting I can pass for about 34. I lurked on this site for about a decade, signed up in 2013 and only started posting recently. In good lighting? You must look ravishing in the dark then.
1 pointMy error Steve was his Son of course not brother. I've been absolved. SC Not bad, I'm in heaven.
1 point
1 pointLatest update. Works starts in earnest on the pics and bios. Thanks to Bibliogryphon and WEP for their work so far (although I haven't uploaded "H" yet). Those who expressed an interest in contributing will get an email in the next 48 hours...
1 pointI miss the days when the "dead of 2015"-thread was still used for people who actually died in 2015...
1 point
1 pointWhat a fucktard. Why doesn't he do us a favour and release a statement saying "UYYYYYYYUUUUURRRRHHAHGHGAASGHGGAKLALAGLN" (death gargle).
1 point
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