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My great gran, born in 1900, was nearly 97 when she died. Her life almost stretched the entire 20th Century. I still remember her well but my younger siblings don't. 

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I had a great-great grandmother (My paternal grandmother's paternal grandmother)still alive when I was born. She died back in 2011, two days before my 10th birthday at the age of 101 years. Think I only met 1 or 2 times, but I was so young then that I don't remember her sadly then.

My maternal grandmother also had a grand uncle that lived to 103 years old to.

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I’ve only met one person who was over 100. She was a neighbour of my grandparents - I remember shaking her hand for her 100th. 

I’ve never had a relative get to 100 - the oldest was 97 then 95. 


I don’t know anyone over mid 80’s at the moment. 

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2 hours ago, Luca@1996 said:

Who are the oldest people you've ever seen in person?

I looked after a lady when I did homecare on the side when a student who was 110.


Quit the job when she was 109 but know she did make 110 before she died.I also visited 2 ladies who made it to 102 and 2 who made it to 100 in the same job.


I won`t say the name though due to confidentiality but yeah that is the oldest person I have ever seen. My neighbours father (born on the same day as Herman Wouk) lived to 105.Saw him a couple of times at garden parties around theirs. Then there was my Grandparents old friend from where they first lived who lived to 100.I was at the Birthday do for that.

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I've seen centenarians at my job, the oldest was 102. Didn't know anyone older than mid-80s on a personal level.

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My dad is 51. Old bastard.

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My Great, Great Auntie from my Dad’s side was born in 1902 and lived to be 99 she eventually died in 2001 when I was 16. She died the day before the World trade centre attacks in America, she was one of those people who seemed to linger on forever she had dementia for years, couldn’t walk was incontinent and had various other health issues but just wouldn’t die, even as a kid saying “If I ever get as bad as that shoot me.”

Currently oldest person I know is my Grandma from my Mum’s side she is 94 almost 95, she is in reasonable health for her age apart from a bad back and hip, she is frailer than she was a couple of years ago but certainly in much better shape than my Aunt was at the same age.and My Grandma is still fairly Independent and can still look after herself but is now housebound since COVID and had recently had to start using a walking stick which has been a nightmare as you would think it was the end of the world, she’s been so independent all her life and can’t cope with losing some of her independence though listening to her you’d think she was on her deathbed but that is nothing new I’m almost 37 and she has been on her last legs for as long as I’ve known her.   If she was famous she would be on the immortals list the amount of stuff she has gone through and survived is incredible especially during the  Second World War. 


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49 minutes ago, TQR said:

My dad is 51. Old bastard.

50s is a tricky decade because in some instances I really don’t consider it to be old, and sometimes I do associate it as being “getting” old.

Jennifer Anniston is 53 this year. She looks incredible. But most British men have long resigned from taking care of themselves by that point and they look like roast gammon.


Edit: Christ. Just noticed that Brad Pitt is 60 next year?! How is that possible?

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5 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

50s is a tricky decade because in some instances I really don’t consider it to be old, and sometimes I do associate it as being “getting” old.

Jennifer Anniston is 53 this year. She looks incredible. But most British men have long resigned from taking care of themselves by that point and they look like roast gammon.


50s - old enough to tease folk about their age, far too young to do age stuff like, you know, die. imo. Age perspective is weird anyhow - Hugh Grant, Colin Firth and George Clooney are all older than Clark Gable and Gary Cooper ever got now, and Jeff Goldblum's going to be older in the next Jurassic World film than Richard Attenborough was in the first Jurassic Park movie! 


Family history seems to be folk live longer the less ciggies they had. None of the alcoholics saw 70, but the oldest members of my family all drink in moderation. I don't smoke and I take more care of myself now in my 30s than I did 15-20 years ago, primarily because I don't want to be like my grandfathers, chronically ill in their 50s and dead by 68. 


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48 minutes ago, Fergie86 said:

My Great, Great Auntie from my Dad’s side was born in 1902 and lived to be 99 she eventually died in 2001 when I was 16. She died the day before the World trade centre attacks in America, she was one of those people who seemed to linger on forever she had dementia for years, couldn’t walk was incontinent and had various other health issues but just wouldn’t die, even as a kid saying “If I ever get as bad as that shoot me.”

Currently oldest person I know is my Grandma from my Mum’s side she is 94 almost 95, she is in reasonable health for her age apart from a bad back and hip, she is frailer than she was a couple of years ago but certainly in much better shape than my Aunt was at the same age.and My Grandma is still fairly Independent and can still look after herself but is now housebound since COVID and had recently had to start using a walking stick which has been a nightmare as you would think it was the end of the world, she’s been so independent all her life and can’t cope with losing some of her independence though listening to her you’d think she was on her deathbed but that is nothing new I’m almost 37 and she has been on her last legs for as long as I’ve known her.   If she was famous she would be on the immortals list the amount of stuff she has gone through and survived is incredible especially during the  Second World War. 


I’m 23 and I knew 3 of my 4 great grand parents on my mum’s side : two of them got to 97 and 95, the other one is still alive and was in wonderful shape till her 100 birthday approximately (could still walk by herself, had great memories, was really energic). All of them had wonderful memories about hiding Jews during the war which I heard of from my grandpa’s brother who told us about it this summer : It was so interesting and I’m kind of proud of my ancestors for that ! 
On my dad’s side, I knew 2 of my great grandparents one of them got to 99 so I think I have good genes :D

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I drank waaay too much soda for the longest time, and was pretty sedentary. I grew up thinking if I didn't smoke or drink I'd be in the clear but addiction can take many forms. But I turned the ship around in recent years and I'll no doubt be thankful for that decision when my 50s come!

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3 hours ago, Luca@1996 said:

I meant the people with the oldest dates of birth that you can remember. For example, the person with the oldest date of birth I met (when I was a child) was a man born in 1902.


The oldest person in the village when I was a child was born in 1875.

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56 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

50s is a tricky decade because in some instances I really don’t consider it to be old, and sometimes I do associate it as being “getting” old.

Jennifer Anniston is 53 this year. She looks incredible. But most British men have long resigned from taking care of themselves by that point and they look like roast gammon.


Edit: Christ. Just noticed that Brad Pitt is 60 next year?! How is that possible?

50s is prime pisstaking age. I wouldn’t make quite so many age gags to someone, say, in their 80s, in recognition that they’re fully aware they’re only a difficult winter away from a casket.


As for Pitt, something pretty astounding is that this…ED062E61-D42B-4750-8599-557DFBB8F9A3.jpeg.62de68ac008567dc86e7d5bd3522e9d4.jpeg


…is an older man than this:


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I'm a soda addict, too. Kane Tanaka is my hero.

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31 minutes ago, Lafaucheuse said:

I’m 23 and I knew 3 of my 4 great grand parents on my mum’s side : two of them got to 97 and 95, the other one is still alive and was in wonderful shape till her 100 birthday approximately (could still walk by herself, had great memories, was really energic). All of them had wonderful memories about hiding Jews during the war which I heard of from my grandpa’s brother who told us about it this summer : It was so interesting and I’m kind of proud of my ancestors for that ! 
On my dad’s side, I knew 2 of my great grandparents one of them got to 99 so I think I have good genes :D

My Grandma was born in Poland in 1927, when she was 11 almost 12 the Russians and Germans came to were she lived and threatened her, her family and the rest of the polish people at gunpoint to go with them, they were all stuck in the back of an old train with Rats and so forth and had no food or Water and when people died from starvation and exhaustion they were chucked there bodies out of the train and they were left at the side of the track. Somehow all her family including her parents and siblings survived and ended up in Russia and sent to manual work, eventually they made there way to Africa on a boat were the family got separated from her Mother who was ill, they looked everywhere on the boat for her Mother and were told a woman who matched her description died and was thrown into the sea, to this day she assumes this was her Mother but doesn’t know for sure as she never saw her again and there were no records in those days. 


In Africa they lived in terrible conditions and my Grandma almost died of starvation and her little brother did die of starvation aged 7 and she and the rest of her family had to carry his body and dig his grave and bury him. Also another brother went out looking for food and was captured by the Germans and she never saw him again, years later he got in contact with my Grandma’s sister and they were all about to be reunited but just before the reunion was about to happen he dropped dead of a heart attack. Her Dad also died of a heart attack just before her 16th Birthday and she and her Sister were all that was left of the family. When her Dad died my Grandma collapsed and spent 2 weeks in Hospital and she was told she had a weak heart, which she keeps telling us about, though at almost 95 it can’t be that weak, though she did have a heart attack in 1999 which almost killed her.

As well as this she has had severe Pneumonia 3 times but survived, had a minor Stroke in the 1980’s, fallen down the stairs and cracked her head when she was nursing my Grandad who was in the last stages of cancer back in 1985. Also she had a choking incident about 4 years ago when some food went down the wrong way and she passed out and was turning blue, we thought she was dead but she suddenly came back seemingly from the dead and by the time the ambulance came she was washing up despite us telling her to stop, the paramedics said they could tell something had happened when they checked her over due to how her heart was beating. She also nearly died when she was 4 years old as one of her brothers chopped part of her finger of and she nearly bled to death. Also involved in a crash on a Bus when going down town to do some shopping and was badly hurt. All of her brothers and sisters as well as her parents were dead by there mid 50’s at the latest but at almost 95 she is still going.

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4 hours ago, Luca@1996 said:

I meant the people with the oldest dates of birth that you can remember. For example, the person with the oldest date of birth I met (when I was a child) was a man born in 1902.

1906 or 1907


I had a next door neighbour who interestingly was born the same day as Eva Braun .

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I knew an old lady who should have been turning 100 very soon but she died in 2019. 

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2 hours ago, Ulitzer95 said:

50s is a tricky decade because in some instances I really don’t consider it to be old, and sometimes I do associate it as being “getting” old.

Jennifer Anniston is 53 this year. She looks incredible. But most British men have long resigned from taking care of themselves by that point and they look like roast gammon.


Edit: Christ. Just noticed that Brad Pitt is 60 next year?! How is that possible?

I am going to be 53 this year....................

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38 minutes ago, Bibliogryphon said:

I am going to be 53 this year....................

I am going to be 54 as are Kylie and Jason - we were all born in one amazing 5 day spell in 1968.


Kylie is the eldest, Jase the youngest with me the problem middle child still struggling to find my path to stardom. :D

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1 hour ago, Bibliogryphon said:

I am going to be 53 this year....................

I bloody knew you were Jennifer Aniston.

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2 hours ago, TQR said:

50s is prime pisstaking age. I wouldn’t make quite so many age gags to someone, say, in their 80s, in recognition that they’re fully aware they’re only a difficult winter away from a casket.


As for Pitt, something pretty astounding is that this…ED062E61-D42B-4750-8599-557DFBB8F9A3.jpeg.62de68ac008567dc86e7d5bd3522e9d4.jpeg


…is an older man than this:


And this guy is only 61.

download (5).jpeg

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2 minutes ago, Sean said:

And this guy is only 61.

download (5).jpeg

Who is this?

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8 minutes ago, Hanzem said:

Who is this?

Lord Agnew quit House of Lords earlier today, didn’t know who he was either until read article earlier but when saw photo thought he was pushing 80 was surprised he was only 61. 

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14 minutes ago, Fergie86 said:

Lord Agnew quit House of Lords earlier today, didn’t know who he was either until read article earlier but when saw photo thought he was pushing 80 was surprised he was only 61. 

Portrayed by Jim Broadbent in this picture

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My grandad had an aunt who lived to 105, never met her in person though. She outlived my grandad, she was born in 1904.

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