Well, being a true Texas chica I have to admit I don't budget well, although that may change now that I've been made redundant. I got an Instant Pot last year and everything goes in that thing. I can pressure cook the world. It's great.
The spousal unit once threatened to remove all my small kitchen appliances from the house. I threatened to remove his balls from his body. We came to a mutually satisfactory agreement that involved me keeping what I treasured and him doing the same.
I used to cook every day, three meals a day, meal prep on Sundays and sail through the week with a freezer full of whatever I needed. Then I ran out of kids and I decided for about eight years that it was all bullshit and that the kitchen was Chernobyl. Now I need to start cooking for my mother and I swear I have no idea how to cook for less than six people, minimum. I had two boys and all their friends and their cousins (mostly male) and my truck driver husband to cook for. I learned to cook for a family of seven. Two is such a lonely number......
Off to do math!