I know the UK focuses on illnesses or deaths 'per 1000' population, something we in the States rarely hear as a statistic.
So here is a stat from the least educated state in the Union, and that is coming from someone in neighbouring Louisiana:
1 in 477 Mississippians has died of COVID-related complications (wlox.com)
"In New Jersey, 1 out of every 406 citizens has died. In New York, 1 out of every 437."
1 In Every 500 Arizonans Has Now Died From COVID-19 | KJZZ
That’s more than 2,000 deaths for every million Arizona residents — far higher than the U.S. average of 1,400 per 1 million.
EDIT: 1 in 73 ultra-Orthodox Israelis over 65 has died of COVID, report says | The Times of Israel