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Showing content with the highest reputation on 23/04/17 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    Potential for a spin off perhaps...Joanie Haunts Chachi
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    She will always be Police Woman to me. Pepper Anderson could have held my truncheon anytime!!
  4. 1 point
    Gazza's intervention in that burglary led to the raiders fleeing empty handed and - according to that story linked above - he looks way better than he used to. On the wagon and seemingly doing quite well. Doubtless it won't last but he's bought himself a laugh or two at the expense of those of us selecting him for scoring action at the moment.
  5. 1 point
    She definitely had dealings with one president:
  6. 1 point
    Nice photo and.. Her Wiki page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarissa_Eden
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    So sudden and shocking... wonder what the cause was.
  9. 1 point
    Anyone know if there's anywhere you can bet on the Lib Dems to get a higher vote share (not seats) than Labour?
  10. 1 point
    Italian Roman Catholic cardinal, Attilio Nicora, passed away today at the age of 80.
  11. 1 point
    I was shocked when he died.
  12. 1 point
    I'd say yes but not all of them (i.e. not all young people). An observation based on the fact that my working life puts me in touch with a lot of those who are insatiable readers and fairly wide readers at that - and who genuinely love paper books, preferring them over Kindles and the like.
  13. 1 point
    You mean King Abdallah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud. King Saud bin Abdulaziz al-Saud was his elder brother, but he was ousted from the throne and died young-ish. And about monarchs not becoming nonagenarians: these days most of them abdicate when they get really old. Juliana of the Netherlands died at 94 but abdicated 24 yeary prior to that. Just like Jean, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, still alive at 96. Michael of Romania (95) also abdicated after the Second World War, albeit it was a forced abdication.
  14. 1 point
    Yeah but if Charon says it it means he really does fucking hate the English!!!
  15. 1 point
    I'm perfectly happy not lapping up any of the Westminster parties' shite, thank you. So far the only guarantees are more tax cuts for foreign corporations, more overseas aid and a begging bowl out to trade with the Azores and the like. Delivery of local services? Fuck you. Fair funding for schools? Fuck you. People not dying waiting on hospital trollies? Fuck you. It's like the last days of Thatcher's last Government only worse. Only there's two generations who are eligible to vote who don't remember those heady days of Thatcher/Major. To be fair, we then got Tory Red with Blair and Brown who actively solicited the rich and wealthy and did little for Joe Bloggs as well. I'd vote for an Independent Scotland, bankrupt or not, just to get away from these fuckers...
  16. 1 point
    That's the only two dead (apart from the other one), but on top of them you have the assorted drug troubles of Mark Bosnich and Paul McGrath, Savo Milosevic's father being shot dead by his granddad, Ron Atkinson leaving the microphone on and Andy Townsend being Andy Townsend.
  17. 1 point
    A couple of our female engineers pondered what would happen if they didnt turn up for work today, what with it being womens day and what would happen if every woman had a day off. The answer in their case would have been absolutely fuck all as they are both shit engineers who can barely get through a day without calling for help.
  18. 1 point
    Anyway, this title Female 'Firsts' sounds too much like something you would see written on a box of Tampons to be taken seriously.
  19. 1 point
    I had been trying to think of who Gorbachev reminded me of in that photo all day and then it finally hit me: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/danmacgregor/images/a/a4/Greenback.jpg
  20. 1 point
    I wonder how Liza feels about this drag queen who is touring Australia impersonating her at the moment... http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/stage/lizas-back-is-broken-trevor-ashleys-homage-to-cabaret-queen-a-peerless-act-of-impersonation-20160121-gmblz9.html I'm certain she'd love it.
  21. 1 point
    How about Nancy Barbato, aka Nancy Sinatra Sr.? She'll be 100 next year.
  22. 1 point
    I don`t think she will outlive any of her children.George VI and Margaret were chain smokers and Margaret drank like a fish.I don`t think any of the Queen`s children live wild lives except perhaps Andy.I reckon she may outlive Camilla Parker Bowles who has osteoporosis which killed her mother and grandmother.I also wouldn`t be surprised if she outlived her brother in law Antony Armstrong Jones ,The Kents and Princess Alexandra also. Her children though I doubt it.
  23. 1 point
    There goes the knighthood.........
  24. 1 point
    Princess Alice is a gangsta (sic)? Whoever would have thought? Maybe she's had to turn to crime to fund her out-of-control Steradent and Sanatogen habit......
  25. 1 point
    Mr Reaper Charles Lane is definately famous enough. There seems to be some dispute over his age though. I have one official biog listing his d.o.b. as 1899 and another as 1905 Hmmmm. Either way he's on my list Mr Stats
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