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Inverse Dead Pool 2021

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No doubts 2020 was a bonkers year. Somehow we have survived it, but the same could not be said for 19 of the selectables for last year's Inverse Dead Pool. There were a number of hits that were selected by at least half the participants - Jill Gascoine, Michael Robinson, Little Richard, Olivia de Havilland, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Barbara Windsor (34 out of 36 teams!) - and the end result was the Quim Reaper winning with the highest score yet. But even as the farewells to Kirk Douglas and friends leave us wondering who could be left, fear not, there's still plenty of popular DDP pickings to root for the survival of...




  • From the list of the 50 most popular DDP picks of 2021, pick a team of 25 names who you think will survive the year.
  • Rank your list in order of least likely to die to most likely to die.
  • Post your team in this thread.
  • If someone dies and they are listed on your team, then you will receive points according to their position. If your #1 pick dies you'll receive 25 points, whilst if your #25 pick dies you'll receive 1 point. If someone dies and they are not on your list, then you receive no points.
  • In case one of the names available for entry dies before the submission deadline, you are allowed to have one sub. The sub can be anyone from the top 50 or the 51st most popular name, who will be revealed alongside the top 50. The 51st name can not be part of the original 25 if no one dies. In the case of one of your original team dying pre-deadline, the sub goes into 25th place by default, but if the sub was previously the 51st, you are allowed to change the position of the new pick. If the above scenario happens, you are also allowed to name a new sub and I will reveal the 52nd most popular name.
  • Whoever has the lowest score at the end of the year is the winner. If two or more teams are tied at the end of the year, the tie will first be decided by who has fewer hits. If they have an equal amount of hits, then whoever among the teams died latest in the year, and thus came closest to being a correct prediction, will decide the winner. If said name was on multiple teams in the tie, whoever had said name lowest will win. If multiple teams had said name in the same position, the second most recently-deceased name will be referred to, and so on, until a winner is found. If, by some alignment of the stars, the tie is of either no hits or of all of the exact same hits in the exact same positions, all teams in the tie share victory.



Credit to Toast for inadvertently coming up with a peach of a topic description, and of course, credit to Spade for creating this wonderful game. Credit to Dead Cow for his job as previous host, laying the framework for the Inverse Dead Pool's OP, and the idea for a "dies during entry period" rule. Credit to machotrouts for the suggestion of the latest hits factoring into tiebreakers.



Previous Winners


2020 - The Quim Reaper - 34 points


2019 - drol - 10 points


2018 - machotrouts - 17 points


2017 - drol - 25 points


2016 - Pedro67 - 21 points


2015 - Death Impends - 15 points


2014 - Bibliogryphon - 10 points


2013 - N/A


2012 - Esturian Float - 4 points


2011 - Garn2 - 15 points



Top 50


George Alagiah

David Attenborough

Bob Barker

Susan Bayh

Pope Benedict XVI

Tim Bilton

June Brown

Rob Burrow

Jimmy Carter

Bobby Charlton

Billy Connolly

Dai Davies

Shannen Doherty

Bob Dole

Queen Elizabeth II

Paul Gascoigne

Greg Gilbert

Mikhail Gorbachev

Jimmy Greaves

David Gulpilil

Sarah Harding

Rolf Harris

Larry King

Henry Kissinger

Angela Lansbury

Jerry Lee Lewis

Rush Limbaugh

Norman Lloyd

Carlos Menem

Gerd Muller

Willie Nelson

Olivia Newton-John

Linda Nolan

Yoko Ono

Tom Parker

Prince Philip

Leslie Phillips

Yoo Sang-chul

Prunella Scales

Tom Smith

Leon Spinks

Jean-Louis Trintignant

Donald Trump

Bill Turnbull

Desmond Tutu

Dick Van Dyke

Murray Walker

Doddie Weir

James Whale

Betty White




Sidney Poitier

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Reptile has provided me the top 50 or so living names and we are duly opened. Team entry will close 23:59 GMT on January 17th.


Your host's team...


Donald Trump

Paul Gascoigne

Queen Elizabeth II

Angela Lansbury

Dick Van Dyke

Bobby Charlton

Betty White

Bill Turnbull

Doddie Weir

Olivia Newton-John

Billy Connolly

Greg Gilbert

David Attenborough

Henry Kissinger

Murray Walker

Gerd Muller

Prince Philip

Rob Burrow

Rolf Harris

Willie Nelson

Jerry Lee Lewis

June Brown

Pope Benedict XVI

Desmond Tutu

Shannen Doherty


SUB: Bob Dole

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Angela Lansbury
David Attenborough
Queen Elizabeth II
Doddie Weir
Rob Burrow
Bill Turnbull
Donald Trump
Murray Walker
Olivia Newton-John
Prunella Scales
Paul Gascoigne
Rolf Harris
Billy Connolly
Bobby Charlton
Greg Gilbert
Dick Van Dyke
Desmond Tutu
Betty White
Yoo Sang-Chul  
June Brown
George Alagiah
Willie Nelson
Yoko Ono
Jimmy Greaves
Tom Smith   

sub Tim Bilton

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1. Donald Trump

2. Paul Gascoigne

3. Billy Connolly 

4. Bobby Charlton

5. Rolf Harris 

6. Olivia Newton-John

7. Dick Van Dyke

8. Prunella Scales

9. Greg Gilbert

10. Bill Turnbull

11. Doddie Weir

12. Angela Lansbury

13. Queen Elizabeth

14. Desmond Tutu

15. Shannen Doherty

16. Sarah Harding

17. Rob Burrow

18. Murray Walker

19. Yoo Sang-chul 

20. Jerry Lee Lewis

21. Susan Bayh

22. Henry Kissinger

23. Betty White

24. June Brown 

25. Gerd Muller



Willie Nelson 

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1. Donald Trump

2. Bill Connelly

3. Paul Gascoigne

4. Angela Lansbury

5. James Whale

6. Bobby Charlton

7. Queen Elizabeth

8. Linda Nolan

9. Rolf Harris

10. Jimmy Greaves

11. Jerry Lee Lewis

12. Dick Van Dyke

13. Rob Burrow

14. Desmond Tutu

15. Tom Parker

16. Doddie Weir

17. Willie Nelson

18. George Alagiah

19. Jimmy Carter

20. Murray Walker

21. David Attenbough

22. Henry Kissenger

23. Leslie Phelps

24. Dai Davies

25. Betty White

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1. Donald Trump

2. Paul Gascoigne

3. Dai Davies

4. Billy Connolly

5. Rolf Harris

6. Sarah Harding

7. Carlos Menem

8. Betty White

9. David Attenborough

10. George Alagiah

11. Desmond Tutu

12. Willie Nelson

13. Angela Lansbury

14. Prunella Scales

15. Dick Van Dyke

16. Tim Bilton

17. Bob Barker

18. Mikhail Gorbachev

19. Greg Gilbert

20. Gerd Muller

21. Queen Elizabeth II

22. Jean-Louis Trintignant

23. Jimmy Greaves

24. Jerry Lee Lewis

25. Yoko Ono

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  1. Donald Trump

  2. Paul Gascoigne

  3. Olivia Newton John

  4. Murray Walker

  5. Queen Elizabeth II

  6. Henry Kissinger

  7. Billy Connolly

  8. Angela Lansbury

  9. Bobby Charlton

  10. Prunella Scales

  11. Dick van Dyke

  12. Betty White

  13. Gerd Muller

  14. David Attenborough

  15. Bob Barker

  16. June Brown

  17. Willie Nelson

  18. Carlos Menem

  19. Leslie Philips

  20. Pope Benedict XVI

  21. Linda Nolan

  22. Shannen Doherty

  23. Jimmy Greaves

  24. Prince Philip

  25. Sarah Harding




Greg Gilbert

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My entry DI, thanks for running this again.


01. Paul Gascoigne
02. George Alagiah
03. David Attenborough
04. Gerd Muller
05. Doddie Weir
06. Queen Elizabeth II
07. Prunella Scales
08. Bobby Charlton
09. Murray Walker
10. Yoko Ono
11. Donald Trump
12. Rob Burrow
13. Willie Nelson
14. Greg Gilbert
15. Dick Van Dyke
16. Desmond Tutu
17. June Brown
18. Angela Lansbury
19. Mikhail Gorbachev
20. Henry Kissinger
21. Leslie Phillips
22. Bob Barker
23. Olivia Newton-John
24. Pope Benedict XVI
25. Jean-Louis Trintignant

Sub: Bill Turnbull

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  1. Billy Connolly
  2. Queen Elizabeth II
  3. Paul Gascoigne 
  4. Donald Trump
  5. June Brown
  6. Angela Lansbury
  7. Olivia Newton-John
  8. Bill Turnbull
  9. Mikhail Gorbachev
  10. Rolf Harris
  11. David Attenborough
  12. Dick Van Dyke
  13. Desmond Tutu
  14. Doddie Weir
  15. Willie Nelson
  16. Sarah Harding
  17. Prunella Scales
  18. Yoko Ono
  19. Shannen Doherty
  20. Greg Gilbert
  21. Jimmy Greaves
  22. Rob Burrow
  23. Susan Bayh
  24. Jerry Lee Lewis
  25. Henry Kissinger
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1Olivia Newton-John
2Doddie Weir
3Tom Parker
4Prince Philip
5Gerd Muller
6Queen Elizabeth II
7Paul Gascoigne
8 Mikhail Gorbachev
9June Brown
10David Attenborough
11Susan Bayh
12Pope Benedict XVI
13Betty White
14Greg Gilbert
15Sarah Harding
16Henry Kissinger
17Billy Connolly
18 Prunella Scales
19Jean-Louis Trintignant
20Jerry Lee Lewis
21Bill Turnbull
22Dick Van Dyke
23Donald Trump
24Carlos Menem
25Bobby Charlton

Willie Nelson


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1. Paul Gascoigne

2. Dick Van Dyke

3. Queen Elizabeth II

4. David Attenborough

5. Angela Lansbury

6. Donald Trump

7. Billy Connolly

8. George Alagiah

9. Willie Nelson

10. Rolf Harris

11. June Brown

12. Prunella Scales

13. Betty White

14. Bill Turnbull

15. Desmond Tutu

16. Jean-Louis Trintignant

17. Sarah Harding

18. Murray Walker

19. Greg Gilbert

20. Tom Smith

21. Jerry Lee Lewis

22. Rob Burrow

23. Shannen Doherty

24. Olivia Newton-John

25. Doddie Weir

Sub: Yoko Ono

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This was hard. The first half dozen were not too difficult but then everyone  else was a potential land mine.


Am hoping that other people score big rather than I score small. Tough year.

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1 Paul Gascoigne

2 Donald Trump

3 Queen Elizabeth

4 Billy Connolly

5 Prunella Scales

6 Angela Lansbury

7 Desmond Tutu

8 Dick van Dyke

9 Bill Turnbull

10 Gerd Muller

11 Jerry Lee Lewis

12 George Alagiah

13 Rolf Harris

14 David Attenborough

15 Mikhail Gorbachev

16 Betty White

17 Willie Nelson

18 Bobby Charlton

19 Shannen Doherty

20 Pope Benedict

21 Jimmy Carter

22 Leon Spinks

23 Olivia Newton-John

24 Sarah Harding

25 June Brown


sub Larry King


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1. Donald Trump
2. Dick Van Dyke
3. Billy Connolly
4. David Attenborough
5. Paul Gascoigne
6. Angela Lansbury
7. Queen Elizabeth II
8. Bobby Charlton
9. June Brown
10. Jimmy Greaves
11. Rolf Harris
12. Doddie Weir
13. Betty White
14. Willie Nelson
15. Yoko Ono
16. Henry Kissinger
17. Prunella Scales
18. Bob Barker
19. Susan Bayh
20. Linda Nolan
21. Bob Dole
22. Bill Turnbull
23. George Alagiah
24. Mikhail Gorbachev
25. Tom Smith

Sub: Sidney Poitier

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inverse 2021 - TWBD


1. Donald Trump
2. David Attenborough
3. Dick Van Dyke
4. Queen Elizabeth II
5. Angela Lansbury
6. Paul Gascoigne
7. Betty White
8. George Alagiah
9. Billy Connolly
10. Sarah Harding
11. Willie Nelson
12. Rolf Harris
13. Bill Turnbull
14. Desmond Tutu
15. June Brown
16. Henry Kissinger
17. Murray Walker
18. Shannen Doherty
19. Tom Parker
20. Yoo Sang-chul
21. Prunella Scales
22. Susan Bayh
23. Rob Burrow
24. Tom Smith
25. Olivia Newton-John


sub: Bob Barker

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Paul Gascoigne

Donald Trump

Queen Elizabeth II

David Attenborough

Dick van Dyke

Angela Lansbury

Willie Nelson

June Brown

Murray Walker

Betty White

Rolf Harris

Bill Turnbull

Billy Connolly

Greg Gilbert

Desmond Tutu

Bobby Charlton

Yoko Ono

Jerry Lee Lewis

Henry Kissinger

Doddie Weir

Sarah Harding

Olivia Newton-John

Rob Burrow

Yoo Sang-chul

Shannen Doherty


Sub: Bob Barker

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My team:

1. Donald Trump

2. Paul Gascoigne

3. David Attenborough

4. Dick van Dyke

5. Queen Elizabeth II

6. Angela Lansbury

7. Betty White

8. Billy Connolly

9. Sarah Harding

10. June Brown

11. Bobby Charlton

12. Prunella Scales

13. Desmond Tutu

14. Rob Burrow

15. Shannen Doherty

16. Willie Nelson

17. Olivia Newton-John

18. Mikhail Gorbachev

19. Doddie Weir

20. Pope Benedict XVI

21. Tom Parker

22. Murray Walker

23. Jimmy Greaves

24. Jean-Louis Trintignant

25. Linda Nolan



1. Yoo Sang-chul

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  1. Dick Van Dyke

  2. Paul Gascoigne

  3. Donald Trump

  4. Angela Lansbury

  5. Queen Elizabeth II

  6. David Attenborough

  7. June Brown

  8. Sarah Harding

  9. George Alagiah

  10. Rob Burrow

  11. Pope Benedict XVI

  12. Willie Nelson

  13. Billy Connolly

  14. Doddie Weir

  15. Jerry Lee Lewis

  16. Prunella Scales

  17. Desmond Tutu

  18. Henry Kissinger

  19. Bob Barker

  20. Jimmy Carter

  21. Jimmy Greaves

  22. Olivia Newton-John

  23. Rolf Harris

  24. Susan Bayh

  25. Bill Turnbull

Sub: Tim Bilton

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1. Donald Trump

2. Rob Burrow

3. Dick Van Dyke

4. Queen Elizabeth II

5. Paul Gascoigne

6. Billy Connolly

7. Betty White

8. Greg Gilbert

9. Prunella Scales

10. Rolf Harris

11. Jimmy Greaves

12. David Attenborough

13. Doddie Weir

14. Norman Lloyd

15. June Brown

16. Willie Nelson

17. Bobby Charlton

18. Murray Walker

19. Mikhail Gorbachev

20. Susan Bayh

21. Jimmy Carter

22. Henry Kissinger

23. Jean-Louis Trintignant

24. Angela Lansbury

25. Bob Barker


sub: Shannen Doherty




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01. Paul Gascoigne

02. Donald Trump

03. Angela Lansbury

04. Dick van Dyke

05. Queen Elizabeth II

06. Greg Gilbert

07. Billy Connolly

08. Doddie Weir

09. June Brown

10. David Attenborough

11. Rob Burrow

12. George Alagiah

13. Rolf Harris

14. Jimmy Greaves

15. Willie Nelson

16. Jerry Lee Lewis

17. Prunella Scales

18. Olivia Newton-John

19. Bobby Charlton

20. Tim Bilton

21. Shannen Doherty

22. Desmond Tutu

23. Bill Turnbull

24. Betty White

25. Sarah Harding


Sub: Susan Bayh

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1.Rob Burrow
2.Doddie Weir
3.Queen Elizabeth II
4.Pope Benedict XVI
5.Bob Barker
6.Donald Trump
7.Olivia Newton-John
8.David Attenborough
9.Greg Gilbert
10.Billy Connolly
11.Bill Turnbull
12.Paul Gascoigne
13.Henry Kissinger
14.Jimmy Greaves
15. George Alagiah
16.Leslie Phillips
17.Tim Bilton
18.Jimmy Carter
19.Jerry Lee Lewis
20.Norman Lloyd
21.Bobby Charlton
22.Angela Lansbury
23.Dick Van Dyke
24.Murray Walker
25.Prunella Scales

Jean-Louis Trintignant

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1. Donald Trump

2 Paul Gascoigne

3 Queen Elizabeth II

4 Angela Lansbury

5 Dick Van Dyke

6 June Brown

7 Prunella Scales

8 Rob Burrow

9 David Attenborough

10 Billy Connolly

11 Henry Kissinger

12 Betty White

13 Doddie Weir

14 Rolf Harris

15 Olivia Newton-John

16 Bobby Charlton

17 Bill Turnbull

18 Sarah Harding

19 Shannen Doherty

20 Prince Philip

21 Murray Walker

22 Mikhail Gorbachev

23 Jerry Lee Lewis

24 Linda Nolan

25 Yoo Sang-chul

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1.     Paul Gascoigne

2.     Donald Trump

3.     Queen Elizabeth II

4.     Betty White  :rip:

5.     Dick Van Dyke

6.     Susan Bayh  :rip:

7.     Tim Bilton

8.     Rob Burrow

9.     Shannen Doherty

10.  Greg Gilbert  :rip:

11.  Gerd Müller  :rip:

12.  Jean-Louis Trintignant

13.  Desmond Tutu  :rip:

14.  Doddie Weir

15.  Tom Smith

16.  Yoo Sang-chul  :rip:

17.  Bill Turnbull

18.  Prunella Scales

19.  Norman Lloyd  :rip:

20.  Rolf Harris

21.  June Brown

22.  Billy Connolly

23.  Dai Davies  :rip:

24.  David Gulpilil

25.  Angela Lansbury


Sub: Willie Nelson

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Thanks for running again DI. Here goes nothing for an attempt to retain my crown...

  1. Donald Trump
  2. Queen Elizabeth II
  3. Paul Gascoigne
  4. David Attenborough
  5. Dick Van Dyke
  6. Angela Lansbury
  7. June Brown
  8. Olivia Newton-John
  9. Rolf Harris
  10. Billy Connolly
  11. Desmond Tutu
  12. Doddle Weir
  13. Rob Burrow
  14. Betty White
  15. Bobby Charlton
  16. Henry Kissinger
  17. Jerry Lee Lewis
  18. Willie Nelson
  19. George Alagiah
  20. Murray Walker
  21. Greg Gilbert
  22. Jimmy Greaves
  23. Prunella Scales
  24. Bob Barker
  25. Mikhail Gorbachev

SUB: Sidney Poitier

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18 hours ago, GuyFromFuture said:

23Donald Trump

If Trump dies, you’re just about the only one who’s not fucked :D

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