Would Chaim Kanievsky be worthy of becoming an immortal? Old friend of Dovid, ultraorthodox rabbi, now 94 and with many health troubles in as Drol mentioned over a year ago:
He hasn't left his house much during the last years, overweight, apparently senile and doesn't know who the prime minister of his country is, nearly deaf and survived covid in 2020 when he was reported to be in "worsening" and "deteriorating" condition by the Israeli press. But despite all of this he's now doing pretty well.
He's also been one of the most ghoul-looking people alive for the last decade:
I have no idea what's happening in the second picture. Looks like he's examining a pair of limes but shows how large he is.
And the three other names I'll put here, they have some potential:
Dagny Carlsson (1912-2022) Hospitalised multiple times, most recently in January 2022, has survived multiple bouts of pneumonia after 105.
Satya Mohan Joshi Pneumonia, UTI, pulmonary edema and gastritis in 2014, pneumonia and heart issues in 2021, pneumonia and UTI in 2022.
Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee "Young", but he's looked like a corpse for yeara, suffering from COPD for ages and also has lung and heart diseases. Hospitalised in 2019 on BIPAP support with breathing problems and high bp, hospitalised in "very critical" condition and put on ventilator in December 2020 with serious breathing problems and lacunar infarcts, survived being in ICU with covid in May 2021.