Sky Data Poll from today:
60% say it is not racist to compare Muslim women who wear a burka to bank robbers or letterboxes, compared to only 33% that think it is.
60% believe the burka should be banned in the UK, compared to a measly 26% opposed. Let's remember either a full or partial ban on Islamic face coverings is already in place in EU nations Belgium, Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Germany, Latvia, The Netherlands as well as non-EU Norway. Not to mention Chad, Cameroon and Gabon.
"I wouldn’t want my four year old looked after by somebody wearing a burka. I wouldn’t want my elderly mum looked after by somebody wearing a burka. They need to be able to show their face." - Emily Thornberry, Shadow Foreign Secretary.
Perhaps one day the media will have a wander outside of their London bubble to the streets of normal Britain. They might then find that the fury and outrage they whip up is not replicated in the mood of average, everyday people. More unlikely, maybe one day Labour will stop being so opportunist and hypocritical.
This whole episode is absurd.