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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/20 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    That must have been quite the scene.
  2. 5 points
    What is "chronic mono"? Is one of his speakers not working?
  3. 3 points
    Good riddance, I hope the pair of them fuck off abroad never to be seen again.
  4. 2 points
    There’s a quote I like that goes something like this. A woman marries a man expecting him to change whereas a man marries a woman expecting her to stay the same and they both end up disappointed.
  5. 2 points
    I find it extraordinary that anybody would take on Harry in full knowledge that certain things will be expected of her, and almost immediately start whimpering about the shit that comes with it. She knew that she would be at the mercy of the media (social and gutter press). She knew all the background of Harry's mother and how she exploited the media and then whined when it bit her in the arse. WHAT THE FUCK DID SHE EXPECT?
  6. 1 point
     Pancreatic cancer has a 5% success rate. I doubt that old bat is cancer free, she’s just buying for time. Her death will be this elections October surprise.
  7. 1 point
    Thanks for hosting YoungWilz and thanks for the congrats everyone. Also only reason I didn't play my joker is cause it was black and almost all my hit's were red cards and didn't think I could turn it into many points.
  8. 1 point
    Once the falls start the end is coming. Long way to 2021. 98 year old healthy women I knew fell in October dead by Christmas (she wanted to go through.)
  9. 1 point
    Legend of musicals Stephen Sondheim has had a serious fall.
  10. 1 point
    It seems it was a surprise announcement. The rest of the Royal Family learned of it when the statement was posted. I feel the Duke of Edinburgh might get behind the wheel just one more time...
  11. 1 point
    Some good news - says she's "cancer-free".
  12. 1 point
    I liked him when he was drawing pics on the pavement rather than carrying his shopping home.
  13. 1 point
    What was that for? Let me be clear, I don't envy these women their position at all. I just have no respect for anyone who takes something on in full knowledge of what it entails, and then throws hissy fits about it. The people I do respect are those who are wise enough to realise that they wouldn't be comfortable or happy in the job, and so graciously decline. Like Chelsey Davy did.
  14. 1 point
    Tony "Ludvig Borga" Helme died ten years ago today. A former star of Finland's version of Gladiators, a failed WWF main eventer (and apparently one of the most unpopular guys backstage in wrestling history) and member of Finnish parliament. He was elected to parliament under a pledge to rid Finland of drug addicts. Become a drug addict himself in later years, he made good on his promise by shooting himself through the head with a revolver.
  15. 1 point
    I wouldn't be surprised if Vazquez dies next year. His presidential mandate finishes on February 29th. In fact, there are two other former Uruguay presidents who have a reasonable chance of dying in 2020: Julio Maria Sanguinetti (he turns 84 in January) and "rock star" Pepe Mujica, currently 84.
  16. 1 point
    Fair to say a bit of a short Tuesday.
  17. 1 point
    Apparently Meghan Markle is 'existing not living'. All those around the world trips on private jets and hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayers money on clothes and jewellery. Dream weddings to a prince, attending sporting finals,having a millions of pounds on taxpayers money put into renovating their cottage ,nannies and servants is existing? What a fucking horrible person I hope she and Harry fuck off and stay fucked off. Some women are lucky if they can even afford one a cheap wedding dress in their lifetime, or can buy themselves a set of news clothes in a year. Having no disposable income and spending it on bills and food and having nowhere to go is existing not living. Worrying constantly if you can afford gifts or birthday presents for loved ones. Some can't even afford an economy flight for their family to Spain let alone private jets. Harry wants to leave the UK, I really hope he does and fucks of with Meghan. I do wonder if William and kate are going to have 4 children (essentially replacing the two Harry would of had) and Harry will leave the Royal family. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=12278207
  18. 1 point
    Two years tops before they relocate to the States.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Just on the news, he's out of intensive care
  21. 1 point
    Yes, the most famous being Stirling Moss, who was in a coma for a month following his 'unexplained' accident in a Lotus (well, it's not as if Lotuses were prone to have bits fall off them) at Goodwood in 1962. No point asking Sir Stirling about it though, he can't remember a thing. I guess that's what happens when half your brain detatches itself from your skull...
  22. 1 point
    And why would I want Brian May and Roger Taylor dead exactly? Are they terrosists, murderers, kidnappers? No. They are musicians. I don't need your 'hounourable' sensible reply thank you very much.
  23. 1 point
    Just heard on the TV that Richard was hoping to break the British land speed record of 300.3 mph; it appears that he either matched or beat it. So I guess if mr Hammond doesn't recover, friends and family and console themselves with the thought that, actually, it was all a great success and he didn't just waste himself in a fantastic underlining of quite how stupid people are.
  24. 1 point
    1. Michael Moore and Rush Limbaugh 2. Barbara Streisand 3. Jerry Bruckheimer (+so many others that I can't seem to come up with right now)
  25. 1 point
    Hmm. You know, DWB, I think you could be right. Should really engage my little brain before typing these things shouldn't I? Oh well, here's my top three anyway: 1. Osama Bin Laden 2. George W Bush 3. Cilla Black Let the mayhem begin! WP
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